Beloved, you can become uber flexible. Simply include this Challenge directly after any of the other Halleluyah Yoga Challenges  at least 3 times a week. Soon, you will see all of your yoga poses enhanced by these few simple stretches that target the big muscle groups like your legs, hips, back and spine muscles. When these muscles get stretched and lengthened, they release stress in those areas. The less stress, the deeper the stretch and the more flexible you become. Get stretching! They will prove a great compliment to any Yoga Challenge and a nourishing cool down at the end of any of your work outs. Your insides will be thanking you too!

You know the saying…

…”Blessed are the flexible for they will not be bent out of shape!”

or, as 1 Peter 5:7 says,

Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.

1.) Seated Forward Bend Warm -Up

With your legs straight out in front of you, sit tall with hips below your shoulders. Lean back slightly without hurting your back with a big inhale. Quickly lean forward with a big exhale. Lead with your chin. This method will keep your back lengthened for a deeper stretch. Repeat this process 10-50 times. The more you do this, the deeper you will be able to stretch.

2.) Butterfly Pose

Bring your feet in. Press the bottoms of your feet together. Pull them toward your body. Let your elbows keep your legs down. With a big inhale bend forward, leading with your chin. Remain at a good stretching area that is comfortable for you. Breathe deeply for 10-20 counts. Again, the longer you stay in the stretch, the more flexible you will become!

3.) Seated Side Angle Stretch

Extend your left leg out to the side. Look at the opposite side. Lift your right arm and lean over your extended left leg. Inhale when your body is up ight.  Exhale when you lean to the left side. Try to look up at your arm. Repeat 10 times or more time, then repeat with your left leg extended.

4.) Wide Legged Stretch

Extend both your legs out to the sides. Inhale and sit up tall. Exhale as you walk your hands forward. Again, lead with your chin to lengthen your back. When you’ve stretched as far as you comfortably can, stay there for a few big breaths, then walk your self back. Continue walking out and back 10 times, or stay in the stretch for a while. You will notice you will go deeper the longer you stay in the stretch. The steady deep breaths will release tension in your muscles – so don’t forget to breath!

5.) Seated Forward Bend

Sit up tall with hips below your shoulders. Clasp your hands together and stretch your arms up over your head with a big inhale. Leading with your chin fold over your legs with a big exhale. Whereever you find yourself in the stretch is your starting point. Stay for a few big breaths. Then stretch up and fold again over your legs for a total of 10 times.

6.) Runner’s Lunge

With right knee directly over your foot and hands on each side for support, stretch into a lunge. Hold it for a few big breaths. Now bend your back leg. Move your sitting bones back. Straighten your forward right leg and stretch over it while sitting back. Breathe deeply for 10 counts. Move forward and backwards several times. Feel a good stretch and stretch for a while! Repeat with your left leg forward.

7.) Split Position

Start your split from the lunge position above. When you stretch back, that is the position that will ease you into the split. Let the forward leg stretch forward as you straighten the back leg and split! Try to keep your hips facing forward. Look up and stretch. Fold forward and stretch. Breathe deeply and hold the position as long as you feel good in the stretch. Move into the split a few times and come out. Keep a steady breath. You will discover the longer you split the deeper you will fall into it.

We may never have a full split but our bodies will still benefit from every effort that we make!

Drink in the soothing effects that stretching provides and find joy in a fresh perspective!


YOGA IN A TURRET CHALLENGE (How to build core, leg and hip strength when space is limited)

Say your in a tight space. Possibly, you’re on vacation in a hotel room and suddenly, you need to strike a few poses. Of course, why not do the most efficient poses that will burn off the cheeses cake you ate last night? Perhaps, you are in your office and in need of  bursting out of your mid day slump. Maybe you’re even sightseeing somewhere in the world. There’s barely any space but the space you do have is really intriguing. Where ever you may find yourself there is always a few yoga poses that you can do!

Beloved, “Kick some asana!”

Below you will find 6 leg and core poses that you can practice in small spaces. Put to breathing you will boost energy and build core, leg and hip strength. Complete the sequence 3 times with each leg forward for a total of 6 times for a serious burn.

Realize the significance of the turret I am posing in and the stronghold it has been for San Juan, Puerto Rico for over 500 years!

Proverbs 18:10 says,

…”The name of the Lord is a Strong Tower.”



1.) Sitting Twist and Stretch

This sitting twist will serve as a quick warm up to practice before you begin. Simply find a place to sit. Grab your right knee and pull it up into your chest. Now grab your foot and raise it up over your left thigh. Inhale, pulling that right knee into your body with your left arm. Then, exhale and twist to your right side. Use your left arm for support. Go deeper into the twist if you can. If you find you cannot pick up your leg, simply cross your legs at the thigh and twist from there. Repeat the process on your other side.

2.) Tree Pose

Tree Pose will also  stretch and straighten your legs. Stand and slowly raise your left foot. Place it on your inner left leg thigh. Try and lengthen out your waist by pulling your stomach in and keeping your hip bones forward. Try to stretch your left leg slightly behind your standing leg. An easier version of Tree Pose is to place the right foot on your left or standing leg’s ankle to begin. Move it up your leg as you progress. Place your hands in prayer pose; inhale and exhale slowly for 5 counts. Repeat on your other leg.

3.) Warrior II

Step forward, bending your right leg. Keep your left leg straight behind you. Raise your arms and stretch them out to the sides. Inhale and exhale long and slow for 5 counts, pulling your torso up and stomach in. Repeat with your left leg forward. Stepping slightly out is much less challenging. Do what works for you. Come back to a standing position.

4.) Warrior I Sweeping Arms

Step forward, bending your right leg. Keep your left leg straight behind you, hips facing forward. Inhale, sweeping your arms upward. Pause. Then exhale, sweeping them down. For more intensity, as you sweep your arms down let your head and torso follow. Your head will be bowed, torso lowered and your arms will be extended up behind you. Pause and repeat 3-5 sweeping arms with inhales and exhales. Remember, you can always step out slightly! Every place you begin from builds strength. Repeat the process with your left foot forward.

5.) Low Lunge in Prayer Position

Step forward with your right leg. Your left leg is straight behind you, hips forward. Inhale slowly, lifting your arms up. Exhale slowly, pressing your palms firmly into prayer position. Repeat 3-5 long and deep inhales and exhales. You may gently place your back leg on your mat or keep it up for more of a challenge. Remember that the distance between your legs determines the difficulty. Repeat the process with a left leg forward. Come back to a standing position.

6.) Low Lunge Hip Stretch

Step out with your right leg forward. Let your torso drop and stretch. Lower your back leg to your mat. Lower your hands also. Gently wiggle your forward foot to the right side and feel the stretch. Stay here and breathe deeply for 3-5 counts. If you are able, place your elbows on your mat. You may keep your back leg off the ground for a more intense stretch. Breathe deeply again for 3-5 counts. Repeat with your left leg forward.