Never Too Old To Shine Or Be New!

Living Shiny and New as We Age

Aging is a journey we all embark on, and as we travel this path, it’s easy to get caught up in the idea that youth equals vitality, and aging equals decline. But what if we flipped that narrative? What if we saw aging not as a fading away but as an opportunity to live even more brightly, to embrace life with a spirit that is renewed daily?

The Bible reminds us in 2 Corinthians 4:16 that, “Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” This verse offers profound wisdom and encouragement. It tells us that while our physical bodies may age, our spirits can remain vibrant, continually refreshed by God’s grace.

 Embracing the Shine in Our Souls

Living “shiny and new” as we age means focusing on the renewal that happens within. It’s about nurturing our souls with the promises of God, allowing His word to refresh us daily. Just as we care for our bodies through exercise and healthy living, we must also care for our spirits through prayer, meditation on Scripture, and living out our faith in tangible ways.

As we age, we can shine even brighter by cultivating gratitude for the life we’ve lived and the lessons we’ve learned. Each wrinkle and gray hair becomes a testament to the experiences that have shaped us, to the grace that has carried us through every trial and triumph. By embracing these marks of aging, we acknowledge the beauty in our journey and the renewal that happens within us every day.

Yoga: A Tool for Physical and Spiritual Renewal

One powerful way to embody this renewal is through the practice of yoga. Yoga is not just about flexibility or strength; it’s about connecting with your body and spirit in a way that honors God’s creation. By practicing yoga, we can maintain our physical health, which in turn supports our spiritual well-being. Each pose becomes an act of worship, a moment to breathe in God’s love and exhale His grace.

As we age, our bodies may change, but yoga teaches us to adapt with grace. It reminds us to be patient with ourselves, to listen to our bodies, and to move in ways that support longevity and vitality. By integrating prayer and meditation into our practice, we can deepen our connection with God, allowing His peace to fill us and renew us from the inside out.

Never too old to be new and never too old to sparkle!

Living shiny and new as we age is about more than just maintaining our physical appearance or health. It’s about reflecting God’s glory in every season of life. When we allow His light to shine through us, we become a beacon of hope and encouragement to others. Our lives become a testament to the truth that, with God, we can be renewed, no matter our age.

So let us embrace aging with joy and purpose. Let us live each day with the confidence that God is continually renewing us, making us shine even brighter as we walk in His love and grace. And as we do, we’ll find that aging isn’t about losing our shine—it’s about discovering a deeper, more radiant light that only grows with time.

When Yoga Meets Biblical Health and Wellness


Everybody knows by now that the practices of yoga are beneficial to our health and science continues to reveal it’s many healthy benefits. It’s wonderful that every year there is a significant rise in people hitting their mats. However, the world seems more stressed out than ever. I get it that all the world has been in a pandemic for a couple years now but isn’t time on our mats suppose to chill us out and lower our stress? Chronic stress was a growing health related problem before the pandemic and continues to get worse with each passing year. It sends more people to the doctor’s office every year and more people rely on prescriptions rather than yoga to deal with their stress related conditions. It’s also very scary that the six leading causes of death are all linked to stress.

My friends, do not fear! As healthy as yoga can prove to be for us there is a better solution. As a yoga teacher with a Biblical perspective on health and wellness I’ve come to realize that true and lasting health and wellness practices are deeply rooted in aligning ourselves with what Our Creator has to say about health and wellness. Trusting our Creator by putting into practice His ways written for us from His Holy Bible, rewards us with many healthy benefits. He cares for each of us individually and desires that we live healthy purposeful lives. And He has given us the ultimate prescription for a healthy life style! It begins by by reading and listening to His wisdom and then putting into practice His ways. It is the one true and only lasting path leading to a stress less, strong and balanced, peaceful and joyous lifestyle, complete with abundant energy, continual strength and deep unfailing love! now, who doesn’t want that?? Is it not the reason why any of hit our mats each day?

My prayer for you is that you would start your journey to true and lasting health and wellness this very moment! Begin by acknowledging that God sent His Son Jesus into this world to die for your every sin and invite Him to be your Savior and miraculously, all the above is freely given to you!

Training the body has some value but being Godly has value in every way! 1 timothy 4:8

Beloved I pray in all respects that you will prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers! 1 John 2-3


Love Penny


I invite you to my faithful ROCK. You will usually find me practicing yoga upon it. It’s my quiet space of refuge where I trade in the loud voices of the world for the quietness of inner peace, restoring balance to my soul and giving me strength for daily living.

Spring, summer, winter and fall it stands as an ordinary rock just outside my window. However, it’s my source of inspiration and my moment to express gratitude to my Heavenly Father. It’s where I find focus and determination to stand in this world strong and aligned. I purposely balance upon it in all kinds of weather to feel how it challenges me to surrender to the changes that pop up and how I need to change my footing to keep balancing upon it. I practice yoga upon it when it’s snowy and icey, lush and overgrown with green. I sneak upon it when it’s been prickly with thorns and dead branches and when it’s so hot I can barely stand. It provides a solid place for me to stand, strengthening my legs so I can balance more firmly in this world. I find beautiful and hidden things coming to life by a simple asana practiced upon it.

One ordinary object and a few yoga asanas and I loose myself in movement that I may find myself in Him. Jesus Christ my Rock and my Redeemer, the true source of my joy and the purpose of my life!

Dear heavenly Father…

Thank you for being the Rock that we can always depend on to hold us up! We thank Thee and praise Thee for giving us a firm place to stand in this sinking world, Halleluyah!

I'm dreaming of a (1).jpg


Do you think God thinks about you?

Give this a try and you might be surprised at how much!

Next time your at the beach or the lake, a pond or a creek, a river or any body of water, take a big look around at all the sand or dirt you can see. Then try to imagine the mountains of sand under all the water that you see. Then think about each individual grain of sand and pick up a handful and start counting! Then think of all the shores of all the bodies of water across the globe! Include the thought of the shores that you and no one has yet seen. Think of all the seas and all the oceans and how deep they are and how they cover the earth more than dry land does. Then try and grasp God’s thoughts about you. But Oh, You can’t! That’s because they out number all the grains of sand in the entire world!

How precious are your thoughts about me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You. Psalm 139:17-18 

Dear Heavenly Father…

We bow down and thank you for loving us beyond what we can imagine and giving us Your Word so that we can enjoy health and whole body fitness the way that you intended! May you guide us and direct our paths that we may walk in our identity set by YOU and live each of our purposes joyfully, peacefully, thankfully and vibrantly healthy – that we may be all that YOU created us to be! HALLELUYAH!


God is love. 1 John 4:8

Less of me ~ more of Love. John 3:30.
He must become greater and I must become less, higher style of living. Approaching every word and deed we do, fashioned by God’s guidance and dressed in His Love!

However, getting naked and becoming vulnerable before God takes great courage! I know I find it rather easy to layer up and dress how I want the world to see me. And it’s easy to grow accustomed to our style, our way. Coming from a fashion background I know I fall into my style all the time. I know when I wake up and immediately put my feet down on the ground, rather than thanking God for giving me a new day that I’m on the road for doing things my way. And so easily do I fall right into it somedays.

On most days, I try not to forget God who wakes me up everyday. When I wake up rushed, I’m then reacting rather than responding to the moments before me. That usually results in gripping the steering wheel from God in whom I gave it too and moving into the drivers seat of my life. That can happen quite easily when a situation occurs during the day and my mind takes off and I let anxious thoughts fill me up which makes me run to the next fix to ease my tensions. However, that is our human flesh response.  A higher style perhaps would be to pause a moment, take a deep breathe and look to Jesus and for help! This would help us immediately and give us hope for the next time to respond in a calmer, less stressed mode. Better would be diving into in HIS Word before we respond and with that, we will be on our way to a higher style of living, everyday!

Do not be anxious about anything! Instead, pray! Philippians 4:6

pray more worry less



Chill Out In The Happy Corpse Pose

Who knew something so simple as laying back in a Corpse Pose could make us healthier and more beautiful?

In the Yoga community Corpse Pose is known as a huge stress-reducer, a great method of meditation and the perfect  position to focus our gaze on higher thoughts.

Simply lay back, let your feet spread, place your arms by your sides with palms up and try to keep your shoulders away from your ears. Then give yourself ten or more big inhales and exhales. If your feeling it stay here longer and really give yourself a chance to unwind!

I personally have a hard time staying here. I wanna go go go! If I do relax for a moment though all the things I must do seem to flood my mind. Hopefully your not like me and will be able to reap all the healthy benefits of acting like your dead on the ground here. You can always pretend your sunbathing, too!

Corpse Pose is also a perfect position to…

Set your mind on things above and not things of the earth.

Colossians 3:2

And also a perfect position to focus upon goodness & positivity!

Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable and praiseworthy, think about such things.

Philippians 4:8

After reaping the healthy benefits of these applied Bible verses know that…

Those who look to Him are radiant, Their faces are never covered with shame!

Psalm 34:5

keep calm & yoga on








Hi and welcome to this month’s “Yoga with Penny!”

With the uncertainty in the world and the touches of spring everywhere I thought a Child’s Pose might offer a way for us to sit still for a moment and just breathe. A comforting way to help us find some peace and quietness among the chaos that is upon us in these uncertain times. Who knows, we may bloom and come alive again!

Sometimes, our minds and our bodies could really benefit from logging out and shutting down. Focusing instead on positive thoughts and self care can prove extremely beneficial to our health and our well being during stressful times. Our Child Pose then comes to the rescue. Offering a quiet retreat from the world it nurtures us with it’s tension releasing neck, shoulders and back stretch. Adding a few deep inhales and exhales calms our nervous system, enhancing our immunity and providing a state of well-being. Perhaps it is these reasons it is practiced in mostly every yoga class, for it’s continual restoring and reviving properties proving useful for beginner’s and beyond!


Bending forward over our legs we can rest our head on our mats or a pillow for more support. A rolled up towel can also be placed on our heels. Our arms can be placed above or beside us, what ever which way is most comfortable.

Try to inhale deeply and slowly, beginning in our lower stomach area and up through our mouth. Let all our exhales slowly release back down to our stomach. We can remain in our Child Pose for a few minutes and up to five, ten or even twenty minutes. The point is to let our Child’s Pose work for us. For a deeper stretch in the lower back and hips we can spread our knees and lower our torso to our mat or rest it on a pillow.

Although Child Pose is a basic yoga beginner’s position it enables us to build upon, similar to the beginnings of spring when all the new life is silently growing all around us though we cannot see it. For resting in our Child Pose may silently be growing the seeds of all our future yoga poses which are awaiting their time to bloom!

May you be revived and find a little peace and quiet in your Child Pose!

Love and Blessings, Penny!



Hi Friends!

Welcome to “Yoga with Penny!”

Today I will show you how to move into a Bridge Pose!

Bridge Pose is an accessible, low impact exercise that reduces stress and supports well being. In need of energy or a remedy for a mild back ache or to simply calm down from a hectic day at work, Bridge Pose comes to the rescue. It’s a great pose for employing all the muscles in our body and practiced regularly, it can ward off back pain and help ease osteoporosis, asthma, sinusitis, digestion problems and even high blood pressure. All these health benefits certainly are worth our efforts, however our Bridges can also help promote thyroid health by stretching and strengthening our throat area where our thyroid gland is located. Our thyroid gland is pretty important because it’s health is one of the many factors that contributes to a healthy metabolism.

Bridge Pose Instructions

Lie on your mat and bend your knees.

Ensure both of your feet are directly below your knees and your knees are hip distance apart.

With a big inhale lift your buttocks by pressing your feet and your palms into your mat.

You may only be able to lift them up an inch or two and that is the perfect place to practice your Bridge Pose.

Gently lower your hips and come down with a big exhale.

Repeat lifting your buttocks with a big inhale and lowering your buttocks with a big exhale a few more times.

As you progress, continue to press through your feet as you lift. If you find that you can slip your hands under your body, clasp them and continue pressing with your feet. This will deepen the stretch and expand your chest and lung area even more.

Continue to lower and lift your buttocks as an exercise to get stronger. As you progress, try holding your Bridge Pose for 30 seconds to a minute with your hands clasped underneath you. You can also keep your arms at your sides with your palms facing down.

I hope you enjoyed learning Bridge Pose with me and I hope that it will help you today and whenever you may need it in the future.

Thanks for joining me!






Camel Pose. A heart opening yoga pose which bends over backwards offering up some serious health benefits for all ages. Especially helpful in keeping us older souls vibrant and full of zest and energy!

Considered a back bending pose in the world of yoga our Camel Poses will stretch our entire bodies even in places we have not stretched in a few or more years. Our Camels will also open up our chest area, especially our hearts. With consistent practice it will also expand our rib cages thus improve our lung capacity as well. As we breathe deeply into our Camel stretches we are sending a fresh supply of oxygen to all parts of our bodies. More oxygen intake releases pent up stress and tension which helps our nervous system slide into a state of calm and our mood instantly improves.We may even experience a drop in blood pressure as our Camels get our blood pumping which of course provides energy and vitality!

I’m pretty much addicted to Camel Pose for all these really terrific health benefits but also as an added beauty benefit I love that it helps tone our chins. I know that I desperately need it. How about you?

So that you can have a chance to warm up, I started the Camel pose below with a few quick yoga stretches to warm up our backs and our spine. Please remember to take it slow and be gentle with yourself. That way you can come back and practice your Camel love everyday, whenever you need some energy and and at the same time whenever you need to unwind and calm down!

Enjoy and know that you are doing your body a world of good!

Child’s Pose

Start by resting on your heels and bend forward as best you can and inhale and exhale deeply for 10 counts. You can always rest your hands on the seat of a chair or use a pillow and also put a rolled up blanket under your butt if needed.

Puppy Pose

From a Child’s Pose you can slowly and gently walk your hands forward (even an inch will help) for an added stretch and neck toning and feel how Puppy Pose opens your shoulders. Include deep breathing and help your neck and shoulder tension take a hike!

Remember,  use a chair or a pillow if you need to get into this position and try to let your chest drop for deep stretching of your neck, chin, shoulders, upper back and glutes, knees, hamstring and thighs.

Child’s Pose Stretch

From your Child’s Pose, if possible, place hands on your lower back. Even one hand to start is great. If possible interlock them behind while letting them fall forward as much as possible.

Come up to your knees and try it too. Remember to use a pillow or a towel or blanket under your knees for support.

In both positions breathe deeply for 10 counts.

Stretch back continuing to lift your hands up behind you.

Or have your hands on your hips during this stretch.

Do this sitting too. Whatever way works for you.

For the complete exercise, rise up on your knees with hands interlocked with a deep inhale. Then lower your body and try to touch your head to your mat as you exhale deeply or let your head come down to a pillow and rest it there.

Continue rising up with a deep inhale and lowering down with a deep exhale for 3-5 times or longer if it suits you.

Supported Camel Pose

Once your knees are in a comfortable position slowly arch your body back. Your hands can be on your hips at first. When you feel comfortable try lowering a hand to your heel. Breathe deeply here as long as you can.

Don’t forget to try the other hand. And don’t forget to breathe, that part is essential.

Full Camel Pose

Once you can place each hand on a heel go for placing both at the same time!

Breathe deeply and infuse you body with healthy yoga goodness!

keep calm and thanks for joining me!







Go ahead. Indulge yourself. You deserve some “R&R!”

Dim the lights, its nighty night time!

You can practice this one as a whole and a prelude to a wonderful night’s rest.  You may also practice each position when ever you like for a dose of R&R whenever needed.

This Yoga sequence will help you to unravel from your day helping you to relieve built up stress and tension while activating your parasympathetic nervous system, your rest and relaxation state of being. A perfect set up for a wonderful night’s sleep. Oh, and don’t forget to put on something comfortable and perhaps light some candles or burn some incense…

Sweet dreams everyBODY! Pssst… Indulge yourself even more by placing pillows all around you!

Sit Cross-Legged

  • Grab your pillow and place it on your lap. Stretch your arms out and close your eyes.
  • With each inhale, inhale peace. With each exhale, let go of  all your cares, worries and anything that bothers or upsets you. This is your time to unwind. Let everything go. You deserve some peace.
  • Unwind. Relax. Soothe your soul and nurture your body with each breath.
  • Stay here inhaling and exhaling until you are ready. Remember, this is your time.

Stretch to each side

  • Inhale in the middle and then exhale while stretching to each side.
  • Repeat 10 times or so on each side.

An Easy Cross Legged Stretch Forward-for calm and ease.

  • Close your eyes and walk your hands forward and bend and stretch over your legs.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 long deep breaths.

A Forward Fold -with your pillow under your knees.

  • Place your pillow under your knees and gently bend forward. Settle gently into the fold still breathing deeply. Close your eyes thinking only calm and peaceful thoughts. Stay here as long as you like.

A Sweet Baby Pose- to show your body some love!

  • Lie on your back. You can place your pillow under your lower back or rest one on your stomach or wherever it feels best.
  • Now pull your body in and give it a great big hug and breathe deeply while you do.
  • You may find it to be a bit harder to breathe deeply here. But continue to inhale and exhale those deep breaths because you are doing your body a world of good!
  • Deep breathing to relieve stress is backed up by science and squeezing your knees to your chest has a few amazing health benefits as well!

The Amazing Spinal Twist… just say ahhhhh!!!!

  • Oh what a stretch this one is and you can practice it both ways and see which one suits you!
  • Your pillow can be placed under your knees.
  • Or your pillow can be placed to the side for your leg to rest upon.
  • Try to keep your arms stretched out to each side and both your hips facing upward. Once you establish this pick a knee up and let it fall gently to the side.
  • Close your eyes. Breathe. Rest. Relax and soften into the moment and feel the calm coming on. You deserve this time to yourself.
  • Don’t forget to show your other side you care.


Why only use one pillow? Try all three versions of  the comforting Child Pose here and see which one make you feel best while holding and breathing in the position.

  • Sit on your heels, close your eyes and fold over your knees.
  • Stay in the version you like best and breathe deeply for 10 long and deep counts or more.

Legs Up A Wall Pose.

This Yoga Pose is known for it’s calming effects and boasts many health benefits besides getting you ready for sweet dreams. Why not place a bunch of pillows all around you and really go for getting in the sleepy mood!

  • To begin, walk your legs up the headboard of your bed.
  • Or lie on the floor and place them on a chair or wall.
  • The point here is to scoot your behind as close to the wall as possible or comfortably on a chair. A pillow under your lower back may help.
  • Once you have established your perfect position, place a pillow under your head or sides if you like. The point is to get as comfortable as you possibly can.
  • Now just close your eyes, focusing on inhaling deeply and then exhaling deeply. Let go of  your cares and worries in each exhale and inhale peace and life into every cell of your being.
  • Your worth it you know. Your worth being in a calm and peaceful state before bed. Actually, you owe it to yourself. After all, if you don’t take care of you, who will?

I thank you for joining me!

“keep sleepy and yoga on”


The above yoga sequence should to the trick, but if you like, you may indulge and enhance your good nights sleep by thinking the higher thoughts below. For God wants us to sleep because sleep heals our body and God invented sleep and promised to give us a restful and peaceful nights sleep. Especially when we meditate on His peaceful remedy of sleep.

For He tells us…

He will keep us in perfect peace when we set our minds on Him. ( Isaiah 26:3)

And the peace He gives us won’t be like the peace of the world. (John 14:27)

And the peace He gives surpasses all human understanding. (Philippians 4:7)