Got Balance?

God says you do.

And I’m not just talking about balancing on one leg. Or, holding yourself up in a yoga pose for a minute or two. I’m talking about living a balanced life. Holding it all together no matter what life throws at you. Not simply surviving. I’m talking about thriving. You and me as people. You and me in our lives. Can you believe it? God has big plans for you, “…to give you a future and a hope”! (Jeremiah 29:11)

In God’s great book He wrote for you and I, He says that we are not left here to do this life on our own. He wants to help us. He wants to be that solid rock for us. The one that we can stand and build our life upon. He tells us that, “Everyone who hears my words and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house on a rock.” (Matthew 7:24) We must not worry either. He also promises that He will hold us up. We must simply trust Him. We must believe in His ways for He says,” My thoughts are not your thoughts. Neither are your ways my ways, declare the Lord.” ( Isaiah 55:8)

And balance we discover in God’s world comes down to rock level. An ordinary, everyday, common object: the rock. God uses a simple object to show His precious,” created in His image” creation  an exceedingly great truth. (Genesis 1:27) Though God’s love for us is beyond what we humans can comprehend, it is as simple, firm and sturdy as a rock in practice!

I am sure that everyone would agree that it gets tough balancing life sometimes. Just like a yoga pose, we start out strong. Before you know it, we are wobbling, crumbling, and falling down while trying desperately to hold ourselves up. Soon we are totally out of balance. We can be strangled with the cares, worries fears and doubts of this life. Life no longer feels free, light, or buoyant or balanced. But, our God never intended that kind of life for us. God came to set us free from a life of burden and the guilt of sin. He says,” I came so that you may have life and live it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)

Next time you feel out of balance, choose to have calm in your chaos instead of trying to keep yourself up. “…build your life on the rock!”  (Matthew 7:24)

Next time you practice balancing poses, try to remember that “He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand”, (Psalm 40:2) and that, “He alone is my rock and my salvation, He is my fortress I will not be shaken.”  (Psalm 62:6)

Amazingly, God the “rock” is mentioned in 59 Bible verses.

Stand firm. You can have balance. I also know from my life that sometimes it takes a long time to get unbalanced. And so we learn to adjust and accept things that throw us off balance without even realizing it. Soon, we are so used to living this way it becomes our way of life. Thankfully, God wants us to have better. We are His children, after all. The Creator of everything and King of the universe: That is our Father. We are His children. What would you not do for your children in need? I’m only here to remind you. You already know that our Heavenly Father can do anything. Just ask.

YOGA TO BUILD BALANCE YOGA CHALLENGE (on your mat and in your life)

This segment challenges our balance while building a solid support system for our bodies to live in. Each Yoga posture here will enhance our way of standing and walking in this world, as well as how we perform our everyday activities. Building strong sturdy muscles, core power, agility and coordination will help us keep balanced throughout our lives, thus preventing falls and injuries.

The rigor and demand of these poses compels us subconsciously to summon our minds and bodies to connect in order to stay centered and balanced.  To balance in any of these poses, full resolution is required. That is all of you, body mind and soul active and present in the pose. As in real life, holding yourself up day after day in the storms and situations of life gets real hard sometimes. We can easily lose our balance. We even fall! But a new calm can be upon us. Being fully present for every problem and situation provides us choice. We can choose rather than react. Thus the storms of life, as in these poses, will not be able to easily pull us off balance anymore.

As you begin this Yoga segment workout, try giving it your full resolution and see what happens. If you would like to take it a step farther, and find true lasting peace and balance in your life, reflect upon these verses of Scripture. There is a firm solid rock waiting for you to step on. Jesus wants you to see Him as your solid immoveable rock for your life. Practice standing on His Words He wrote in His book, just for you and I. He understands. He does not fail. He is as solid as a rock, today, yesterday and tomorrow!

…and the Bible says, “Everyone who hears my words and obeys them is like a wise man who build his house on a rock, “Matthew 7:24

…and it also says, “On Christ the solid rock I stand, ” Psalms 62:6

To that I say, “Rock Your Asanas!”

1.) Chair Pose and Twist

Stand with your legs and feet together. Lean back, letting your sitting bones lead, and bend your knees. Keep an eye on your knees. Do not let them bend beyond your toes. Stay here for 3-5 big breaths.

Inhale deeply while pressing your palms together and lowering your arms. Exhale, twisting to the side. Try to place your left elbow on the outside of your right leg. Keep pressing your palms together while looking up and behind you for a few more breaths. Raise your arms and repeat on the other side. Do this 3-5 times each side.

After you twist, open your arms up and twist a little farther. Widen the space between your feet and do not sit as low into the chair for a less intense version.

2.) Intense Pose Variations

Your heels should be on the same line, which makes this pose a little more challenging. Widen the space between your legs if you are just starting out. Your legs should be straight, but you may bend them too. Your left toes should face sideways, with your right toes slightly forward and angled as in the picture.

With legs all lined up, clasp your hands behind your back or place your hands on your hips. Inhale deeply while gently folding up over your forward left leg. Lead with your chin and really hold your arms up behind you. When you can stretch no farther, stay there and breath deeply for 3-5 counts. Repeat with your right leg forward.

In the same starting position with your left leg forward and with both heels on the same line, raise your arms up with a big inhale. Exhale, folding over your leg with arms stretched out. Try to lead with your chin; it will help you lengthen your back. Keep both your hip bones facing where your forward legs toes are pointed. Hold this position for a few big breaths, then fold over your leg for a few more breaths. Repeat with your other leg forward.


3.) Triangle and Triangle Twist

With heels on the same line again, and left leg toes pointing forward, gently push your hips back. Inhale and gently fold down your leg. Raise your back arm up and look at it. Open and  stretch here for a few big breaths.

Drop your raised arm to your mat. Raise your lowered arm up (Simply reverse your arms.) Then twist. Hang out here for a few deep breaths. Repeat with your other leg forward.

If you find your hand does not make it to the floor, simply rest it on whatever part of your leg it feels good on and work from there.

4.) Tip Toe Extended Leg Squat into Half Moon Pose

Stand hip width. Bend your knees and lower your torso. Extend your left leg to the side. Stay here for a few deep breaths. Repeat and extend your right leg for a few deep breaths.

With left leg extended, again place your hands for support on your mat in front of you. Gently shift all of your weight to your left leg. As you do, pivot your foot so that your toes face the left side. Walk your hands on the mat and place one palm on each side of your forward foot. Lift off by straightening your forward left leg and raising your back right leg. If you feel balanced, circle your right  arm up. This will cause your body to open up sideways into Half Moon Pose.

Push through the heel of your raised foot and try to straighten your standing leg. This will balance out your body in the pose.

5.) Half Moon Hand to Foot Balancing Pose

Move into Half Moon Pose. From here, bend your raised leg and grasp it with your raised hand. Try to keep that knee up in the back and gently push into that leg. Push like you are trying to straighten the leg. This will stretch you and improve your balance on that leg. Hold for a few deep breaths. Should you lose your balance, simply try a few more times.

To switch legs, start by turning your right shoulder over and down, facing your mat, by lowering your hands to the floor. At this point, both shoulders should be looking the floor. Lower your raised leg and raise your other leg; all that you are doing is switching your hands and legs here. Stretch by pushing through this leg for a few deep breaths. Repeat each side a few more times with a few deep breaths on each side.

6.) Down Dog into Three Legged Dog Crunches

Seated upon your heels, rise up to all fours. Tucking your toes and lifting your sitting bones, straighten your legs and arms. Arms and legs should be both shoulder and hip width apart. Press your hands widely into the mat while pressing your heels down to the mat. You should be able to look at your knees. Soften your neck while keeping your biceps close to your ears. Hang out here for a few breaths.

When you feel ready, lift your left leg. Hold for 10 breaths. Then bend and lower it. Aim for moving your knee to your head. That is one crunch. Repeat for 5-10 more crunches, then switch legs.

7.) Knee Hug into Hand Foot Extension into Tree Asana Variation

Stand tall like a mountain. Spread your left standing leg toes. Slowly raise your right leg. Bring your knee into your chest. Hold for a few deep breaths. Now let your right hand find your right foot. Focus on an object directly in front of you and remain calm. Straighten that leg by pushing your foot into your palm. Hold for a few deep breaths.

Practice this pose near a wall, steady chair, or countertop to maintain balance on your first try.

When you are ready, gently let go and let your right foot slide onto your left thigh. Lift your arms, breathe deeply, and hang out!

Repeat the entire process while standing on your right leg.

8.) The King’s Asana

Stand tall. Focus on an object in front of you. Slowly lift your left leg. Grasp your foot and lean forward. Press the bottom portion of your lifted leg into your hand. This will provide stability and allow your torso to lean forward for a deeper stretch. Stay for 10-30 seconds.

Repeat standing on your left leg.

9. Warrior II Sweeping Arms into Eagle Warrior

Step forward with your right leg. Both legs should be straight. Extend both arms up. Lean back and look up with a big inhale.

With a deep exhale, slowly release into Warrior I by bending your forward leg. Let your arms be straight and slowly lower them, moving them behind and up as far as they will go.

Inhale up with straight legs and arms overhead. Exhale and bend your forward knee as you release your arms back behind you. Repeat on the same leg 10-15 times.

After sweeping your arms with your right leg forward, remain in Warrior I. Bend your elbows and bring your arms up to shoulder height for  Eagle Warrior. Take your left arm and slide it under your right arm; let your wrist and hand keep sliding up over the outside of your right arm. Keep sliding until your palms meet. Clasp them and continue pressing them outward for a deeper stretch. Hold for 10 deep breaths.

Repeat the entire process with your other leg forward. For Eagle Warrior with your left leg forward, let your right arm slide under your left arm and continue sliding it up the outside of your left arm.

10.) Praying Warrior III Asana

Standing tall and steady. Slowly lift your left leg up behind you, toes pointing downward. Press your palms together in a prayer pose and breath deeply 10 times.

Repeat standing on your left leg.

After you have completed this segment, relax for a few moments on your back in Corpse Pose. Breath deeply. Know that you can have a balanced life. Rock Your Asanas and rock your life!

May balance and peace be yours!



Navasana, or Boat Pose. Nava is the Sanskrit word for “boat” and asana is the Sanskrit word for “pose”.

A full Boat Pose can be a difficult pose to master, but well worth your efforts. Your entire body will need to kick in to help you hold a Boat Pose, which is why it proves beneficial to any yoga practice. It’s a deep core strengthener. As it engages the abdominal area, it strengthens your abs, pelvic muscles, and lower back. Your hip flexors and spine benefit too. It increases lung capacity by opening the chest area and works the psoas muscle  – this will improve your balance and posture over time. Your thyroid, intestines, kidneys, and prostrate gland will also be stimulated.

Thankfully, yoga is not about mastering body positions. It’s more about learning about yourself through the avenue of your body. The yoga positions are simply the tools that bring you there. So, whatever effort that you make in any pose will physically benefit your body. What you learn about yourself while holding any pose is what you take away and, hopefully, try to learn from. Your first reaction to getting into a pose often mirrors your reaction to life situations. It reminds me of the story of the apostle Peter and the boat and the day Peter left the boat and walked on water. It’s one of my favorite Bible stories I might add… and not just a story, but a real event that took place in history, recorded for us from Almighty God. We know this about Scripture because God said the Bible was breathed into men and women like us, by God himself. This, all to help lowly man live a better and more fulfilling and adventurous life.

As the story unfolds, we find Peter in the boat with his fellow disciples. A raging storm breaks out and all the disciples are fearful for their lives.

When the disciples saw Him walking on the water, they were terrified, and said, It is a ghost and they cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid. “Lord, if it is you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord save me!”

Matthew 14:26-29

One has to appreciate Peter’s response to his life situation. He responded by relying on his faith in Jesus. Even though he lost focus midway, Peter walked on water – in a raging storm too! Peter is the one and only person in human history ever to walk on water! And don’t forget the disciples in the boat, they had a life situation in need of a response.  They did respond too – by doing nothing.


Boat Pose

Sit with your legs directly out in front of you. Place your hands on the floor for support slightly behind your hips. Bend your knees. Lean back onto your sitting bones. Lift your legs. Try to balance on the tripod of your sitting bones and tailbone. Hold Boat Pose up to 30 seconds, although a few seconds will be just fine if you can’t hold it for the full 30. You may have a rocky boat at first. But, with consistent practice, your boat will keep afloat and you’ll be happily sailing.

For an easier version, keep your knees bent. You may also raise just one leg if necessary. Keep the other leg bent with your foot flat on the mat. The most important thing is to try. Your body will benefit from every effort that you make.

Happy sailing!



Prevent back pain, improve your balance and posture, firm up your abs, and fire up your core with these abdominal yoga poses. Complete these abdominal exercises 2-3 times a week after any Halleluyah Yoga Segments for best results. You will be doing your body good, and all of your yoga poses as well as your daily life will be enhanced. Your legs will go up more easily in yoga poses, you will stand taller, your back will be strengthened, and your core will feel firmer because it will be firmer! Most of all…this is your time, so try to relax your mind for these few short moments of your day. Although most people really hate sit ups, I have realized the older I become the way more I need them….and I need them everyday!

As you work your core physically,

turn within to the presence of God and find true peace

as God promises us in Numbers 6:26.


1.) Lying Leg Lifts

Lay down or lean back on your elbows. Inhale, lift your right leg. Exhale, lowering your right leg. Do the same on your left leg. Alternate each leg for a total of 5-25 repetitions on each leg.


2.) Lying One Leg Ab Stretch

From a lying position, bend your left leg. Lift your right leg and bend your head to look at it. Inhale and exhale deeply for 5-30 counts. Repeat on your other leg. Repeat the process 2 more times with each leg.


3.) Lying Leg and Ab Stretch

From a lying position, place your hands under your sit bones for back support. Raise your legs approximately 12 inches. Breathe deeply for 20-30 seconds, then lower your legs. Repeat the process 2 more times.


4.) Boat Pose/Bended Legs

With legs extended out in front of you and hands placed on each sides for support, gently lift your legs to the above position. Hold it for 5-30 seconds, then repeat this 2 more times.



5.) Boat Pose with Toe Touches

If you can, lift your legs, but only if you your back is comfortably supported. If not, repeat the bended legs version again. If you can hold this position, continue for 3, 5, 10, or 30 seconds, then come down and try it again. If you can hold it comfortably, start touching your toes to your mat, one then the other, 5-10 more times.



6.) Legs Up a Wall Ab Stretch

Start in a lying down position. Raise your legs and keep them together. Open your legs by extending them to the sides and come up off your shoulder.s Bring your hand through your legs. Come back down and close your legs as you do. That is one. Repeat this 5-25 more times for a serious abdominal burn!

Lie down and stretch your arms over your head a few times with a big breath.

Go forth in peace!


LIVING STRONGER WITH MR.Z YOGA CHALLENGE (whole body yoga for strength and focus)

Plug into the surpassing greatness of His power and emerge fortified!

Both earthy and exhilarating, this segment with Mr. Z  will challenge your balance while building core, leg, and feet strength. As you move through these standing positions, deepen your footprints into the earth by gently pressing your feet into the ground. Let that vitality rebound up through your legs. Use your arms for balance. Breath steadily moving, from position to position. Allow God to unleash His mighty power in you and “Live Stronger!”

God says,…Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Ephesians 6:10


Start with your legs hip width apart. Inhale deeply, reaching your arms upwards. Exhale deeply, folding your torso over your legs. Pause for a moment in a downward position. Your hands may only reach your knees, but with practice your flexibility will improve. Repeat 10-15 times and don’t forget to breathe.


Kneel and place your hands on your mat in front of you. Feet are hip width apart. Tuck your toes and slowly straighten your legs and arms. Let your hips be the highest point. Walk your legs in if your heels do not touch the mat. Explore the position. Move around in Down Dog until you feel a good stretch. Try to breath deeply for a few counts before kneeling back to your starting point. Try a few more times before moving to the next pose.


Once you feel comfortable in a Down Dog position, simply raise your left leg. Hold it up as you breathe deeply. Then raise your right leg. Alternate 10 more raises each leg, inhaling as you raise your leg and exhaling as you lower it.


From Three Legged Dog Position simply raise your arms and come up to a horizontal position of arms and legs. Hold and breath deeply for a few counts. You may wiggle and fall, everyone does. Simply try again. You can also go back to Three Legged Dog, then back to Warrior III a few times before trying your other leg.


From Warrior III Position above, challenge yourself and don’t drop your raised foot. Instead, bring your raised leg in to meet your other leg. Grab your knee, then your foot. Place your foot inside your standing leg’s thigh or keep it raised as high on your leg as possible. Stretch your arms over head or in prayer position. Hold and breathe deeply up to 10 times.


From Tree Position above, grasp the foot that is raised and carefully balance on your standing leg as you move it to the back of you. Let your foot push into your hand as you reach your other arm forward. This will create better stability and balance. You may also place your forward arm on a chair or table. If you fall, simply start over. You will feel a deep stretch and become more open on your side, hip, chest and shoulder. Breathe deeply as you stretch and repeat a few times, building deep core and leg strength.


From The King’s Position slowly let go of your foot and place it behind you. Bend your standing leg. Place your heels on the same line. Stretch your arms out wide. Pull up through your torso. Establish firm legs and hips. Hold, breathing deeply for 10 long counts while the breath soaks into your cells and energizes your body.


From a Warrior II Position, inhale. Then slowly exhale, raising your forward arm and lean back. Your back arm should be sliding down your back leg as you do. Repeat 5-10 times. Inhale in Warrior II and exhal into Peaceful Warrior.


It’s time now to repeat Three Legged Dog, Warrior III, Tree Position, The King’s Position, Warrior I, and Peaceful Warrior on your other leg.


Stand tall, feet hip width. Raise and pull your knee in, grabbing onto your foot. Use a sturdy counter, table or chair if you need extra support in holding yourself up on one foot. Find a focal point to concentrate on outwardly and the Bible verse to focus on inwardly. Slowly push out with your foot and straighten your leg. Keep your balancing knee straight but not locked. Raise your free hand and hold for 10 deep breaths. You will  wiggle, wobble and possibly fall, everyone does. If you fall, simply try again. Every second that you hold your leg up you are building deep strength.


YOGA FOR VITALITY CHALLENGE ( Yoga with a twist for everyBODY)

This yoga segment is designed for most fitness levels.  Enhance your twisting with a couple verses of Scripture provided below and twist for your mind, body, and soul!

Get Twisted and improve the health of your internal organs and build your core. According to Livestrong, twists encourage the flow of oxygenated blood while eliminating toxins and metabolic wastes from your body. They also aid in bloating or digestive problems. Your shoulders, chest, back and spine have a chance to relax in twists and you will increase flexibility in your spine and waist muscles.

At first glance, twists appear chaotic. Any normal person knows a body should not be bending and twisting like that. That’s the beauty of a twist: a body gone wild! Don’t be fooled; to move into a twist from a standing position requires so much more. Your feet need to settle into the earth and your legs must draw strength from the stability of the feet. Your entire core or inner body  needs to lengthen. You must inhale from the bottom of your body to the top of your head, drawing a long deep breath by pulling up and out of your waist, chest, hips, spine. And when it is impossible to hold any more breath inside you, then you twist with a long exhalation. The breathing helps you twist better.

What I love about twists is that your insides get revitalized. As you stand firm with a solid foundation, you appear all tensed up and out of control but your core keeps you strong. Sometimes in our lives we get all twisted up too but God tells us to chill. Sometimes the knots are so twisted up we can easily forget that the God that breathed the stars into existence and turned water into wine can help us. Seriously, all we need to do is believe. Seems too easy, but God promised He would help us. In this yoga segment get twisted but let Him untwists all the  knots inside that are binding you now.

…”cast your worries on Him, because He cares for you. 1 peter 5:7

…Let your roots grow down into Him. Let your lives be built on Him. Colossians 2:7



1.) Chair Pose into Chair Pose Twist

Start by placing your feet together. Bend your knees and slightly bend back as if you were going to sit on a chair. Raise your arms up, then inhale and exhale 3-5 times long and deeply. You may stand up for a moment or continue in a chair pose for the twist.

In chair pose position, on your last inhale and exhale bring your palms together in prayer pose. Firmly press them together. Inhale deeply, lifting your entire upper body. Exhale deeply as you twist. Let your left elbow twist to the outside of your right leg. Hold the pose as long as you like or repeat on your other side.

Make it a flowing sequence of movement by always standing up before you bend into chair pose. Bend into chair pose with arms up and then into prayer pose. Stand up again and bend into chair pose before you twist to each side. Repeat the sequence once or maybe 3 times each side.

You may also widen your feet for better balance in chair pose and do not bend back too far. Always stand between each movement so your legs don’t get tired and slightly twist to each side.



2.) Chair Pose One Arm Stretch and Twist

From chair pose, twist to the right side, and simply lower your left arm down while extending your right arm upward. Hold the twisted stretch, then inhale and exhale long and deeply. Breathe into any tensions that may arise.



3.) Low Lunge Back Knee Bend into Reverse Twist

Step your left foot forward into a lunge pose. Sink your hips, placing your back knee on the ground. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for a minute, invigorating your body and mind while resting your attention on God.

For the twist, bend your right back leg and let your torso follow. Place your right hand directly below your right shoulder. Let your left arm twist your body as you look up. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for 3-10 counts if you like, or what ever feels good for you.

Make you lunge higher or simply stay on a bended back right knee if you find it too challenging. If your right hand does not make it to the floor, stay up. Do the twist by placing your right arm just outside your left thigh. Inhale and exhale long and deeply as long as you feel comfortable.



4.) Bended Knee Reverse Twist and Stretch

Step your right foot forward, bending your back left knee. Inhale long and deeply, lifting your entire upper body. Then as you exhale twist, placing your left hand on your right thigh. Raise your right arm for a deeper twist. Repeat on your other side for 3-10 long and deep twisted inhales and exhales, or as many as you like.




5.) Warrior II Pose into Side Angle Pose

Step your left foot forward, bending your knee. Keep your left back leg straight if possible. Sink your hips, raising your arms up and out to the sides. Inhale, pulling up and out of your belly, then lifting your chest. Keep your shoulders pressed down with an extended neck. Look out past your arms. Stand firm and let the quietness of your roots be the source of your strength.

Move from Warrior II position into Side Angle pose by lifting your right arm up and extending it up and over. Meanwhile bend your left arm, resting it on your left thigh. Stretch and inhale and exhale long and deeply 3-10 times. Repeat on your other side.

Walk your back leg in and slightly bend your front knee if you find it too challenging. Your hand may also rest anywhere that feels comfortable on your front leg.



6.) Side Angle Stretch and Twist

Once in a Side Angle position, lower your forward left hand to the floor and extend your right arm up. Inhale and exhale long and deeply 3-10 times.

You may come back to a standing position or come back to a Side Angle. Moving from a Side Angle, simply let your raised right arm fall behind. Then let your left arm slide under your left thigh and meet it. Grasp your fingers and look up. This will open your torso in new ways, stretching and strengthening your entire body. Inhale and exhale as best you can long and deeply.

Bring your right arm to your hip. Look up.


7.) Star Pose One Arm Stretch and Twist

Stretch your legs out to the sides at a distance comfortable for you. Bend forward, placing your hands on the ground. Inhale long and deeply and exhale long and deeply, extending and twisting your right arm upward. Repeat on the other side for 3-10 inhales and exhales on both sides. Inhale middle, exhale twisting up.

For a less vigorous approach, bend your knees and  lessen the distance between your legs. Bend over slightly. Let your twist come from placing your hands on the outside of each leg. The other arm can be placed on your hip. Inhale in the middle slightly bent and exhale as you twist to each side. Repeat 3-10 times each side.


8.) Eagle Pose

Stand with your legs and feet together. Raise your left leg, placing it over your right thigh. Try to tuck that leg behind the leg your standing on. If you can twirl it around the leg finishing at the inside of your right foot. Once steady, let your left arm go under your right elbow, twirling it up your arm until your palms meet. Inhale and exhale long and deep 2-4 times. Repeat on your other leg. Left leg twirls left arm goes under and twirls. Right leg twirls, right arm goes under and twirls. Try to keep your body, especially your hips facing forward.

For a less vigorous approach, I would suggest that you do these movements separately. Arms. Then do legs. Play around with each, and see where you end up. One side will feel easier, guaranteed!




9.) Squat Prayer Pose Into Side Twist

Let your legs be hip width apart then bend your knees. Sink your hips all the way to the ground. Press your palms together for a more intense stretch.

From Squat Pose, raise your left arm up then back extending it to your right hip. Stay here. For a more intense stretch, take your right arm out and over the outside of your right leg. Meet the hands, clasp them and stretch upward for 3-10 long and deep inhales and exhales.

For a less vigorous approach, place a rolled up or folded blanket under each heel. Gently begin moving your arms up and around your legs. Stop at a comfortable stretch for you. Inhale and exhale long and deeply.

Lie on your back for a few breaths to absorb the afterimage of each twist. Do you feel lighter? Does your body feel more buoyant? Do you feel more rooted and grounded, perhaps balanced and clear-headed? Enjoy this delightful state of peace and love.

Get Twisted and Yoga on