The past is history. The future is a mystery. But this very moment is a gift- that is why they call it the present.

Holding onto the past can be so comforting. Problem is the past gets played over and over again-there’s nothing new. Life is suppose to be an adventure of growth and learning. Of stepping out of our comfort zones and into new experiences that may change and challenge us and give us new ways of thinking and new perspectives on living.

Enter Peter. The apostle who walked on water. Peter being a fisherman I’m sure experienced a lot of terrible storms out in the sea in his boat. Yet in this Bible story another storm was raging all about him and the all Jesus disciples. Peter and the disciples were afraid and clinging to the safety and comfort of their boat. Suddenly, out there on the waves they encountered a figure. Peter got up and asked, is it you Lord and if it is let me come to you? Jesus then commanded Peter to come and Peter lunged forward- up and out of the boat. By the grace and power of God, Peter walked on water!

Would you agree, Peter was probably tired of the same old clinging to the boat in the storm scenario? However, the other eleven disciples seemed to do the thing they always did in a storm, cling to what they could see. Sadly the disciples all missed the opportunity to do something amazing in their lives – but not Peter. There, in the present moment he was not concerned with the safety and security of himself or he would of never left the boat. Instead, I think Peter was dwelling in the present moment. He simply did not have time thinking victimizing thoughts of the past nor did he allow anxious overwhelming thoughts of what might or could happen in the future. He was and in person ever in the present moment, faithfully lunging forward until- But that is another story!


“Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all.” Helen Keller

I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly! John 10:10





Time on your mat invites you to stretch not only your body, but your emotional, mental, and spiritual self as well. Let yoga serve as an exploration, so that God can use to move you ever closer to that lovely state of balance where you feel alive and awakened, energized yet relaxed, refreshed and rejoicing, peaceful and loved… all in the same moment!

Being physically flexible is not just about being able to get into into pretzel like positions as in yoga. Actually, flexibility is the ability to move muscles and joints through their complete range of motion. Increasing flexibility improves and stretches your range of motion, thus enhancing daily life in a multitude of ways. Flexing and stretching improves circulation by increasing blood flow and nourishing muscle tissue. Frequent flexing and stretching helps reduce tightness in muscles and allows you to maintain better posture. Flexing and stretching also relieves tension, enhances coordination and balance, increases energy levels, aids in pain relief and improves your sense of well being. Flexing and stretching can also be an attitude that invests and transforms the mind. Flexible minded persons are able to take advantage of opportunities, flourishing and growing in the process. It challenges us to leave our comfort zones and offers us new ways of experiencing God, ourselves, and the world.

Researchers at the University of California, at Berkley, introduced an amoeba into a perfect, stress free environment (the amoeba is a single-celled organism that lives in marine environments). The temperature, moisture level and food supply were all perfect for the amoebas survival. The amoeba needed to make no adjustments to improve its life. One would think that the amoeba simply lived the good life, right? Unfortunately for the amoeba, it died. The saying “you’re either green and growing or ripe and rotting” is quite true here. The amoeba needed challenge in order to multiply and grow. Without challenge in life, it could not survive.

In the Bible, God used example after example of men and women who left their comfort zones and were able to accomplish amazing things. Moses, David, Joshua, Ruth, Debra, Paul, Mary and Jesus are just a few! Think about their lives and the way they allowed themselves to be flexible before God.

Some people say the moment you leave your comfort zone is when life really begins. I don’t know about you, but I call that faith!



…” I came that you may have life and live it more abundantly”-

John 10:10