Hi! Welcome to “Yoga with Penny!”

What’s fun about Yoga is that you can mix and match arm, head and leg positions with body positions and personalize each of our poses. It is also nourishing to body, soul and mind to combine yoga and mediation in a posture. For the benefit of both, this month,  I invite you to be a “Praying Warrior!”

There are four main Warrior Poses practiced in yoga which are Warrior I, Warrior II, Warrior III and Peaceful Warrior. All Warriors Poses are useful in building focus, confidence, stamina, strength, balance and flexibility. Today will we practice the Warrior II and add the pressing of our palms together into what looks like a praying position. As we move into our Warrior II Pose try to concentrate on good things. Close your eyes and pray if you like. Take in deep nourishing inhales and determine to exhale out any tensions or stresses that you may be experiencing. This will help induce a state of relaxation. Our bodies can then rejuvenate, rest and heal. Warrior Poses help us to stand tall, firm, confident, and calm physically. They can also teach us to respond rather than react to life’s little unexpected circumstances and situations that everyday life might bring.


To begin:

  • Step to the side with your right foot approximately 3-4 feet.
  • Ensure your toes and knee also point to the side.
  • Ensure both of your hips face forward.
  • Turn your left foot slightly inward, keeping your leg as straight as possible.
  • Now you can bend your forward knee.
  • Ensure that your knee does not exceed beyond your toes.
  • Stretch both of your arms out to the sides.
  • Keep your neck long, back straight and your shoulders pressed down.
  • Now bring both palms in and press them together in a prayer position.
  • Inhale and exhale deeply.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Listen to the needs of your body.
  • Send up a prayer.

I hope you experience all the benefits of a Praying Warrior so that you can keep calm and yoga on!

See you next month!


For more yoga I invite you to visit my website @halleluyahyoga,com