Welcome to this new day!

Let’s awaken our bodies to a soothing stretch, featuring yoga for the body and love for the soul in this devotion- in motion, mini yoga challenge.

Perhaps this verse from our Heavenly Father will help remind us that…

His mercies never come to an end: they are new every morning, Great is Thy Faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23


1.) Seated Cross-Legged Pose

  • Let’s sit with our legs crossed letting our knees gently fall to our sides. ( We can extend our feet  forward for more support and bring them closer to our body for a deeper stretch. The point is we should sit comfortably!)
  • This present moment is your time to wake up calm, grateful and rejoice in the Lord for He has given you another day to breathe in all His goodness, another moment to show you His mercies are new every morning and another moment to show you the unfathomable love He has just for you! With every inhale let that comfort your soul. Absorb His love with every breath by letting your shoulders relax and your hands, elbows, hips, feet-even your chin and mouth,  including all the muscles in your face. With every exhale release your grip on your cares, worries, doubts and fears. Let negative thoughts be absorbed in the release of your exhale.
  • Stay positioned here for at least 10 deep inhales and exhales. To ensure your rest and relaxation, “parasympathetic nervous system” kicks in make your exhales a few seconds longer than your inhales.

2.) Seated Cross-Legged Twist

  • With a big inhale facing forward exhale deeply as you gently twist to the left.
  • Hold your knee for a deeper twist.
  • Repeat the process 5 times each side.

3.) Seated Cross-Legged Side Stretch

  • Inhale deeply facing forward.
  • Exhale deeply with left arm up leaning to your right side.
  • The arm movement is up first then over to the side with your bicep following your ear.
  • Repeat on each side depending on your time for  5-10 times or more!

4.) Seated Forward Fold

  • Sit with your legs forward.
  • Place a rolled up towel under your knees for support if you like.
  • You may do this posture with your knees bent too.
  • Inhale and sit up tall.
  • Exhale and fold forward over your legs.
  • Repeat 5-10 times and on your last forward fold stay there, breathing deeply for 30 seconds to a minute.
  • (  You may actually see your legs release tension which will allow you to stretch deeper the longer you remain in this posture.)

5.) Seated Spinal Twist

  • From your forward fold place your right foot over your left leg.
  • Bend and pull your left leg closer to your body.
  • Hug your top right leg while pressing your palms together in a prayer position.
  • Breathe deeply for 20 seconds.
  • Repeat with your left foot over your right leg.


6.) The Butterfly Pose

  • Sit down and bring the bottom of your feet together.
  • Move them away from your body to decrease the intensity of the stretch if you need to.
  • Hold your feet. Inhale deeply while lifting your chest and stretching your head back gently.
  • Exhale slowly while rounding your shoulders and tucking your chin lowering your head to your mat.
  • Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.


7.) Cat/Cow Pose

  • Gently lower yourself to your hands and knees.
  • Line your palms directly below your shoulders.
  • Line your knees directly below your hips.
  • Inhale deeply while slowly tucking your chin and rounding your shoulders. Feel as though a force is slowly pulling you upward as your inhaling. Then pause there.
  • Exhale slowly lifting your chin and letting your stomach sink as low as it can go. Then pause here.
  • Repeat the Cat/Cow breathing exercise for at least 10 deep breaths.


8.) Camel Pose Preparation

Perhaps a few tips may help you before you get started!

  • Don’t worry if you cannot fully do this exercise or these postures. Simply do the best you can for your body. There are always easier ways to do any yoga pose which you can build upon.
  • You can hold a chair or wall for support.
  • You can roll up a towel for under your knees.
  • You can place your hands on your hips or lower back.
  • You can roll up towel between your bottom and your heels.
  • You can stay seated in whatever position that suits your body and place your hands behind you!

This is a posture you don’t want to miss as it will open up your heart, lung and chest area, stimulate circulation, boost your brain power as you bend over, and with deep breathing will energize your entire being by sending fresh oxygen to your whole body!

  • Your knees are below your hips.
  • Your hands are clasped behind your back.
  • Inhale slowly while lifting your hands up behind your back.
  • Exhale slowly, lowering down while bending forward and continue to lift your hands up.
  • Repeat as many times as you can.

9.) Low Lunge

  • Step your left foot forward and bend your right knee.
  • Your left foot is directly below your right knee.
  • Stay here.
  • With your hands clasped or resting on your hips or lower back if you are able gently push your hips forward into Lunge Pose.
  • Look up and breathe deeply for 3 counts.
  • Now we will transition into Warrior II position by tucking our back toes and lifting our knee off the mat.

10.) Warrior II

  • Sweep your arms up to Heaven or place them on your hips or press your palms together in a prayer position-the choice is yours! Then take 10 slow deep breaths.
  • Now start step through into Low Lunge with your right leg forward.
  • Then into Warrior II with the arm position of your choice.

I’m hoping these stretches will help you to feel stretched and blessed.

Go forth and have a blessed day!

peace and love




Hi and welcome to “Yoga with Penny!”

The Downward Dog Posture is a yogi’s best friend and this month I will teach you how to do one. This posture is the pinnacle of all yoga postures and the most common because it teaches us to have respect for our body. The reason is our Downward Dog needs to be felt for perfect alignment. This requires great patience and effort because in finding perfect alignment, we need to learn what feels right and wrong in our body. But don’t worry, we will still have fun along the way discovering what works best for us in our very own Downward Dog Poses.

When you are ready, let’s get started.


Begin by lowering to your hands and knees.

Position your hands below your shoulders, your knees below your hips with your toes tucked under.

Spread your palms wide and straighten your arms.

Press your palms and feet into your mat and gently lift your hips.

How does the pose feel? If it doesn’t feel right, lower and try again.

Try to keep your head between your arms, with your ears at your biceps.

You may bend your knees if your legs feel tight.

Try and look at your knees if you can and try to keep your heels on the mat.

Breathe deeply for a few counts, then lower to your hands and knees.

Try again a few more times.

Got a stuffy nose or clogged sinuses? Downward Dog Posture helps by clearing mucus and opening up nasal congestion. If you suffer from asthma it may improve your symptoms.

The Downward Dog Posture is the most common yoga pose, known for stretching and strengthening our whole body. As a weight bearing exercise this posture also helps with arthritis symptoms while gently building shoulder and upper back strength. Even our rotator cuff located in our shoulder benefits by the stretching of our arms over head. Because our heart sits above our head in Downward Dog, blood circulation and brain function get a boost, thus both energizing and calming our body while leaving us with a dewy complexion. The Downward Dog Posture certainly helps us to build and maintain good posture too. With a all these great benefits it’s no wonder why all dogs do it and it gets it’s Downward Dog name.

keep calm and yoga on





The beautiful and elegant Triangle Pose, captivating us with it’s clean lines and raw simplicity. Yet moving into this posture we find that simple can be hard and clean can be messy. Mainly because the stress and tension of living in this fast paced modern day world, expresses itself through our rigid and tensed up bodies. Is it any wonder that more than  75% of all doctor office visits are stress related ailments and complaints and that chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death? Fortunately, yoga provides a moment for our body to speak, revealing tensions we are holding through our muscles. If our minds are willing we can then release those tensions and let it go. On good days we bring that mindset to our mats. Other days we forget. Sometimes all we do is struggle. But we know when yoga is working when some days we let things go in our daily lives!

Of course letting go and letting God take the reins of our lives is the ultimate stress reliever. It’s hard to give up control though. And scarey. Too many “what ifs” pop up in our heads. But the Creator of everything who calls Himself our Father must know what is best for us.

He tells us in Isaiah 26:3 that…  He will keep us in perfect peace when we remain focused on Him.

Do something good for you. Sit quietly and close your eyes. Know that you are here in this present moment with no worries. Just breathe. When you are ready do a Triangle Pose, directions below!



Extend your arms out to your sides. Stretch your legs out to the sides with each foot directly under each hand. Turn your right foot slightly in and move your left foot toes to face the right side.

Inhale deeply from the bottom of your stomach pulling your torso upward. Exhale deeply extending your torso out and over your forward left leg.

Place your left hand on your mat next to your foot on either side. You may also place it on your thigh, knee or ankle for a less challenging approach or on a chair.

Stretch your right arm up. Try to look up at your hand. You may feel your chest, shoulders and collar bone open up. Breath deeply for 10 seconds to 1 minute. Try to maintain this position thinking only of your inhales and exhales. You may then feel your body stretching deeper as tension and stress release.

Repeat on your right side.

You may also bend your forward knee slightly if it feels too tight. Or step your back leg in a little. Use a chair, table or a counter for added balance and support.

peace and love




SQUAT POSE MINI YOGA CHALLENGE ( for digestion&moving things along!)

In my opinion, a Squat Pose is a very humble and vulnerable position to practice in the world of yoga poses.  Although it’s not pretty and it exposes places we like to keep covered, it’s jam-packed with benefits too good to miss. For starters, it aids the digestion process encouraging blood flow to our kidney and intestines. It uses gravity to stretch and strengthen our feet, ankles, legs, groin, back and inner thighs. It also has the potential to bring our pelvic floor into alignment while possibly releasing a tight lower back. But don’t forget the deep breaths to enhance all the benefits our cute little “Squat Pose” can bring. Have gas, bloating or need some help in moving things along? Take a squat for relief!

What Squat Pose reveals to me as I step off the mat? It reminds me that there is strength in being humble and power in being vulnerable. ( Isaiah 40:29)

keep calm and squat on my friends




Hello Friends!

It’s February, the month of love! Love is in the air, and certain yoga poses can help us open, stretch and strengthen our heart and chest area for health benefits you will fall in love with!

Modern day living unintentionally creates an array of health problems. Sitting hunched over at our desks for long periods of time caves our chest inward, leading to digestion problems along with neck, shoulder and back pain. This also affects our breathing, which means our circulation decreases, and our hearts and lungs don’t have a chance to work properly. We may find we have no energy and tire more often; we may even get foggy-headed due to lack of oxygen in our bodies and to our brains.

Can one little yoga pose fix all these things? It can certainly help! The best part? Yoga can be practiced by everyBODY. Each yoga pose can basically be modified to fit each person’s needs, so that every person that practices yoga can reap all of yoga’s healthy goodness.

This is Bridge Pose. Lay on your mat, or the floor, and lets get started!

1.) Place your feet at hip distance apart.

2.) Bring your heels toward your buttocks.

3.) Place your arms by your sides, with palms down.

4.) Inhale deeply; as you exhale, slowly press your feet and arms into the floor. Gradually lift your hips from the floor.

5.) Lift your hips as high as is comfortable for your lower back.

6.) Try to pull your navel to your spine to protect your lower back. Push from your heels and use your entire foot to maintain holding Bridge Pose. Keep your face and neck relaxed.

9.) After a few deep breaths, bring the backs of your arms closer together and interlace your fingers. Press the upper arms to the floor, which encourages your sternum to lift a little higher.

10.) Hold Bridge Pose for 1-3 minutes, or inhale as you lift your Bridge and exhale as you lower your Bridge for 10-20 deep inhales and exhales. Do whatever suits your needs.

10.) If you feel Bridge Pose is too strenuous, lower for a few moments and then lift again. If you lift your back off the floor even an inch or two, you are beginning at the place that is right for your body and reaping the benefits of Bridge Pose. With practice, you will be able to lift your bridge higher as you build strength.

Bridge Pose is a mild inversion which puts your heart above your head for improved circulation, building strength, and stretches ab organs, spine, chest, rib cage, back, shoulders, buttocks, and the entire leg. Practiced regularly, this pose will increase your lung capacity, improve digestion, and increase metabolism by stimulating the thyroid gland in your neck. Now that’s a yoga pose to fall in love with, don’t you think?

Thanks for joining me and have a great February!


A BEGINNER YOGA CHALLENGE ( gentle yoga to help you begin a yoga practice at home)

This gentle sequence will help you to take baby steps into the big, wide world of yoga. Even better it will help you to cultivate a yoga practice that you can do in the comfort of your own home. Halleluyah Yoga helps you customize your yoga practice with a library of  pre-set-classes designed for all levels of fitness. We have everything from stretching, to strengthening, flexing to focus, balance and stability, stamina and more. Each class also delivers healthy yoga benefits backed up by science. With mini classes as short as five minutes and longer thirty-plus minutes, you can mix and match classes to fit your needs and your time frame. We also include in most classes a little encouragement and inspiration from the Bible for confidence, peace, strength, and well-being! This is  Halleluyah Yoga.Yoga for everyBODY-beginners and beyond!

Before we get started take a moment to sit quietly to clear your mind of your daily cares and worries. Inhale and exhale deeply, focusing on these breaths for a few moments. This is a new year with new beginnings. Let us set an intention to let go of the past that tends to weigh us down and determine to start fresh, looking forward each and every new day. Let this yoga class remind us of God, the author of new beginnings, who does not look at you or I by what each of us has done or did not do in our lives but by what each of us could become.

For,”His mercies are new every morning!” Lamentations 3:23




1.) Cross-Legged Stretch

  • Sit cross-legged.
  • With a big inhale stretch your arms out to your sides and press your palms together in a praying posture over your head.
  • With a big exhale lower your praying palms to your heart.
  • Repeat with 10 deep inhales and exhales.

2.) Cross Legged Side Stretch

  • With a big inhale stretch your arms out to your sides and press your palms together over head.
  • With a big exhale stretch your right arm over your head and lean to the left side.
  • With a big inhale stretch your arms out to your sides then up over your head.
  • With a big exhale stretch your left arm up overhead and lean to your right side.
  • Repeat 5-10 times on each side.



3.) Cross Legged Stretch and Twist

  • Place your hands behind your head.
  • With a big inhale stretch your head back.
  • With a big exhale lower your hands and twist to your left side.
  • Repeat with hands behind your head with a big inhale and twisting to each side with a big exhale.
  • Repeat 5-10 times.
  •  Exhaling deeply will help you to go deeper in the stretch.


4.) Seated Forward Bend

  • Stretch both legs out in front of you.
  • Inhale stretching your arms up from your sides.
  • Meet your palms, clasping them with your index finger pointing up and stretch up.
  • With a big exhale release the hold while folding over your legs.
  • Repeat 5-10 times.



5.) Seated Leg Stretch and Twist

  • Grab your right foot with both hands and stretch it out as best you can.
  • If possible hold your right foot with your left arm and open up your right arm.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Now place your right foot over your left thigh or knee or any where on your leg.
  • Hold your knee and if you can, twist to your right side.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.


6.) Cat/Cow Warm-up 

  • Come to your hands and knees.
  • Place your knees directly below your hips.
  • Place your palms directly below your shoulders.
  • Inhale deeply rounding your back, pulling your belly in and lowering your head.
  • Exhale deeply letting your belly sink while lifting your head and stretching your chin up and back.
  • Repeat for 10 Cat/Cow warm-ups.


7.) Low Lunge Stretch

  • Step your right foot forward.
  • The longer your step the deeper your stretch.
  • Be sure to have your right foot directly below your right knee.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Now, let your hips move backward as you bend over your forward right leg.
  • Use your hands for support.
  • Repeat lunging forward with a big inhale and then exhaling as you move backward.
  • Repeat 5-10 times.

8.) Low Lunge Stretch

  • Step forward into a lunge pose again- stay here and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • If possible, extend your arms out to your sides and up with a big inhale.
  • Repeat for 5 counts.

9.) Forward Bend

Please remember where you end up as you fold forward is your perfect place to do this pose.

  • Stand tall with your legs hip distance apart.
  • Inhale stretch your arms up from your sides.
  • Exhale, folding forward over your legs.
  • Repeat 5-10 times inhaling up and stretching and exhaling as you fold forward.


8.) Forward Bend into Chair Pose

  • With feet together lift your arms up as high as possible with a big inhale.
  • With a big exhale move your hips back.
  • Feel as though you are going to sit back on a chair, bending your knees and then holding this position for a moment.
  • Come back to a standing position.
  • Repeat 5 times trying to get a little lower each time.

Lay down on your back for a few moments inhaling and exhaling as deeply as you can to absorb all that healthy yoga goodness!

Try to repeat this yoga sequence three times a week for best results.

I sure hope you enjoyed this yoga class and are eager to step into the yoga world.  I invite you to try all our yoga challenges to meet all your yoga at- home needs!

If you have any questions or concerns please message me on our Halleluyahyoga FaceBook Page.






This mini yoga sequence was created for us to release stress and gain peace during this Christmas season by getting into the true Christmas vibe…celebrating The Lord Jesus Christ!

As the count-down to Christmas approaches I don’t know about you but I can feel my stress levels rising. However, a simple 5-10 minutes of praising God can alter the course of our day leaving us refreshed, revived and strong all day long. Beware. God may fashion these few moments of praising Him into an inner and outer total body workout.

I designed this sequence using different versions of the warrior position to help us feel rooted and grounded. The hand and arm positions were chosen to lift our bodies and set our eyes toward heaven.

Although I included instructions with each position for this sequence there is no right or wrong way to do these poses. Simply let your outer movements be an expression of your inner heartfelt praise. It helps to pause at the moment you feel is the best version of the way you do that particular pose. Why not exclamation mark it with a prayer of praise!

All warrior poses will begin with your right leg forward. After you complete the entire sequence using your right leg forward switch to your left leg.

May you be filled with peace brimming over as you celebrate this most wonderful time of year!

1.) Seated Meditation

  • Take a few moments to relax and clear your mind by inhaling peace and exhaling peace!

2.) Heart Opening Warm-Up

  • Come to your knees, hip width apart.
  • Clasp your hands behind your back for an added chest, shoulder and neck stretch.
  • Or rest them on your hips.
  • Inhale as you lift your chest.
  • Exhale as you release and bow forward.
  • Repeat the process for 5-10 times.

3.) Twisted Praying Lunge Pose

  • From your knees step your right leg forward.
  • Keep your foot directly below your knee.
  • Straighten your back leg and lift your heel.
  • Place your left elbow over your forward right thigh.
  • Press both palms together.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Move into the next position with the same foot forward.

4.) Warrior I Pose

  • Place your back heel on your mat.
  • Stretch your arms out to your sides.
  • With a big inhale slowly lift both arms up.
  • Let your palms meet overhead.
  • Stretch back, lifting your chest and chin.
  • Interlock your hands with pointed index fingers.
  • Continue a few more times with arms stretched out to your sides then lifted up in praise.
  • Move into the next position with the same foot forward.

5.) Humble Warrior

  • Clasp your hands behind your back.
  • You may also rest them upon your hips.
  • With a big inhale lift them as high as you can behind your back.
  • With a big exhale bow forward, allowing your hands to follow your head raising them as high and as forward as they will go.
  • Inhale and come up and back again.
  • Repeat 5-10 times.
  • Move into the next position with the same foot forward.

6.) Warrior I Pose

  • Stretch your arms out to the sides again as you lift them up in praise.
  • Interlock your hands with pointed index fingers.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Same foot is forward again.

7.) Eagle Warrior

  • Bend both elbows in front of your chest.
  • Take your right hand placing it under your left elbow.
  • Continue sliding it under that elbow to the left side.
  • Continue to swirl your right arm up and around your left arm.
  • Lift your chin and stretch your head back.
  • Breathe deeply for a few counts.
  • Same foot is forward again.

8.) Warrior I Pose

  • Keep the same leg and foot position.
  • Lift your arms up from your sides.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Same foot is forward again.

9.) Reverse Prayer Warrior

  • Place the back of both your palms on your lower back.
  • Let the tips of your fingers meet behind you.
  • Slowly turn your palms over pressing the insides of your palms together.
  • Slide them up your back as far as you can.
  • Stay here and breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Same foot is forward again.

10.) Warrior I Pose

  • Keep the same leg and foot position.
  • Lift your arms out to your sides.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

11.) Forward Bending Bow 

  • Step your right forward foot behind your left leg about one foot.
  • Bend your right knee.
  • Straighten your left leg.
  • Bow forward, inhaling and exhaling praises to the newborn King!

Now it is time to start again and complete this sequence with your left leg forward!

After you have completed all eleven positions with both your right and left leg forward lie down for a few moments allowing your body to absorb all that healthy yoga goodness from the inside out!

Go forth and have a most wonderful Christmas!

keep calm and yoga on




Hi Friends!

Yoga on and let’s get into the Christmas vibe! This class should stretch, strengthen, energize and de-stress your mind and your body. However, if your stretched for time simply do a position or two. Every  position below includes detailed instruction with less challenging modifications and the benefits each pose.

May you be blessed with abundant peace and joy as you celebrate the true meaning of Christmas!

…and angel said, ” behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord!” (Luke 2:10-11)

This is your time to release the cares of your world and just breathe. Go ahead indulge. Being aware of this present moment will help. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and inhale peace and joy and exhale all your daily thoughts. Stretching with this mindset while breathing deeply will help to de-stress and bless you!

1.) Standing Forward Bend Stretch Variation

For a brain boost and energy buzz, perhaps this will do!

Forward bends stretch our entire back sides, relieving tension in our spine, neck and backs. While stimulating digestion they boost brain power, circulation, calms our minds and soothes our nerves. They may also act as a mild depressant. Getting merry never felt so good!

  • Stand with your feet hip width apart.
  • Place your hands on your hips or clasp them behind your back.
  • Point your left foot forward.
  • Slightly bend your right knee.
  • Fold forward over your left leg.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.
  • Repeat with your right leg forward.

2.) Triangle Pose

Open relaxed hips help to relieve stress and aid digestion which Triangle Pose is known for.

Triangle Pose is a terrific hip stretching and strengthening position. It also stretches and strengthens our entire leg including our ankle joints, hamstrings and calves. It may also improve digestion, relieve stress and help with menopause symptoms.

  • Spread your feet apart approximately 2-3 feet.
  • The farther apart your feet- the more challenging the position is.
  • Let your heels stay on the same line but slightly turn your left toes toward your right ankle.
  • Turn your right leg toes directly to your right side.
  • Pull your belly in while standing up tall.
  • Extend your torso up and then over your forward right leg.
  • Gently slide your right hand down your leg, touching the floor if you can.
  • If you find it too challenging to touch the floor rest your hand on any part of your leg when you feel stretched but not uncomfortable.
  • Lift your left arm up.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 soothing deep breaths.

3.) Extended Side Angle

A great total body stretch that strengthens too!

Extended Side Angle Pose may relieve stiffness in our shoulders and back while strengthening and stretching our entire legs and ab muscles. While building stamina it expands our lung and chest area as well.

  • From your Triangle position, simply bend your forward right leg.
  • Extend your right arm up and over while leaning into the stretch.
  • Aim for keeping your entire torso facing forward as you stretch to the side.
  • Breathe deeply up to 10 counts.

4.) Side Angle Twist

Besides blessing us with all the Extended Side Angle Pose position benefits, adding a twist will tone our core and ab area while compressing internal stomach organs. As you release the twist, you send fresh blood to that area aiding in the release of toxins from your body.

  • Press your palms together while lifting your back heel to keep your body mobile to twist.
  • Take a deep inhale as you exhale gently twist over your forward knee.
  • You may rest your back knee on your mat for support while you twist.
  • Hold this position while breathing deeply up to 10 counts.
  • Switch legs and start Extended Side Angle with your left leg forward then do the twist!

5.) Star Pose Forward Bending Stretch

Like it’s sister Forward Bend, the Star Pose with a bend forward stimulates circulation to our brains increasing our energy, calming our minds and soothing our nervous systems. It aids in digestion and stretches and strengthens our entire legs and core. Stretching our arms out first, then down, engages our abs and strengthens our backs, shoulders, neck and spine!

You can also put a chair in front of you to rest your hands on if you can’t quite make it to the floor yet!

  • With both toes facing forward extend your legs to the sides.
  • The wider the position the more challenging it will become.
  • Keep both legs straight and clasp your fingers with pointed index fingers pressed together.
  • Inhale and stretch up with both arms and exhale slowly folding forward.
  • Rest your hands on the back of a chair or a wall.
  • OR continue to fold downward, resting your hands on your mat.
  • Repeat the stretch up with a deep inhale and the fold forward with a deep exhale.
  • Aim for 10 stretches up and 10 stretches folding forward.

6.) Star Pose Twist

The twisting action stimulates digestion while providing a great total body stretch!

  • Your hands may rest on a chair for support here or a yoga block.
  • Lower each hand while stretching the other hand up.
  • Aim for 10 stretches with each arm for a total of 20.

7.) Star Pose Leg Stretch

This extra stretch to the side will increase flexibility to your legs and improve the range of motion in your hip area.

  • Your hands may rest on a chair or yoga block here also.
  • Walk your hands over to your right leg.
  • Aim to touch your head to your knee.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Switch legs.
  • Repeat a few more times with each leg.

8.) Star Pose Stretch

Adding a little weight to your upper arms, neck and shoulder area helps with fighting arthritis and osteoporosis while deepening your leg and hip stretch!

  • Your hands may rest on a chair or yoga block here as well.
  • Lower to your elbows and press your palms together.
  • Continue stretching those legs by sliding them out just a bit.
  • Continue stretching while breathing deeply for 10 counts.
  • Repeat a few more times.

9.) Tip Toe Squat With Eagle Arms

Can you hear them? Your ankles, feet, and toes are yelling hooray- we are being used! The Eagle position of your arms stretches your upper back and shoulder area.

  • Bring your heels together on tip toes if possible.
  • Extend your knees out to your sides.
  • Bend both elbows out in front of you.
  • Take your right hand and place it below your left elbow.
  • Now, swirl your right arm around your left arm.
  • When your palms meet clasp your fingers. If they do not meet keep them where they are and breathe deeply up to 10 counts.
  • Keeping both arms directly in the middle center of your torso helps in swirling them up.
  • You do not have to raise your heels the whole time. Lower and lift them if your just starting out!

10.) Tip Toe Extended Leg Squat Stretch

  • Extend your right leg out to the side.
  • Stay on your tip toes if possible.
  • If possible stretch over your extended right leg.
  • Place your hand on your mat for support.
  • Breathe deeply up to 10 counts.
  • Now stretch the other way, over your left bent leg and breathe deeply up to 10 counts.
  • Now repeat the process extending your left leg to the side.

AGAIN! Tip Toe Squat With Eagle Arms

I had really bad feet nine years ago as I was just getting into yoga. Today my feet feel fine!

  • Back to a Tip Toe Squat again.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 deep breaths.

11.) Butterfly Stretch

  • Sit down on your mat and place the soles of your feet together.
  • Pulling your feet in closer to your torso will give you a more challenging stretch.
  • Extending your feet forward will ease the difficulty.
  • Lift up with a big inhale while gently pressing your chest forward.
  • Exhale slowly folding forward.
  • Repeat 10 more times-then remain folded forward for another 10 counts.

 12.) Seated Spinal Twisting Prayer Pose

  • Place your right foot over your bent left knee.
  • Try to pull both feet towards your torso for a deeper stretch.
  • Now wrap your arms around your knee.
  • Press your palms together and breathe deeply up to ten counts.
  • Next, say a prayer if you like!
  • Switch legs and repeat!

Thanks for joining me!

Stay merry and bright!



FISH POSE MINI CHALLENGE (boost your metabolism)

I welcome you to the all inclusive” Fish Pose.” Practiced on a regular basis it can provide you with a host of heavenly benefits!

One of the most effective benefits of Fish Pose is that it can improve our thyroid function. Our thyroid gland is responsible for the health and function of our metabolism. Our metabolism is responsible for converting food to energy which affects every cell in our body.  Practiced regularly, this pose can also boost oxygen and blood flow to our lungs, improving overall circulation. It can also help to fight respiratory ailments while increasing our lung capacity.

Why not dim the lights and try Fish Pose before bed with deep breathing?  It may aid you in a restful night’s sleep!

To begin, sit with your legs extended in front of you.

Place your hands on your mat behind you with your fingers tucked under or at your sides.

Lower your elbows to your mat and lean backward.

Align your shoulders with your elbows.

Gently drop your head back as far as it feels comfortable with the aim of touching the crown of your head to your mat.

Keep your chest lifted and open-imagine a string pulling it up.

Keep your throat soft and ensure that your head is comfortable.

Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

Slowly and gently come out of it.

Repeat the process a few more times.

When you have completed Fish Pose a few times lie down and relax to absorb all the wonderful benefits of this amazing pose.

Fish Pose will also strengthen your upper back, neck, and spine, and it can relieve tension in your neck and shoulders too. You may also experience a throat, chest, ab, hip, and neck stretch. It is also said that if you perform this pose in water, you will be able to float like a fish!

Thanks for joining me…

may peace always be with you!





The sweet Child’s Pose, practiced during every yoga class and perfect for the Christmas season!
Christmas maybe the most wonderful time of year but it is perhaps the most stressful time too!
But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.
Join me and I will show you how to slow down to Christmas tree speed and still shine bright.
That way, all will be calm with you and you can bask in the warm glow of being all there in the moments you get to share with family and friends.

And now I present to you the gift of the basic, most essential Child Pose.
It’s the reassuring hug you been waiting for and the gift that keeps on giving.

Although it’s a warm-up or resting pose in a yoga class, it’s the perfect remedy to unwrap tension and stress anytime and a great antidote for a restful night’s sleep.

To enhance the healthy yoga goodness from Child Pose focus on your inhales and exhales.
Then let the soothing sanctuary of your Child Pose envelope you in a cocoon of warmth, comfort, safety, and ease!

You may fold up a towel to place between your heels and your sitting bones for comfort and support. You may also rest your head on a pillow for ease.
To begin, come to all fours and gently fold forward over your legs. Spreading your legs apart will provide a deeper stretch. Gently resting your forehead on your mat or pillow begin inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply. Remember, it’s your time to relax and unwind so try to linger here for a few moments. One minute would be great, but longer would be better. The best scenario would be to stay as long as you need, not worrying about minutes or time simply enjoying the present peaceful moment. Besides relieving stress, practicing Child Pose on a regular basis stretches our lower backs, opens our hips, stretches our shoulders, ankles and ligaments. Therapeutic for digestion, it enhances circulation, calms our minds and fights insomnia.

Thanks for joining me!

May God fill you with peace and love this Christmas as we celebrate the most special child of all time – the Lord Jesus Christ!

And a very “Merry Christmas” every day of the year!

love to you and yours
