Deep breathing is the fastest way to stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system, which activates the relaxation response of your body. It’s necessary for your body to heal, repair and renew itself. Voluntary control of the breath shifts the autonomic nervous system from the “fight or flight” response to the calm parasympathetic state. This state positively affects the immune function, hypertension, asthma and stress induced psychological disorders. Long, deep, and slow exhales extending longer than inhales activates your vagus nerve too. New research has linked the vagus nerve to improved neurogenesis, BDNF, or increased brain derived neurothrophic factor output. The neurotrophic factor is like a super fertilizer for your brain cells! This repairs brain tissue and regenerates the body. They have also found that stem cells are directly connected to the vagus nerve. Activation of the vagus nerve can stimulate stem cells to produce new cells, repair, and rebuild your very own organs.
As you practice this breathing technique on a regular basis, your muscles will relax and your anxieties will fade. The oxygen supply to your body’s cells will increase; this will help produce endorphins, the body’s feel good hormones. Want to increase the effects of deep breathing even more? Add a verse of Scripture to think upon.
The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Job 33:4
Long deep Breathing:
To begin you must first fully exhale to empty out your lungs. On your next exhale, breathe out slowly through your mouth while counting to five. Pull your belly in to engage your lungs to deflate. At the end of the fifth exhale, pause for two counts. Then inhale slowly with your mouth closed to the count of five. Expand your belly as you breathe in. Now close your eyes, relax, and repeat the inhales and exhales 5-10 times.
During your yoga workout, try to include deep breathing whenever you can. It will enhance your efforts, heal your body, and make you feel good!