For more of a challenge, step out farther in the warrior positions below and hold each position for a longer count. Completing this sequence 2 or 3 times on each leg will increase the difficulty as well.
For less of a challenge, step in or lower to your back knee in the warrior positions. You may also hold each position for a shorter time and use a chair or wall to help support you. This yoga workout was designed to meet you where your fitness level is and to offer instructions to help you progress.
This is your time to do something good for you! Before we begin I ask that you sit down and take a few slow deep breaths to clear your head of the cares and worries of the day. Replace those cares with belief that YOU can do anything! Each of us could never even imagine what we could do if we had the faith to try. God left us stories of real men and women of the Bible to help us believe and to have faith. Take Peter. He could have stayed on the boat and never walked on water but He did! (Matthew 14:29). How about the little boy who gave up his lunch to Jesus. Jesus turned his little basket of five small loaves and two fish into a fast food feast that fed over 5,000 people! (John 6:1-14). And the list goes on and on…
…for nothing is impossible with God.
Luke 1:37
When you are ready grab a mat and some water and let’s yoga on!
1.) Mountain Pose Stretch
2.) Praying Squat Pose
- Stand with your feet at hip width.
- Inhale deeply as you extend your arms overhead.
- Exhale deeply, lowering your arms while pressing your palms together in a prayer position.
- Bend your knees into a Squat Pose like the second picture.
- Slightly turn out your toes.
- Pressing your palms together while in a squat position will keep your back straight while opening up your hips.
- Repeat the process from Mountain Pose Stretch to Praying Squat Pose 5-10 times, increasing the count as you grow stronger!
3.) Mountain Pose Reverse Prayer
- Start with feet at hip width.
- Stretch your arms behind you and place your hands on your hips.
- Try to touch your fingertips behind you, with your pinkie fingers closest to your back.
- Raise your palms up your back while continuing to press your finger tips together. Eventually, pressing both your palms together behind you.
- Go as far up your back as is comfortable.
- Once you arrive at your perfect place, breathe deeply for up to 10 counts.
4.) Reverse Prayer Tree Pose
- Begin by placing your left foot on your right ankle.
- If you feel comfortable, lift that foot up your leg to your inner thigh. Use your hands to help!
- Breathe deeply while balancing for 5-10 deep breaths.
- You may still do a Tree Pose with your foot anywhere on your leg.
- You may also do a Tree Pose with your hands on your hips, or your palms pressed together in front of you.
5.) Warrior I Pose
- With your feet hip width apart, step out 2-3 feet forward.
- The longer the step, the more challenging the pose.
- Try keep your hips facing forward.
- Do not let your forward knee extend beyond your toes.
- Slightly let your back toes point forward.
- Extend your arms out from your sides, and up over your head.
- Sink your hips and keep your back leg straight.
- Clasp your fingers together, letting your index finger point to the sky.
- Breathe deeply for 10 deep breaths.
6.) Eagle Warrior I Pose
- Maintain the same leg position as Warrior I Pose.
- Bend your arms in front of you.
- Take your right arm and move it under your left arm. When you see your right hand let it swirl up your left arm like a snakes. It both hands meet try to clasp them. If not stay where you are.
- Lean back while lifting your elbows and look up.
- Breathe deeply for 5-10 deep breaths.
- Do the best you can with the arm position. Practice does help. You may also raise your arms like number five, Warrior Pose I.
7.) Humble Warrior I Pose
- Maintain the same leg position as Eagle Warrior I Pose.
- Place both hands behind your back.
- Clasp your fingers. Lift your arms up behind you. Look to the sky with a big, slow inhale.
- With a big, slow exhale bow forward over your knee while lifting your arms up behind you.
- Repeat the process 5-10 times, inhaling deeply while stretching back, and exhaling deeply while bowing forward.
8.) Supported Warrior III Pose
- Maintain the same Humble Warrior I Position.
- On your last bow, release both hands to your mat.
- Lift your back left leg directly behind you, maintaining the position of both hips. Even a slight lift will do!
- Inhale while lifting your leg and exhale while lowering your leg. Repeat this for 5-10 deep and slow inhales and exhales!
- Next, hold your leg up with the support of your hands on your mat. Breathe deeply for 5-10 long deep inhales and exhales. You can always use a chair for support. Even an inch is a great way to start!
- As you progress you may be able to lift your hands off the floor and even clasp your palms up behind you! Oh and don’t forget to breathe!
- Once you have completed this yoga sequence with your right leg forward, it is now time to start from the beginning with your left leg forward!
- For best results, practice this yoga sequence at least three times a week.
There are many arm and hand positions that you can do in a Warrior III Pose, as well as any yoga position. You will find your favorite ones as you progress in your practice.
Thanks for working out with me. Until next time, may you believe anything is possible with God and fly high in yoga and your own life!
God Bless!