I invite you to my faithful ROCK. You will usually find me practicing yoga upon it. It’s my quiet space of refuge where I trade in the loud voices of the world for the quietness of inner peace, restoring balance to my soul and giving me strength for daily living.

Spring, summer, winter and fall it stands as an ordinary rock just outside my window. However, it’s my source of inspiration and my moment to express gratitude to my Heavenly Father. It’s where I find focus and determination to stand in this world strong and aligned. I purposely balance upon it in all kinds of weather to feel how it challenges me to surrender to the changes that pop up and how I need to change my footing to keep balancing upon it. I practice yoga upon it when it’s snowy and icey, lush and overgrown with green. I sneak upon it when it’s been prickly with thorns and dead branches and when it’s so hot I can barely stand. It provides a solid place for me to stand, strengthening my legs so I can balance more firmly in this world. I find beautiful and hidden things coming to life by a simple asana practiced upon it.

One ordinary object and a few yoga asanas and I loose myself in movement that I may find myself in Him. Jesus Christ my Rock and my Redeemer, the true source of my joy and the purpose of my life!

Dear heavenly Father…

Thank you for being the Rock that we can always depend on to hold us up! We thank Thee and praise Thee for giving us a firm place to stand in this sinking world, Halleluyah!

I'm dreaming of a (1).jpg


Do you think God thinks about you?

Give this a try and you might be surprised at how much!

Next time your at the beach or the lake, a pond or a creek, a river or any body of water, take a big look around at all the sand or dirt you can see. Then try to imagine the mountains of sand under all the water that you see. Then think about each individual grain of sand and pick up a handful and start counting! Then think of all the shores of all the bodies of water across the globe! Include the thought of the shores that you and no one has yet seen. Think of all the seas and all the oceans and how deep they are and how they cover the earth more than dry land does. Then try and grasp God’s thoughts about you. But Oh, You can’t! That’s because they out number all the grains of sand in the entire world!

How precious are your thoughts about me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You. Psalm 139:17-18 

Dear Heavenly Father…

We bow down and thank you for loving us beyond what we can imagine and giving us Your Word so that we can enjoy health and whole body fitness the way that you intended! May you guide us and direct our paths that we may walk in our identity set by YOU and live each of our purposes joyfully, peacefully, thankfully and vibrantly healthy – that we may be all that YOU created us to be! HALLELUYAH!


Surely it is a “Halleluyah Moment” to know that Science is just catching up to what God said in His Word thousands of years ago, that positive thinking can and does have an effect one’s health. What’s more important is that it is everyone’s choice to decide what thoughts we wish or don’t wish to think about. Of course we don’t have to think the way God wants us to think, but then again why would we reject the ultimate best prescription for a life’s mindset that is promised by God to keep us happy, healthy and wise!


You see, according to Psychology Today, every thought that we possess releases certain brain chemicals called hormones. Being focused on negative thoughts produces cortisol the stress hormone, hard wired to keep our body on high alert for stress encounters which is a good thing. Yet too much cortisol for too long saps our brainpower of its positive forcefulness. Too much negative thinking is shown to slow the brain down and can ultimately dim our brain’s ability to function and eventually it can lead to depression. On the flip side, thinking positive – happy, hopeful, optimistic, joyful thoughts – decreases cortisol and produces seratonin instead, the happy hormone.  The one that likes to make us happy and give us a wonderful  sense of well-being!

In fact feeling pleasure can be so stimulating for our brain that it is primed to respond to pleasure in a way that reinforces pleasure. This helps our brains function at peak capacity, as happy people are more creative, solve problems faster, and tend to be more mentally alert.

Scientific research is also proving that thinking positive thoughts is also heart healthy and can increase our life expectantly even up to fifty-five percent longer. Positivity can be essential to our health if we come from a family with a history of heart disease.

Positive thinking also helps in reducing anxiety and helps us to cope better in stressful situations and circumstances. It actually counters the effects of thinking negative thoughts. It is shown to help our digestive system and entire immune system run more effectively as well. It can even help with fertility too!

It’s no wonder why The Lord Our God proclaimed thousands of years ago these happy thoughts on happy living!

And now, dear brothers and sisters fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

Philippians 4:8-9

If you like, take a few moments. Hand over that unhealthy mindset and start new because you don’t need negativity anymore!

Sit comfortably wherever you might find yourself.
Let your hands rest upon your legs.
Now focus in on the words above.
When your ready please inhale deeply, slowly and intentionally and keep your focus on welcoming only these positive thoughts.
Then exhale the same way, deeply, slowly and intentionally all of your doubts, fears, cares, and worries because you don’t need them anymore!
Repeat as long as you like because YOU are never too old and it is NOT too late to start again.

God doesn’t think so and neither do I!!



God is love. 1 John 4:8

Less of me ~ more of Love. John 3:30.
He must become greater and I must become less, higher style of living. Approaching every word and deed we do, fashioned by God’s guidance and dressed in His Love!

However, getting naked and becoming vulnerable before God takes great courage! I know I find it rather easy to layer up and dress how I want the world to see me. And it’s easy to grow accustomed to our style, our way. Coming from a fashion background I know I fall into my style all the time. I know when I wake up and immediately put my feet down on the ground, rather than thanking God for giving me a new day that I’m on the road for doing things my way. And so easily do I fall right into it somedays.

On most days, I try not to forget God who wakes me up everyday. When I wake up rushed, I’m then reacting rather than responding to the moments before me. That usually results in gripping the steering wheel from God in whom I gave it too and moving into the drivers seat of my life. That can happen quite easily when a situation occurs during the day and my mind takes off and I let anxious thoughts fill me up which makes me run to the next fix to ease my tensions. However, that is our human flesh response.  A higher style perhaps would be to pause a moment, take a deep breathe and look to Jesus and for help! This would help us immediately and give us hope for the next time to respond in a calmer, less stressed mode. Better would be diving into in HIS Word before we respond and with that, we will be on our way to a higher style of living, everyday!

Do not be anxious about anything! Instead, pray! Philippians 4:6

pray more worry less




What happens to our body when we are stressed? It defends itself, of course!

Amazingly, God has created us with an entire defense system that turns on as soon as we become stressed. Dr. Herbert Benson, a cardiovascular specialist at Harvard Medical School coined it “The Relaxation Response.”  Esther Sternberg, physician and author of several books on stress and healing, explains how it works.

Immediately, our heart rate speeds up and diverts blood away from our guts and to our muscles so we can run away. The pupils of our eyes constrict, so we can keenly focus on our attacker. The bronchii of our lungs increase blood oxygenation and convert energy stored in the liver into fuel for strength and stamina.  She also states that if we are stressed for too long, our body starts to release stress hormones and nerve chemicals that we do not want floating around in our body. That is why it’s important to our health to chill out as soon as possible. Perhaps God designed our breathing system with that in mind: that we might trust in Him for help.

Next time you feel stress coming on, drop and give yourself 10 long and deep breaths. Chill and meditate on this verse of Scripture and just breathe… let God take care of it all!

More ” Halleluyah Moments ” please!


Just one sunrise or perhaps a sunset too would suffice to be a testimony of the Glory of God. However, our Heavenly Father chooses to bestow His beauty across the skies every single day and every night!

God doesn’t have to say a word but not a day passes without bearing testimony that the skies are not put together by chance, but handcrafted by the supreme Architect. Heaven’s hands are busy at work fashioning the bright lights of the morning and painting the day away with evenings bursting in a glorious array of infinite colors.

Though the world has many languages both spoken and written, the Glory of God speaks in magnificent colors to end every day and morning light to brighten up every day. Bestowed upon His creation is His morning and evening love letter that we might for a moment contemplate, reflect and admire His wisdom and power. He’s in the business of ravishing our souls with awe and wonder at of His eternal beauty. Perhaps He simply wants us to know that just like a sunrise or a sunset, His love is freely given and we need only to look up to accept it. For in His eyes we are worthy, so very special and indescribably loved!



To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.

Although I hate being cold, a snowstorm triggers my inner child and out into the cold I go. Of course the best part is coming back inside and feeling my hands, feet and cheeks thaw out and a cup of hot chocolate never hurt either. Driving in snow is a much different story. I experienced a pretty big accident in nineteen eighty one and it left me terrified that I would get into a big slide again and end up inside the back edge of a town snow plow! however, today I’m happy to report that by the grace of God I do more snow driving. However I did complain about it for years. How about you? Do you live in a place where it snows and have you ever complained about it?

Actually, I think it’s quite a natural human being thing we do, complaining about the snow because let’s face it snow does make our lives a little bit harder. However, looking at snow from Heaven’s eyes it’s  incredibly different. In fact, the Book of Job tells us that snow is very, very  special. That God has given it a place among the wonders of the world and has ranked it up there with the morning stars, the seas, and even the lightening. So Job gets my attention and because Jesus is my Father, I’ve simply got to find out more!

Looking up interesting facts about my Father, “The Snow King” I found that scientists actually estimate that it takes fifteen minutes for a snowflake to be born and to reach it’s physical completion. To me that is nothing short of amazing. Also, under a microscope scientists can also actually see all the details of a snow flake and they all agree that no two snowflakes could possibly be exactly alike. Did you also know that it is snowing all the time in different places all over the world? How about the fact that every time it snows our planet also receives roughly one million, billion, cubic feet of snow per every snow storm? That would translate in my yoga picture above that I am standing on over a billion snowflakes, even while new ones are being made and fresh ones are still falling. Isn’t that amazing! But that’s the awesomeness of our Father! All of His creations are intimately fashioned with infinite care and utmost detail. When you really get to the heart of it, each snowflake is a revelation of unfathomable love and care, of artistry and intelligence, and wisdom beyond human comprehension.

Oh how He loves us that He would let His love fall upon us! And just in case that is not enough proof of the unfathomable depth of love, might and power, God gave us eyes to see the snow, hands to touch it and a body to feel it and scientists to study it. Surely when the snow is falling He desires that we remember how great His love is for each of us. We are loved beyond measure! Hallaluyah!


This time of year every window I look out displays a magnificent masterpiece of indescribable beauty as the summer lets go into fall. There’s just something magical about the lush green leaves of summer turning into warm golds, robust yellows, vivid oranges and deep reds. Just a simple peek out of my windows brings joy to my soul as leaves celebrate their colorful descent, joyfully dancing in the wind.

Though it be the most colorful time of year here in New Hampshire, us Granite Stater’s know the cold and snowy weather will soon it be upon us for we all know that Autumn shall quickly pass. It always does. Nothing stays the same here, not a season and not even a day.

For our Heavenly Father told us in Ecclesiastes,

There is a time to be born and a time to die;

A time to plant and a time to pluck what has been planted;

A time to kill and a time to heal;

A time to break down and a time to build up;

A time to weep and a time to laugh;

A time to mourn and a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones;

a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to gain and a time to lose;

A time to keep and a time to throw away;

A time to tear and a time to sow;

A time to keep silence and a time to speak;

A time to love and a time to hate;

A time of war an a time of peace.

As we can see the beautiful seasons of the earth and the different seasons of our lives possess no secrets to The Lord Jesus Christ because He created each season and sustains each one. He arranges when things will happen and when they will not and no moment exists where He is not in charge. Moment to moment and day by day, His order and supremacy shines down upon all of the earth and every living thing. The process of it all, the procedure, the duration and every detail is perfectly executed at “His” perfectly given time. Isn’t it so nice to know that He’s a mighty God with a purpose and a meaning for every detail that goes on for you and for me and the entire world?

Perhaps He gives us the changing seasons to let us know that He’s in got this life of ours and we need not worry. Maybe like the leaves He wants us to let go of things and trust the process for He’s promised to make everything beautiful in it’s time. And if we find ourselves in a strange and sorrowful season as we all will at different times, He wants each of us to remember that, this to shall pass. And to remind us that there is beauty in the letting go, we need only look outside.

Chill Out In The Happy Corpse Pose

Who knew something so simple as laying back in a Corpse Pose could make us healthier and more beautiful?

In the Yoga community Corpse Pose is known as a huge stress-reducer, a great method of meditation and the perfect  position to focus our gaze on higher thoughts.

Simply lay back, let your feet spread, place your arms by your sides with palms up and try to keep your shoulders away from your ears. Then give yourself ten or more big inhales and exhales. If your feeling it stay here longer and really give yourself a chance to unwind!

I personally have a hard time staying here. I wanna go go go! If I do relax for a moment though all the things I must do seem to flood my mind. Hopefully your not like me and will be able to reap all the healthy benefits of acting like your dead on the ground here. You can always pretend your sunbathing, too!

Corpse Pose is also a perfect position to…

Set your mind on things above and not things of the earth.

Colossians 3:2

And also a perfect position to focus upon goodness & positivity!

Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable and praiseworthy, think about such things.

Philippians 4:8

After reaping the healthy benefits of these applied Bible verses know that…

Those who look to Him are radiant, Their faces are never covered with shame!

Psalm 34:5

keep calm & yoga on








With so much crazy going on who isn’t fearful? Living in this fallen world keeps us treading from one crisis to the next. It seems every morning we wake up to new peril and it’s stressing us out. Living in a constant state of stress is not good for our minds or our bodies and it leads to all kinds of conditions and diseases. Where can we go for relief? Is there even any such thing as relief in these dark days?

Fear is a powerful human emotion. It can also cause us to react quickly with out thought or paralyze us from taking any action and keep us in a state of constant fear and worry. Fear can even stop us from turning to God our Rescuer who knows every world disruption we will face and how afraid and powerless we feel inside. Yet, His timeless Word, the Bible, has all the answers and antidotes to keep us calm, cool and collected. The great Physician has a prescription for all of our body, our minds and our souls needs.

He assures us, “So, do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)

Of course we want to trust God but there are times when peace eludes us. We’re worried and anxious. we don’t want to be brave this time. Then God reminds us,

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you may go.”  (Joshua 1:9)

It’s all easier said than done, right? This trust God and you will be peaceful and you will just automatically be strong like our Savior said. Yet He is the one that turned water into wine. The One and only One that calmed the sea and walks on it because He created it! He can feed over 5,000 people with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. He’s continually placing each star in it’s place. He knows every tear you’ve ever cried and will cry. He knew you before you were born, created you with a purpose and thinks about you more often then if you could count every grain of sand in the entire world! He even knows precisely the moment that you will step into Eternity with Him! On top of all of that, He provides a guideline and prescription to living an abundant, successful and healthy life of peace, joy, love and hope, found only in His Holy Bible. Which He testifies that He breathed His Words into the ordinary men and women who wrote the Bible and chose them to give us His guidelines to abundant living!

He asks from each of us is to believe what He has said. To pray about everything all the time. To follow His ways and trust His guidance. That it’s okay to be weak, afraid, uncertain and powerless. Because He holds the power to make us strong, completely confident and utterly fearless! He’s actually waiting for us to come to those horrible moments of helplessness because it is then and only then He can help us! And He promises that He will help us. All we have to to is ask and sit still and wait. The power of Heaven’s Help is only a silent heartfelt prayer away. Only Heavenly peace can truly replace all our fear and panic. Today if we will ask and tomorrow and this very moment and every moment after! You can be sure. You can trust God!  Because He promises He will always answer us and always provide!

“I will keep in perfect peace whose mind is fixed on Thee!” Isaiah 26:3

Keep calm and yoga on because peace is on it’s way…

…Pray~Believe~Trust~Be Still…

Isn’t it amazing?

God made a way for us to do just that, it’s called Covid 19