There’s something about the beach that compels me to strike a yoga pose. Maybe it’s the sand, or the sun. Maybe the water? No, it’s definitely the gorgeous blue sky! How about it’s all of these things, wrapped up in the sensation that I feel unbounded and absolutely unrestricted. So free! So, why not offer you a yoga sequence that may ignite that “freedom feeling” in you? That is precisely the reason why I choose these yoga poses below: to induce that open, free and easy feeling. These poses will help you to open your heart center, activate your core, free your hip flexors and lengthen your hamstrings. Focus on your breath as you move through these yoga postures; it will increase the benefits of each pose. Your body will love you for it!
If you like, take it a step farther and enhance your yoga workout and your life with meditation upon God’s words.
For God says in His word that,
…if the son sets you free you will be free indeed.
John 8:36
I find the challenge is staying free. Seems everything and everyone wishes to control each of us. It’s usually not intentional, but most of the time routine, habits, culture and even people’s needs and expectations have a way of captivating and imprisoning us. Soon, we’re living for everything else but what really matters. These words from God are a great reminder to us that we are no longer bound by anything or anyone. We were captives once and Jesus came to set us free. And, if we believe Him, we will be free indeed!
Before you begin, take a moment to get into that “beachy” state of mind. Breathing deeply and thinking upon how free you are in this present moment will help. Try to stay present through out the segment and remind yourself daily that freedom is always yours, both on and off your mat!
1.) Intense Side Stretch Pose in Reverse Prayer Hands
It may be a challenge for you to try to get your palms to meet behind your back, but with practice you might do it! It will be worth your efforts too because your heart, back, shoulders, lungs, arms and more will begin to open and built up tension can then release. Remember, less tension boosts energy!
To begin, try to line up your heels with your right foot toes pointed forward and back foot angled slightly. If you feel unsteady, widen the width of your feet. Now, try and press your palms together at your back, and then take a huge breath in (your torso should lift as you inhale). Then, slowly release your breath as you fold over your forward leg. At the end of the stretch where you can go no further, release your hands and let them stretch over your leg.
Once you have arrived at maximum stretch, breath deeply through your nose for 5-10 breaths. Repeat a few more times and try with your left leg forward.
2.) Lunge Pose
From Intense Pose, simply bend your forward leg and place your hands on your mat for support. Your right foot should be directly below your right knee, hands directly below your shoulders. You may deepen the stretch by extending your back foot away from your body. Breathe deeply through your nose for 5-10 counts. Try to stretch a little farther.
3.) Revolved Lunge Pose
After you have completed your breathing in Lunge Pose, simply lift your right arm up and look up at it. Stretch it as high as it will go and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts again.
4.) Extended Lizard Tail Pose
From Lunge Pose, simply and gently lower your elbows to your mat. Check to make sure your elbows are directly below your shoulders. In the picture, I went for a deeper stretch by extending my forward foot, but you don’t have to do this. You may also lower your back knee to the mat if holding that knee up up is too much of a challenge at first. Breathe through your nose while in the pose for 5-10 counts.
5.) Elbow Plank Pose
From Extended Lizard Tail Pose, pick up your forward foot and swing it around to Elbow Plank Pose.
Or, alternately, lay down and place your elbows on your mat with shoulders directly on top of them. Curl your toes under and lift your body up. Try to breathe deeply and steadily for 10, 30 or 60 seconds. Repeat the process a few more times if you like.
6.) Camel Pose
Come to your knees. Curl your toes under. Let your knees be directly below your hips. Place your hands on your hips. Slowly and gently lean back. If you feel you can go farther back, take it slow and lean back while pressing your hips forward. If you can, let your hands find your heels, but only if it is comfortable for you. Maybe touch one hand, then maybe come up and do touch the other one. Do whatever feels good and right for you! Any pain always means stop immediately!
If you are able to stretch farther, uncurl your toes and hold both heels while pressing your hips forward. Breathe deeply for however long that you can. Start with 3 breaths through your nose only and work up to more.
When you have completed each pose on each leg, lie down and let healing happen. Realize how truly free that you can be!