Until our thirties, our muscles are growing larger and stronger. Around that time, we start to lose muscle mass and function. If we remain physically inactive, we can lose as much as 3-5% muscle mass each decade! So what do we do?

The best defense is: we get active and a Yoga practice can help! In this yoga sequence, developing core strength will help build up all parts of our bodies, especially our back and spine. Back pain is the third leading reason for doctor visits, according to the Mayo Clinic, so it’s important to build our body up. Developing a strong core may even help cure and prevent back pain for good while enhancing our balance and stability. Now who doesn’t need some of that?

Let’s take a few moments to close our eyes, breathing deeply while letting our mind release from cares and worries.

We all need core strength to deal with life’s every day battle’s too. But we can have help. Isn’t it refreshing to know that we don’t have to rely on our human strength to get stronger? God wants to help us. He says,

Give me your weakness and I will give you my strength.

Ephesians 3:16

When you are ready, grab your mat, some water and let’s begin!

1.) Seated Breathing Exercise 

  • Sit on your heels.
  • Roll up a towel or place a small pillow between your sitting bones and the backs of your legs if you can’t sit here normally.
  • With palms pressed together in front of your heart, inhale deeply for 5 counts.
  • Exhale deeply for 8 counts.
  • Repeat 5 times. (try to work up to 1-3 minutes in this position for best results.)

2.) Child’s Pose/Breathing Exercise

  • Walk your hands out in front of you.
  • If possible, rest your head on your mat. If you find it too challenging  grab a pillow, or rolled up towel.
  • Inhale for 5 counts, then exhale for 8 counts.
  • Repeat 5-10 more times.

3.) Child’s Pose Shoulder Stretch

  • Take your left arm and slide it under you.
  • Inhale for 5 counts and exhale for 8 counts. Do this 5-8 times.
  • Repeat with the other arm, sliding your right arm under you and breathing accordingly.

4.) Cat/Cow Pose

A match made in heaven of two yoga poses that warm up and strengthen your back and spine.

  • Place your hands directly below your shoulders.
  • Place your knees directly below your hips.
  • With a big inhale, round your shoulders, tuck your chin, and feel as though you are pulling your stomach into your back.
  • With a big exhale, lift your chin and let your stomach sink; this will arch your back.
  • Repeat the motion, moving into Cat and then Cow Pose 10 times.

5.) Arm and Leg Back Strengthener

  • Begin in the same position as Cat/Cow Pose.
  • Once steady, gently lift your left leg (even an inch will do).
  • Stretch your right arm forward.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Repeat with your right leg and left arm; breathe deeply as before.

6.) Side Plank with Lowered Leg

  • From Cat/Cow Pose, simply lift both your right arm and right leg up.
  • Your hand should be directly below your shoulder, and your knee below your hip.
  • Hold both your arm and leg out for 5-10 deep inhales and exhales.
  • Repeat this twice more, then switch sides for a total of 3 times on each side.
  • It does not matter how high your leg is off your mat. What matters is that you are developing strength and stamina as you complete this movement.

7.) Plank Pose

  • Start with hands spread out below your shoulders with knees on your mat and toes tucked under.
  • Press up through your palms.
  • Keep your knees on your mat as you straighten your arms or lift them.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts. Repeat 3-5 more times.
  • Don’t let your back sink. Lower to your knees and take it from there if you do.

8.) Bridge

  • Lie down with your back on your mat.
  • Bend each knee, placing your foot directly under each knee.
  • With a big inhale, gently lift your hips by pushing up from your feet.
  • Exhale deeply as you lower your hips back down.
  • Repeat lifting and lowering 5-10 times. Repeat the entire movements twice more.
  • What matters is that you lift your hips- even a half of an inch up. You are building strength with every attempt!


9.) Stretch Pose Hold

  • Stretch out on your mat.
  • Place both your hands at the bottom of your sitting bones. This will protect your lower back.
  • Move your hands around to find a comfortable place where your lower back feels protected and not over-extended.
  • Inhale. Lift your left leg up. Exhale. Lower that leg. Repeat with your right leg. Alternate lifting each leg, one at a time, for 5-10 times each leg.
  • Now try keeping both legs up for a few counts. Try to hold your legs up for 10 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Your head may stay down or you may try lifting it looking down at your toes. This will help to round your back and protect it from possible injury.

10.) Leg Stretches

  • Grab a hold of your left leg (wherever you can grab), pull it into your chest with a big inhale.
  • Your right leg may stay on the mat, or lift it a few inches off your mat.
  • Allow your head to meet your leg if possible.
  • Exhale, releasing your left leg back to your mat.
  • Repeat hugging your right leg into your chest.
  • Alternate on each leg 5-10 times.

11.) Forward Bend

  • With both legs stretched out, inhale deeply, extending your arms out to your sides.
  • Exhale deeply, releasing your arms while gently folding forward.
  • Repeat 10 times with inhaling up and exhaling as you fold forward.

Lay back for a few moments to let all the healthy yoga goodness and nourishing deep breaths relieve your stress and nourish your soul.

Try to do this sequence 2-3 times each week for best results. I hope you enjoyed strengthening your back and building up your core with me and we’ll see you next time!



CAT/COW POSE ( a back and spine strength builder/de-stressor)

Only in yoga are the Cat and the Cow inseparable! Together in yoga, they provide a simple, yet outstanding, warm-up to any yoga practice. The Cat/Cow combination is a back and spine stretching and strengthening exercise; it can be done anywhere as a tension soother and body refresher for those days when our tension and stress are inevitable!

With deep breathing, Cat/Cow can improve circulation to our discs between the vertebrae, which in turn relieves stress and pain from our back and other areas of the body. The duo also helps to relieve menstrual cramps, and opens the lungs for better breathing. Putting our deep inhales and exhales to the Cat/Cow movement will enable us to stay mindful, increasing awareness, and bringing us into focus of this present moment!

Cat Pose

  • Place your hands directly below your shoulders. Spread them wide.
  • With knees hip width apart, place them directly below your hips.
  • With a deep inhale, round your shoulders, tuck your chin, and pull your stomach into your belly button.
  • Hold the position for 3 counts.

Cow Pose

  • With a deep exhale, untuck your chin while looking up.
  • Let your stomach sink and your back arch comfortably.
  • Let your exhale be long – a few seconds longer than your inhale. This will tellyour nervous system to calm down and rest.
  • Repeat the Cat/Cow movement 10 times, extending it to 1-3 minutes as you progress for best results!

Best part? You can take your Cat/Cow anywhere and use it anytime you need to recharge and de-stress!

Keep calm and yoga on my friends!



YOGA CHALLENGE IN THE PORT OF HAVANA, CUBA (be blessed with less stress)

Welcome to beautiful and elegant Veendam, a ship of Holland America Line! On this lovely day, we docked at the magical port of Havana, Cuba. Join me for this hip, shoulder and heart opening yoga challenge with poses that will boost your core, soothe your spine, and build strength in your legs.

Let this time be for you to unwind, relax and release your cares and worries.

Enhance the stress-relieving benefits of this yoga challenge by turning any worries that you have into prayers.

Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything!

Philippians 4:6

If you would like before we get started join me in this prayer.

Dear God,

My mind can hardly fathom the depth of your love for me.

You know every hair on my head.

You flung the stars into place.

You plan every step that I take.

When my anxieties overwhelm me, You tell me to relinquish my cares into your hand.

The hand that created the stars.

The hand that created the hair on my head.

The hand that holds my future.

I can now trust that all that causes me stress you will take care of. I now place all my stress into your mighty loving All-powerful hands!

In your name I pray, Amen!

What is important here is to concentrate through-out this challenge on your inhales and your exhales as you move in and out of each position. If you like, each time you press your palms together offer up a prayer of thanks.

When you are ready, grab a mat and a towel – let’s get started!


1.) Standing Prayer Stretch

  • Lengthen your body by pulling your belly in. Push your shoulders down and tuck your tailbone in.
  • Keep your feet together.
  • Inhale, extending your arms out to your sides and pressing your palms together in prayer position over your head.
  • Exhale, bringing your praying hands to your heart.
  • Repeat this up to 10 times with deep breaths.

2.) Goddess Prayer Pose

  • Extend your legs to your sides (approximately 3-4 feet wide), and bend your knees.
  • Slightly turn your toes outward.
  • Inhale, straightening your legs and extending your arms out to your sides. Press your palms together.
  • Exhale, bending your knees while bringing your praying hands to your heart.
  • Repeat up to 10 times.

3.) Tip Toe Extended Leg Squat

  • Shift your weight onto your left leg while extending your right leg out to the side.
  • Use your hands for support.
  • Press your palms together in prayer pose.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 deep breaths.
  • Say a prayer if you like.
  • Repeat with your other leg.

4.) Squat Pose Variation

  • Stand with your feet directly below your hips.
  • Bend both your knees while gently lowering your body.
  • Keep your elbows pressed on the inside of your thighs.
  • Press your palms into a praying position.
  • Breathe deeply for up to 10 counts.
  • Extend your right arm up and breathe deeply 5 times.
  • Bend your torso forward while wrapping your right arm around your right leg.
  • Clasp your hands behind your back and breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Repeat this, wrapping your arms around your other leg and breathing deeply.

5.) Sphinx Pose with a Half Frog 

  • Lie face down.
  • Gently raise your chest and chin up; extend your head back.
  • Press your elbows into the mat and keep them directly below your shoulders.
  • Press the tops of your feet into the mat.
  • Breathe deeply while holding this position for up to 10 counts.
  • Now bend your right leg and breathe deeply for p to 10 counts.
  • If possible, gently stretch your thigh by wrapping your elbow around your foot.
  • Stay here while breathing deeply, up to 10 times.

6.) Down Dog/ Three Legged Dog

  • Start on your hands and knees.
  • Place your hands below your shoulders and your knees below your hips.
  • Tuck your toes, press your palms into your mat and lift your sitting bones.
  • Press your front thighs back into your calves while pressing your heels evenly into your mat.
  • Roll your biceps upward to create space between your shoulders and your ears.
  • Resist the urge to look forward and keep your neck relaxed.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.
  • Lift each leg into Three Legged Dog, inhaling as you raise each one up and exhaling as you lower each one for a total of 5-10 times on each leg.
  • For an easier version, simply remain on all fours extending each leg out behind you for a modified Three Legged Dog.

7.) Warrior I With Eagle Arms

  • Step forward 2-3 feet, with your left foot. The longer the step, the more difficult the pose will be! That also applies to the width between your legs; hip width is optimal.
  • Turn your back heel out slightly.
  • Do not extend your knee beyond your toes.
  • Keep your torso and hips facing forward.
  • Keep your back straight and pull your stomach in.
  • Extend your arms forward. Place your left arm under your right elbow. Continue wrapping your left arm up and around your right arm.
  • When your palms meet, lift this hand position and arch your head back, breathing deeply for up to 10 counts.
  • Repeat with your right leg forward. Then, place your right arm under your left elbow. Continue wrapping your right arm up and around your left arm. Also breathe deeply up to 10 counts.

8.) Low Lunge Shoulder Stretch

  • Lower your left knee down from a Warrior I position.
  • Keep your knee above your toes.
  • Place your hands behind your back and clasp them.
  • Look up and arch your head back, breathing deeply for up to 10 counts.
  • If possible, lift your arms up behind you and breathe deeply here for 10 counts.
  • Repeat with your right leg forward.

9.) Lizard Pose

  • From Lunge Position (like #8, above), lower your hands and then your elbows to your mat on the inside of your thigh.
  • Keep your forward knee on top of your foot.
  • You may widen this stance for a deeper stretch.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Lower your back knee down if it becomes too challenging.
  • Stay on your hands if lowering to your elbows is too challenging.

10.) Camel Pose

  • Be on your knees, about hip width apart.
  • Place your hands on your hips behind you.
  • Pull your belly in, lift your chest, and gently lift your chin.
  • Slowly arch your back. Don’t expect to do this immediately; take it slow if you are just beginning to try Camel Pose. Be gentle with yourself.
  • Place a hand on a heel. Stay here and breathe deeply for 3-5 counts.
  • Place your other hand on your other heel and breathe deeply 3-5 times.
  • For a bigger challenge, gently place both hands on your heels and breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Be sure to slowly come out of this pose.

11.) Butterfly Pose into Seated Forward Fold

  • With both sitting bones on your mat, bring the bottom of your feet close together.
  • The farther forward your feet are in front of you, the easier this position becomes.
  • Inhale, lengthening your back, lifting your chin, and pressing your chest forward.
  • Exhale, releasing your feet while extending your legs and folding forward.
  • Repeat for up to 10 counts.

12.) Seated Twist

  • Sit with your legs extended in front of you.
  • Bend your left knee and pull it close to your torso.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Pick up your left foot and place it over your right thigh.
  • Sit up tall, hugging your left leg with your right arm.
  • Twist to your left side and raise your right arm while breathing deeply for up to 10 counts.
  • Repeat with your right leg over your left thigh.
  • Wave to Cuba if you’re feeling it!

You did wonderful! Take a few moments to lie back on your mat and savor these moments of pure relaxation. Linger in the deep satisfying joy of letting go!




…Not a full split… yet!

As a gymnast way back when, we met our challenges with unceasing effort. We would grunt, groan, push and wiggle our way into all sorts of positions until we could do a move we so much longed for. Then we would practice that position over and over again until with ease, our bodies would flow right into it. Achieving beautiful moves in gymnastics made us feel invincible, at least for a moment. Yet the rewards of achieving because one did not give up, extends beyond any full split or leap from the high bar.

Enter yoga. It meets you where you are on the mat. You then can stay where you are or keep trying to get better. Yes, the yoga positions are totally what yoga is about. How beneficial they are to the body, how they improve one’s health and how they can effect an overall wellness of the mind. Yet it is what we do with the positions. That is key. Do we embrace what yoga is teaching us on the mat and then apply that into our lives?

Enter God. He also meets us where we are in life. He already knows that every one of us is not perfect. Yet He loves each one of us enough to die for us. He also cares too much about us to leave us as less than what He knows we could become. He already sees what we could be. And if we could catch perhaps just a glimpse of what He sees, well, I’m sure we would drop everything and anything that would hold us back, for a chance to be all that He created us to be!

I’m in. How about you?





I love Aruba! I also love piping hot coffee, matcha tea, gray sweatshirts, and crisp clean cotton sheets. I love leather and denim coats. I love day-old haircuts, striking asanas and posing upward toward Heaven. I like deep conversations at my dining room table. I love to belt out songs in church, especially ones that have the word Halleluyah in them. But out of all of these things I love, they give me something back for loving them. Sadly, it boils down to this: everything in this world that I love and if it loves me, loves me, only conditionally.

Then, like the Grinch, she thought of something she hadn’t before! What if true love, she thought, didn’t come from a store? What if true love, perhaps, is a little bit more!”

Then she goes and gets all spiritual.

Take Roman’s 5:8. God says.”But God commanded His love toward us, in that while we were sinner’s Christ died for us.”

God doesn’t say, “As soon as you clean up your act, I’ll love you.” Nor does He say “I’ll sacrifice my Son if you promise to love me.” In Romans 5:8, we find just the opposite. God wants us to know that His love is unconditional, so He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us while we were still unlovable sinners. Now that’s true love!

It’s so nice to find that true love can’t be bought from a store.

That is because, true love is a whole lot more!

Thanks for reading!

Hoping your day is filled with love!!


Mats work pretty good. But doing yoga on the rock is definitely a “higher experience!”

Looking at this picture compels me to sing in my head, “On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand!” I was curious who wrote this song so I looked it up. To my surprise, these beautiful lyrics were penned over 150 years ago by Pastor Edward Mole.

My hope is built on nothing less

Than Jesus Blood and righteousness;

I dare not trust the sweetest frame,

But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

On Christ the solid Rock, I stand;

All other ground is sinking sand.

All other ground is sinking sand.

It’s based on Matthew 7:24

Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on a Rock.

I’m into higher experiences…how bout you?

Thanks for reading…

Love, blessings and higher experiences to you!




A simple yoga pose can often lead us to incredible discoveries about ourselves. The Praying Half Moon Pose is no exception.  It looks me in the eye and says, “let go!” My body is always ready, but my mind gets in the way!

You know that deep silent part of you, the one no one knows exists with in you, the one that knows you were meant for more? That deep voice inside is hidden, and therefore quite easy to keep contained deep inside. But isn’t that what faith is all about? Leting that voice rise with in us, speak, and then act upon it?

Hebrews 11:1 tell us,

Faith is the confidence of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

So essentially, looking around here at things on earth keeps me bound to things I can see. Faith, which I cannot see, frees me from the things of the earth.  Listening to the unseen voice moves me from bounded to limitless! And then the story of Peter walking on the water comes to mind,

Lord, if it’s you, “Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” Come, “he said.” Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on water and came towards Jesus. But when he saw the wind he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out,” Lord save me!” Then Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. “you of little faith, “He said,” why did you doubt?”

Matthew 14: 28-31

Poor Peter. There he was feeling fine and divine until he looked around. One would think that Peter, being a disciple which experienced Jesus’ miracles and teachings, should have known he could walk on water if Jesus told him that he could. Instead, the story tell us Peter looked at what he could see – the storm. Then Peter, constrained by his thoughts, was bound to the earth and down he went.

Being in control and relying on what we can see, and avoiding risk, prevents us from true fulfillment. Perhaps even adventures beyond our wildest imaginations could happen if we simply let go of the shore. It’s no denying that Yoga poses can be pretty amazing to do and to see…

…but the most beautiful aspect of  life as in a yoga pose is …the letting go!

keep calm, let go, and yoga on


Try Praying Half Moon Pose. Use a sturdy chair at first to build leg strength. Then raise a leg, hop out of the boat and walk on water in your own life!



Recently blessed with the wonderful opportunity of spending time with my son and my sister in DC, we also spent time at Awaken the Dawn. This was the second year a gathering of Christians met on The National Mall, worshipping God and praying for America. I’m honored to have taken part in this God centered celebration. Is it just me or is there not nearly enough celebrating of God these days? And I’m also in love with the fact that nothing was bought or sold there and no company, no person, no ministry and no church was highlighted there. Just God. Just praise. All to the glory of Him!

During our stay, I had to stop and strike a pose in front of The Capitol Building. Soon I found myself surrounded by large group of Chinese tourists. It wasn’t long before they wanted in on our pics! One of the women assumed leadership of the group and soon she was weaving her Chinese friends in and out of our pics. About 8 pics in, our camera would not work; however, the camera clicks continued on. Our new Chinese friends went home with many of my smiling praying tree poses and they managed to get my sister in some of the pics too. My heart smiles, remembering that after they decided they were done with me, speaking in bare- bones English, they told me I was most welcome in China, anytime!

Yoga proved it’s universal power of connecting and uniting people in those few moments that day. Perhaps even to open doors that might be closed in other ways. As the tourists continued on in the direction of the Awaken The Dawn gatherings, hopefully God used those posing moments to open the tourists hearts. Then again, isn’t it always the simplest things that go unnoticed here on earth that God uses in the most amazing ways?  Perhaps, something as simple as a Chinese tour in DC, maybe a smile and a camera, possibly even a basic yoga tree pose!

To that I say, “Halleluyah





The threat of Alzheimer’s Disease sometimes creeps around in my head. More and more people are being diagnosed with it and we hear more about it with each passing day. Multiply all that with the fact that my Dad and his two sisters suffered with the disease for many years, and one can’t help but shiver. That’s probably the reason why the brain is so fascinating to me. Though as small as a grapefruit, it stores all the information of what makes You, You! That’s why we gotta keep our brains in tip top shape. Eating, moving, thinking, and exercising all have a part in promoting a healthy brain. However, Scientists are discovering that yoga can help too.

It turns out that the happiness we feel after yoga class isn’t just in our head. Using brain scans, scientists can now prove that yoga actually changes our brain chemistry. Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, Ph.D., an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, has spent more than a decade gathering research on yoga and its scientific effects on the mind. In his book, Your Brain on Yoga, he outlines what really happens in that head of yours after an hour of a Vinyasa flow.

1.) Your brain gets flooded with feel-good chemicals.

During yoga, your levels of gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) spike up significantly. After three studies, they found the chemical GABA rose in the yogis by 27%. This chemical is associated with decreasing anxiety and improving moods.You also get dopamine and serotonin, chemicals that help you feel more relaxed and ready to handle stressful situations.

2.) Your cortisol levels drop.

Cortisol is the VIP  hormone that helps your body respond to stress. When you are stressed, it activates the brain amygdala, also known as the fear center, and shrinks the pre-frontal cortex, which manages self control and discipline. After a comprehensive test in Germany, scientists discovered that even the subject’s saliva contained less cortisol after just one yoga class. The hormone cortisol is also responsible for regulating a wide range of processes through your body, so it is imperative that it stays in check.

3.) Your brain even grows in size.

It’s safe to say that your brain has alot to gain from bending and stretching. Using MRI scans and control groups found that with yoga practiced during the week, certain areas of the brain were enlarged. The mental map of your body, the somatosensory cotex (stress) and the hippocampus (the anxiety and stress reliever) were both larger in the heads of yogis compared to those that did not hit the mat. Other areas, which help you concentrate and enhance a greater self image, grew in size as well.

4.) The gray matter density in your brain changes.

The gray matter in your brain is part of your nervous system. It’s main duties are taking care of muscle control and sensory perception like hearing, seeing, and remembering. After a 2 month long test, using a combination of yoga and meditation at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard researchers determined that the part of your brain that lowers stress had a much denser gray matter. These changes in gray matter they stated, encouraged people to relax more and be able to enjoy life in general.

5.) Improves your neural processing or sharpens your memory.

Cortical folding, known in the medical community as gyrification, occurs in the cerebral cortex when you meditate and do yoga on a regular basis. The more folds you have, the better your neural processing is. Researchers found that gyrification might even offset age-related cortical thinning. That means you could keep a youthful brain much longer. Sharper and a more youthful brain by just doing yoga? I’m in!

6.) Your parasympathetic nervous system is activated. This chills, calms and relaxes you!

The parasympathetic nervous system is the “rest and digest” part of your body. Activated, it relaxes your brain and sends you into a “chill out” mode. Blood is directed toward endocrine glands, digestive organs, and lymphatic circulation, while your heart rate and blood pressure are lowered. It is the opposite of the flight or fight (sympathetic) nervous system response.

Even more fascinating than our brains on yoga is the one who actually created our brains. Though doctors and scientists have been studying the brain for a long time, much of the brain still remains incomprehensible. However, our Heavenly Father knows everything about us because He created us. He didn’t just leave us to figure out how to maintain the best possible lifestyle either. He gave us verses of Scripture in maintaining our health from the inside out, with all of His Power and strength from Heaven above.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Psalm 139:13

What ever is true, what ever is noble, what ever is honest, what ever is just, what ever is pure, what ever is lovely, what ever is commendable, what ever is excellent…if  anything is worthy of praise, think on these things.

Philippians 4:8

Haven’t you known?

Haven’t you heard.

The everlasting God, The Lord, The Creator of the ends of the world, doesn’t faint.

He isn’t weary.

His understanding is unsearchable.

He gives power to the weak.

He increases the strength of him or her who has no might!

Isaiah 40:28-29












Everybody can always use a good laugh!

Science is now proving that laughter is actually good for your health! So, get your giggles on, because laughter has many beneficial effects on the human body!

For starters, laughing may help you live longer, according to recent research published in the Archives of General Psychiatry. Optimistic elderly people who expect good things to happen were less likely too die sooner than most pessimistic people. In the study, the 65-85 year old participants who were the most optimistic were 55% less likely to die from all causes than pessimistic people.

Researchers also found that laughter actually boosts the immune system, increasing the number of antibody-producing T cells. When you laugh, you activate them. They are special immune systems cells that fight sickness and disease. After a good laugh, you should be far less tense and anxious as well because the level of at least four stress related hormones decreases.

Regular laughing is like getting a gym membership for your heart. Laughter has been found to benefit the way blood flows around the body, reducing the likelihood of heart disease and stroke. People who laugh regularly have lower blood pressure than the average person. 15 minutes of laughter a day is important for your heart as 30 minutes of exercise, 3 times a week. Laughing burns as much calories per hour as walking a slow to moderate pace!

A British study shows how just 15 minutes of laughter can increase pain tolerance by around 10% as a result of endorphins being released in the brain. Endorphins are the feel good chemicals. The effect is similar to morphine, only more powerful and there are no side effects.

You might not believe it, but laughing can torch calories. Laughing actually raises the heart rate and speeds up metabolism. A good belly laugh exercises the diaphragm, contracts the abs and even works out your shoulders, leaving muscles more relaxed. Laughing 100 times is the equivalent to 10 minutes on the rowing machine or 15 minutes on an exercise bike!

Laughter is contagious. Laugh more and make yourself and everyone around you happier and healthier!

After all, God did tell us in His Word that, “A merry heart is good medicine!” It’s found in the book of Proverbs, chapter 17, verse 22.

Laugh more and yoga on!

Lotsa Love, Penny xxoo


Just me, my grand nephew Cole and my little sister Kel at McDonald’s! Don’t you wear wax lips and do a selfie, evah?!