As you work your core physically,
turn within to the presence of God and find true peace
as God promises us in Numbers 6:26.
1.) Lying Leg Lifts
Lay down or lean back on your elbows. Inhale, lift your right leg. Exhale, lowering your right leg. Do the same on your left leg. Alternate each leg for a total of 5-25 repetitions on each leg.
2.) Lying One Leg Ab Stretch
From a lying position, bend your left leg. Lift your right leg and bend your head to look at it. Inhale and exhale deeply for 5-30 counts. Repeat on your other leg. Repeat the process 2 more times with each leg.
3.) Lying Leg and Ab Stretch
From a lying position, place your hands under your sit bones for back support. Raise your legs approximately 12 inches. Breathe deeply for 20-30 seconds, then lower your legs. Repeat the process 2 more times.
4.) Boat Pose/Bended Legs
With legs extended out in front of you and hands placed on each sides for support, gently lift your legs to the above position. Hold it for 5-30 seconds, then repeat this 2 more times.
5.) Boat Pose with Toe Touches
If you can, lift your legs, but only if you your back is comfortably supported. If not, repeat the bended legs version again. If you can hold this position, continue for 3, 5, 10, or 30 seconds, then come down and try it again. If you can hold it comfortably, start touching your toes to your mat, one then the other, 5-10 more times.
6.) Legs Up a Wall Ab Stretch
Start in a lying down position. Raise your legs and keep them together. Open your legs by extending them to the sides and come up off your shoulder.s Bring your hand through your legs. Come back down and close your legs as you do. That is one. Repeat this 5-25 more times for a serious abdominal burn!
Lie down and stretch your arms over your head a few times with a big breath.
Go forth in peace!