Behind the Scenes

Hi! I’m Penny, God’s older Gal!

A Yoga lover and certified Yoga teacher and National Karate Champion with three Black Belts

and a 65 year old who still can’t sit still in her chair

like her mom always said!

But I’ve also been a Christian since 1989,

a proud and thankful trad-wife and mom

with a fashion and design background and a boomer with little to no idea how tech works!

That’s why I need to give my son Zach a shout out for all the many questions and enormous time he has devoted to help me with this website!

He also does Yoga,

has a Master’s degree in Theology and a Theological Studies Bachelor’s degree,

and a CPA with a wonderful practice

with the Mister, Jim Oliver,

who was never really creative but because of my love for yoga

has become

my very creative photographer!



For sure, I run on lots of coffee and tons of Grace!



I began Halleluyah Yoga

before the pandemic

but left it after a few years because I was not sure of my direction with yoga and writing.


I pursued a personal yoga practice, gained incredible confidence, and strived to reach my potential in athletic ability while waiting upon God to give me direction.

and then…



I knew where I stood!

And for 8 long weeks while my foot healed,

I completed my Yoga Teacher Training!

And today, I believe that God wants me to share what I’ve learned with you!

Thanks for reading.

It’s time to practice and praise!

…keep calm and yoga on!

Love and Blessings,
