There are many health benefits of being grateful. A 2009 National Institute of Health (NIH) study showed that our hypothalamus, the part of our brain regulating a number of our bodily functions becomes activated when we feel gratitude or display acts of kindness. These gestures flood our brain with the chemicals called dopamine and serotonin-our happy feel good hormones. What’s fascinating is the neurological effects of gratitude open the door to many health benefits including better sleep, stress relief, reduced anxiety and depression, decreased pain levels and increased energy- boosting and enhancing overall health and wellness. Why not include a dollop of gratitude in this quick yoga workout and get a head start on Thanksgiving!
God told us long before science His simple prescription for health.
…in everything, give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
…kind words are like honey sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Proverbs 16:24
When you are ready grab a mat, water and let’s get started!
1.) Cat/Cow Position
- Lower your body to all fours.
- Spread your palms wide below your shoulders.
- Position your knees directly below your hips.
- Inhale deeply lowering your head, rounding your back.
- Feel as though your inhaling your stomach up to the sky.
- Exhale releasing your breath while letting your hips and back sink while arching comfortably up.
- Look up and stretch and tone your neck too.
- Repeat the process from Cat to Cow 10-20 times.
2.) Knee/Back/Shoulder Strengthener
- Roll up a towel, place it under your knees for support if you like.
- Place your hands on your hips or clasp them behind your back.
- Inhale, lifting your arms up behind you and arching comfortably back.
- Exhale lowering your hips and siting back on your heels.
- Place your head on your mat or place a pillow or a rolled up towel for your head to rest upon.
- Keep pressing your hands up behind you as you exhale.
- Repeat the process 10-20 times.
3.) Bridge Pose
- Lie down placing your feet below your knees.
- For a deeper stretch bring your feet closer to your body.
- Place your arms by your sides or clasp your hands under your body.
- Inhale slowly, lifting your hips as high as is comfortable.
- Exhale slowly, lowering your hips.
- Repeat the process 10-20 times.
4.) Half Camel Position
- Rise to your knees.
- Position your legs hip distance apart.
- Curl your toes under or stretch them out on your mat.
- Inhale deeply, slowing stretching back.
- Place your left hand on your left heel.
- You may also place your hands on your hips if it feels too challenging.
- Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts then switch arms.
- Go slowly and be gentle as you arch back.
- Repeat on both legs up to 10 times.
5.) Full Camel Position
- Once you feel comfortable in both Half Camel positions arch back while pressing both hips forward placing a hand on each ankle or foot.
- Continue to press both hips forward while breathing deeply for 3-5 counts.
- Slowly come up and forward placing both your hands in front of you on your mat.
- Repeat Full Camel position 2 more times.
- Lay down on your back and breathe for 10 counts.
6.) Table Top Position
- Sit with your knees bent in front of you.
- Place your palms behind you and directly below each shoulder.
- Lifting your hips press them up through your feet and palms.
- Let your head gently fall back.
- Breathe deeply for 3-5 counts.
- Next, press up into a Table Top position with a big inhale, then exhale as you lower your torso.
- Repeat the process 10-20 times.
7.) Back Bend
- Lie down with your legs hip width and bend your knees.
- Position your palms next to your ears with your fingers facing your heels.
- Push up through your feet and palms, gently lifting your hips and torso.
- You may only be able to lift your body a couple inches, which is a great starting point.
- Come back down taking a moment to rest before trying again a few more times.
8.) Seated Forward Bend
- Sit with your legs stretched out forward.
- Trying to keep both sitting bones on your mat stretch your arms up and over your legs.
- Breathe deeply for 10 counts.
I hope you enjoyed this quick yoga workout. May God bless you with many reasons to always be grateful!
Until next time,