Need to build leg strength? This pose is for you! Best part? You can practice this position essentially anywhere! This position is also a Karate Position for building leg strength. We used to sit here for long periods of time for stamina, strength, and determination. It was a mind over matter thing!

To begin, turn your toes slightly out to the sides and let your body sink as low as you can go! Be sure not to let your knees extend beyond your toes. Maintain a straight back and keep your shoulders pressed down too. Breathe deeply and hold for as long as you can!


keep calm and yoga on!




Give your body a “twist” for health!

Begin by stretching your legs directly out in front of you.

Bend your right knee pulling it close to your torso.

If possible, lift your right foot over your left thigh, knee or ankle.

Wrap your arms around your bent knee.

Twist your body towards your bent knee.

Press your palms together in a prayer position. This will help hold your twist.

Breathe deeply for 10 long inhales and exhales.

Try Seated Spinal Twist with your left foot over your right thigh.

Taking a deep breath in and then exhaling it all out as you twist helps you to twist a little deeper.

Thanks for joining me!

keep calm and yoga on

xxoo penny


Child Pose. A “self care” and a “self love” yoga pose!

Giving your cares and worries to God is also self care and self love only on steroids! So why not give yourself the best results as you take a moment to rest in your child’s pose by including some Scripture and up the resting posture by going to the endless source of peace and strength. Because…. better than a just a child pose is Scripture that is filled with God’s promises to provide rest when we seek Him and He tells us to “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest!”

If your a practicing Yogi, you may see some version of this position in every yoga class. That’s because Child Pose is a resting pose, a go to pose when you need a break. When your experiencing a little stress or tension you can also add a stretch with the arms to each side while taking in deep inhales and breathing out slowly excess tension and stress. This will help to release tension in your neck and shoulders.

Anytime we position our arms over head helps to stimulate drainage of our lymph nodes located directly under our arms. Having our head lower lower than our heart boosts circulation and good circulation enhances all parts of our body including our brain and immune system.

It’s beneficial to stay in Child Pose for 10 really deep breaths to give our body time to relax. Then simply slip an arm under and breath deeply for 10 more. Then we repeat everything with our other arm slipped under.


Thanks for joining me.

Keep calm and yoga on!




A short and sweet Mini Yoga Challenge for your legs!

Start off with a chair or wall in front of you to grab if in need of support for all four positions below!

Top Left Picture:

  • Stand with your feet directly below your hips.
  • Feet firmly planted on the ground.
  • With a big inhale extend both arms out to your sides.
  • Stretch & reach arms over head.
  • Then exhale & come down.
  • Repeat 10 times.
  • Really try to stretch upward from your hips pulling in your stomach too.
  • Lean back with your head & arms if your feeling stable.

Top Right Picture:

  • Stand with your feet directly below your hips.
  • Continue  like the Top Left Picture.
  • Once your arms are stretched up, release your right arm and stretch to your right side.
  • Remember to pull up and then over your hips.
  • Keep both legs straight if possible.
  • Bend your knees slightly if you need stability.
  • Repeat stretching alternately to each side for 10 times.
  • Inhale deeply when both arms are over head.
  • Exhale slowly as you lean and stretch to each side.


Squat Pose or Lower Left Bottom:

  • From standing hip width on your feet start to bend both legs to the sides.
  • Press both palms together and lower your torso.
  • Continue to hold onto your chair or wall and breathe deeply for 10 counts.
  • If possible, position both elbows inside of your knees and also breathe deeply here.
  • For an added leg strengthener slowly rise and lower your torso a few times, inhaling as you rise and exhaling as you lower.

Tree Pose:

  • Stand hip width holding onto your chair or wall.
  • Ensure both your hips are evenly facing forward.
  • Pick up your left foot and position it on your right ankle.
  • Let your left leg naturally extend out to the side.
  • If possible, slide you foot up your leg with your inner thigh as the goal.
  • Wherever you find your foot is your perfect place.
  • Hold your Tree Pose and breathe deeply for 10 counts.

For an added shoulder, arm, wrist, elbow and upper back stretch meet the tips of your fingers behind your back and slide them up your back as far up as possible. Stay and breathe deeply!

Practicing this Mini Leg Strengthening Challenge a few times a week will improve results!

keep calm and build those legs up!





Yoga contributes relief and healing to many ailments and diseases. Yoga may also contribute to healthier breasts. Although women can benefit, men can also enjoy the energizing and stretching effects of the “Bow Pose!”

I enjoy practicing Bow Pose for the heart and chest stretch. When we stretch our chests we aid our lungs in expanding and thus working more efficiently as they circulate oxygen throughout our bodies more efficiently. More oxygen into our bodies promotes better blood circulation which effects all areas of our bodies, including our Lymphatic System. The Lymphatic System is responsible for gathering and circulating toxins out of our body. It has no pump and relies on muscle movement and breathing to help it work.

According to http://breastcancer.org there are clusters of lymph nodes under our arms, in our necks, as well as more nodes located across our chest, stomach and pelvis. Bow Pose is one little pose that will stretch it all!

Begin Bow Pose by lying on your stomach and then see if you can grab a foot. Start with one hand and then try both.

Now continue the stretch holding your other foot with one or two hands. In each position grab a few deep breaths. If your feeling it, try holding both feet. Give yourself as many deep breaths as possible here!

Remember that everyone starts somewhere. Even the slightest stretch in a Bow Pose will do your body good. With regular practice you will get stronger and begin to see results. You may not even be able to go a day with out a “Bow Pose” like me!

Thanks for joining me!

keep calm and yoga on

xxoo penny


Hi! Welcome to the building up of leg, ankle, foot, knee and core strength!

All Yoga Warrior Poses are my favorite poses to practice because once we establish a firm foundation we are free to let go and have some fun. Like a real life warrior they also command total concentration, perseverance, patience and complete moment-to- moment focus and determination.

In my karate years I grew fascinated with the mind/body connection. It’s when we become one with the pose or strike. It’s when our mind is so fully committed to the task at hand that our body simply flows in movement to fulfill our mind’s desire. Warrior III Pose also commands us to think about nothing more than the immediate task at hand of balancing on one leg!

Of course we will need to focus on the task at hand in our Warrior III Pose. We will have enough to do to hold our leg up and balance on one foot!


  • Stand hip width.
  • Start with the leg that feels the strongest.
  • Bend slightly forward.
  • Lift your leg up behind you and keep on bending and lifting.


  • Ensure you bend forward with both hips equally facing forward.
  • Use a wall, chair, or table for support.
  • Focus your eyes on an object in front of you.
  • Lift and lower your leg even slightly a few times to help you build leg strength.
  • Hold the leg up as long as you possibly can and breathe deeply will help to steady your mind and your body.
  • Repeat on your other leg!

It is best to practice your Warrior III everyday to build up leg strength and to benefit from all it’s healthy yoga goodness!

keep calm and yoga on!


Hi! Welcome to “Yoga with Penny!”

What’s fun about Yoga is that you can mix and match arm, head and leg positions with body positions and personalize each of our poses. It is also nourishing to body, soul and mind to combine yoga and mediation in a posture. For the benefit of both, this month,  I invite you to be a “Praying Warrior!”

There are four main Warrior Poses practiced in yoga which are Warrior I, Warrior II, Warrior III and Peaceful Warrior. All Warriors Poses are useful in building focus, confidence, stamina, strength, balance and flexibility. Today will we practice the Warrior II and add the pressing of our palms together into what looks like a praying position. As we move into our Warrior II Pose try to concentrate on good things. Close your eyes and pray if you like. Take in deep nourishing inhales and determine to exhale out any tensions or stresses that you may be experiencing. This will help induce a state of relaxation. Our bodies can then rejuvenate, rest and heal. Warrior Poses help us to stand tall, firm, confident, and calm physically. They can also teach us to respond rather than react to life’s little unexpected circumstances and situations that everyday life might bring.


To begin:

  • Step to the side with your right foot approximately 3-4 feet.
  • Ensure your toes and knee also point to the side.
  • Ensure both of your hips face forward.
  • Turn your left foot slightly inward, keeping your leg as straight as possible.
  • Now you can bend your forward knee.
  • Ensure that your knee does not exceed beyond your toes.
  • Stretch both of your arms out to the sides.
  • Keep your neck long, back straight and your shoulders pressed down.
  • Now bring both palms in and press them together in a prayer position.
  • Inhale and exhale deeply.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Listen to the needs of your body.
  • Send up a prayer.

I hope you experience all the benefits of a Praying Warrior so that you can keep calm and yoga on!

See you next month!


For more yoga I invite you to visit my website @halleluyahyoga,com


Hi and welcome to this Wrist, Hand and Arm, Mini Yoga Challenge!

As we grow older, every decade we live we loose 3-5% muscle mass. Most men will loose 30% over their life time. What can we do to maintain or prevent muscle loss? Exercise of course. While all exercise is great, studies show that yoga is a very beneficial in not only building and maintaining muscle mass but reducing the effects of stress from every day living as well as aging. Since stress is linked to the six leading causes of death, yoga can be a terrific anti-aging elixir in maintaining our muscles for life and for aging well!

Begin by sitting quietly and take a few deep breaths. Inhale peace and release your cares worries fears and doubts in your exhales. Stay as long as you wish. This is your time to be good to yourself. You deserve a few moments of self love! How else will you love your neighbor as yourself, if you first don’t love yourself?

Relax and let go. You know that God has got your back! What else is there to worry about?

If God is for us…who can be against us? Romans 8:31

1.) Cat/Cow Stretch

  • Start with your palms directly below shoulders and knees directly below hips.
  • Slowly tuck your chin and round your back while inhaling pulling your stomach in.
  • Then
  • Slowly look up arching your back and letting your stomach sink as you slowly exhale.
  • Repeat the Cat with a deep inhale and then the Cow with a deep exhale for 10 counts each position.

2.) Wrist Stretch One

  • Pick up your hands and face your fingers to the sides.
  • Move around a bit stretching both wrists.

3.) Wrist Stretch 2

  • Place your fingers so they look at your knees.
  • Move around a bit and stretch them.

4.) Wrist Stretch 3

  • Make fists and position your fingers so you could look at them.
  • Press lightly until you feel a stretch.
  • Hold the stretch for a bit.

5.) Tiger Stretch

  • Position your body so that hands are below your shoulders and your knees are below your hips.
  • Spread your palms wide.
  • Gently lift your right leg up behind you.
  • Try to keep both your hips equally facing forward.
  • Lower and lift your leg 5-10 times.
  • Now switch legs.

6.) Plank

  • Start with both your knees on the mat.
  • Try curling your toes under and lift your hips.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts to a minute.
  • Stay on your knees if it feels too challenging and breathe deeply here for 10 counts up to a minute.
  • Ensure your palms are spread wide and directly below your shoulders.

7.) Running Planks

  • Try this when you can hold a Plank for a few breaths.
  • Simply bring a knee to your chest then alternate legs like you are running.
  • If you can, challenge yourself and do 10 or more each leg.

8.) Downward Dog

  • Start with your hands directly below your shoulders and knees directly below your hips.
  • Curl your toes under and then lift your hips.
  • Lower and lift your hips a few times.
  • Practice regularly and you will be building strong arms, shoulders, wrists and back.
  • If you find you cannot lift your hips right away simply keep trying a little bit everyday and soon one day, it may happen!

9.) Table Top Pose

  • Sit with your knees bent and feet on your mat.
  • Position your hands behind your hips.
  • Gently lift your hips.
  • Ensure your hands are directly below your shoulders.
  • Arch your head back.
  • Inhale as you lift and exhale as you lower a few times.
  • Then hold and breathe for 10 deep breaths.
  • If you find Table Top to be challenging at first, simply continue to lift and lower your hips because you are still building arm strength even with the tiniest lift!

10.) Tricep Dips

  • Once you can hold a Table Top position, simply lower and lift your hips, bending your elbows as you lower and then straightening them as you come up!
  • Shoot for 10-20 repetitions but…2 or 3 to start out as well as being able to do 50 reps is awesome!

11.) Body Hug

  • Lie on your mat, bring your knees in, wrap your arms around your knees and give your body a great big hug!

I hope you enjoyed giving your body the gift of yoga!

keep calm and yoga on!

xxoo penny



Welcome to “Yoga with Penny.” This month I present to you the simple yet elegant, Praying Tree Pose!

Although this position is a very basic yoga position, a Praying Tree Pose offers an array of vibrant healthy benefits. Best of all it is a yoga position that can easily be approached and when you are ready it can progress into a very challenging position. Where ever you may find yourself in this pose you will be continually strengthening your feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, hips, spine and core. With simple props like a chair, table or a wall that you can use for support, even beginners will be building a firm foundation while improving balance and coordination and focus too.

Tree Pose Directions:

  • Stand with your feet hip width apart and your feet firmly on your mat with your toes spread wide.
  • Find an object or piece of a wall directly in front of you to focus on.
  • Place your hands on your hips.
  • Lift your left foot and place it on your right ankle.
  • Stay here and balance, breathing deeply for three counts.
  • Now if possible, lift your foot up your leg as high as possible.
  • Let your knee extend out to the side like a branch.
  • Press your palms together at your heart center and breathe deeply for ten counts.
  • Send up a prayer of thanks if you like.
  • Remember to make a tree with your other leg.
  • While balancing, ensure your shoulders and hips face forward equally.
  • Also ensure your shoulders are pressed down and your is chin up.
  • Try to maintain a straight back as much as possible.
  • If you fall over simply get back up.
  • Remember that you can always hold onto a wall, chair or table for support.

Being a “Tree” also boosts our brain power. Our feet contain thousands of nerve endings that send signals to our brain. Balancing on one leg creates new neural pathways that establish stability for balancing on one leg.

A Praying Tree is good for our heart. Sending up prayers to Heaven helps to regulate our heartbeat by allowing it to be less stressed. Less stress helps our bodies to heal faster and gives us hope which naturally relieves stress. Since stress is linked to the six leading causes of death it is worth the effort!

I hope you enjoyed being a “Tree” with me and that you practice this position everyday to maintain good balance, stability, strength and a happy hopeful heart!




Hi friends! I invite you to stretch with me in this energizing mini yoga challenge. Pull up a chair, grab a towel or pillow and you can begin right where you are!

This mini challenge will energize, yet relax you with the heart and lung stretching and strengthening. Breathing deeply through out each exercise supplies your cells with fresh oxygen which transforms into energy. Of course, any yoga position that involves our backs is wise to take it slow and gently. You will find that this yoga challenge starts slow and progresses with you!

Below are simpler yoga exercises to begin with, which then progresses into more challenging positions. Start and see where they each one takes you!


1.) Sitting on Legs

  • Sit on your legs then close your eyes.
  • Take a moment to inhale and exhale as deeply as you can up to 10 counts.
  • Flood your body and every cell with deep energizing life giving breaths.
  • It’s the perfect opportunity to release your cares, worries, fears and doubts to the One that is willing and can handle them.
  • Stay in this position as long as you like.

2.) Cat Stretch 

  • Lean forward, arms out in front of you onto both your wrists and knees.
  • Ensure your shoulders are directly above your palms.
  • Ensure your hips are directly above your knees.
  • With a deep breath drop your chin, round your shoulders and pull your navel in as much as you are able.
  • Onto your Cow Stretch below.

3.) Cow Stretch

  • From your Cat Stretch, lower your stomach and arch your back by lifting your chin.
  • Continue stretching your chin up.
  • Repeat the Cat Stretch with a big inhale then repeat the Cow Stretch with a big exhale.
  • Continue for 10-20 Cat into Cow Stretches.

4.) Knee to Child Pose Stretch 

  • Come up onto your knees.
  • Place your hands on your hips or behind your back.
  • If possible, interlock your fingers behind your back, lift your chin and lift your hands up behind you with a big inhale.
  • With a big exhale round your shoulders forward and slowly lean forward onto your mat.
  • Use your hands to help lower your body or place a pillow there for support.
  • If possible, continue stretching your hands up as high as they will go while your head rests on your pillow or your mat.
  • Continue this exercise with the deep breaths for 5-10 counts going up and down on your knees.

5.) Half Camel Stretch 

  • Come to your knees.
  • Ensure your knees are hip width.
  • Place a chair before you for more support to hold onto.
  • Curl your toes under for more support.
  • Place both hands on your chair for support.
  • If you are able, lift both arms up, leaning back slightly.
  • Stay which ever position that is comfortable and breath deeply up to 10 counts.
  • If possible lower a hand back behind you. Place it on your heel if you can.
  • Now breathe deeply up to 10 counts if you can.
  • Be gentle with yourself and move slowly while coming out of this stretch.

6.) Full Camel Stretch

  • Approach this Stretch once you have completed the Half Camel Stretch with no problems or discomfort.
  • Use the chair in front of you for support to feel if you are ready to lean back onto your heels.
  • If you feel ready, slowly place one hand and then the other.
  • If possible, breathe deeply for 3-5 breaths and up to 10 deep breaths if your feeling good stretching back.

7.) Child’s Pose Stretch

  • Once you come up from your Camel Stretch round forward onto the mat or your pillow.
  • Rest your hands stretched out in front of you.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 long counts.

8.) Seated Forward Bending Stretch

  • Bending forward compliments the Camel arching so it is wise to end this mini challenge this way!
  • Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you.
  • Lean forward where you feel a good stretch with no discomfort.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.

Lay back on your mat absorbing all that healthy yoga goodness you infused into your body!

keep calm and yoga on!