
I could drown in the amazing beauty of nature. From fiery sunsets to fields of gold to a vast array of colors of flowers and rainbows, to giant sturdy animals and intricate tiny bugs, it’s all so incredible. Even more astounding is realizing that God created this awesome world just for you and I! It’s the Creator’s signature of how mighty He is and how great His love is toward us – He give us eyes to see it, hands to feel it, and minds to study it. We feel it in the wind, hear it in the thunder, and taste it too! And, if we are willing to look real closely, sometimes nature reveals great truths.


The journey of the Butterfly is one of those truths. The creature turns from ugly caterpillar, crawling on dirt and clinging to trees all of its life, to a gorgeous butterfly, so beautifully taken to the skies. The entire process from caterpillar to butterfly can be a revelation of our changed lives after we choose to put our faith and love in Jesus. On the spot, we become a new creation. Everything before our new creation is gone in God’s eyes. We are now beautiful creations living life above, enjoying the sweet nectar of life through God’s Word!

…and then there is a Butterfly Pose in Yoga. I thought as we practice this pose we might think on the truth of this verse of Scripture. Let Butterfly pose help you remember the “new” you!


How to perform butterfly pose.

1.) Sit with your spine erect, belly pulled in and legs spread straight out.

2.) Bend your knees and bring your feet towards your pelvis. Make an effort to bring your heels closer. The soles of your feet should touch one another.

3.) Sit up tall. Hold your feet with your hands and inhale long and deep. Exhale long and deep, pressing your thighs and knees downward towards the floor. With your arms gently make an effort to press your legs down a bit more. Continue this process a few times and stretch your wings!

4.) Bring your torso up with a big inhale. Exhale folding over your legs. Slowly walk your hands out. Feel the stretch in your inner thighs. Continue in your own breathing and remain in this pose for 30-90 seconds for a full stretch. Try not to grip and hold on. Instead, let your muscles release. Just as the caterpillar released and became a new creation, the beautiful butterfly, you can do the same!

Go forth and be “new”

God Bless!




935b74bd137a7f63703f584e18c66398This iconic bird can be found just about everywhere, from coins and paper to passports, and even the President’s official seal. The idea of using a bald eagle to symbolize America was proposed in 1782, and was immediately accepted by the newly formed Congress. It was officially adopted as the emblem of the United States five years later in 1787.

President John F. Kennedy wrote to Charles Callison of the National Audubon Society on July 18, 1961: “The founding Fathers made an appropriate choice when they selected the bald eagle as the emblem of the nation. The fierce beauty and proud independence of this great bird aptly symbolizes the strength and freedom of America.”

Since Roman times, the bald eagle has been associated with authority and statehood, commonly used as a symbol of governmental power. It’s no wonder then that the eagle is mentioned 33 times in the Bible! In Proverbs 30:18-19 we find the eagle as an amazing creature that God created. In Isaiah 40:31, God’s people who follow His ways will mount up and soar like eagles in their lives. God Himself spreads His wings over His people, in Deuteronomy 32:11-13.

Physically, the eagle is a being of grace and beauty. Its eyes possess the keenest eyesight and detects prey from high above. The eagle is also wise, making use of its resources by using the wind current to gain height. Sitting on rock ledge, it reads the wind; when the time is perfect, it simply spreads its great wings and soars upward. It’s kind of like faith. To have faith you just gotta let go of things and fully rely on God. Amazingly, it is the very storms that beat down upon the earth that give the eagle fuel to soar. Perhaps that is why God made eagles. To show us that we can exist, and even soar high above our circumstances just like the mighty eagle. We just gotta get to the edge of our rock and simply lift our wings.

In yoga, we have the Eagle Pose, which is a balancing pose. The challenge of this pose is twisting while balancing on one leg. If you like you can try this pose. Imagine  yourself to be like the eagle, balancing in the wind while the strong and twisting storms of life are trying to make you fall. Settling into the pose, try and fix your eyes on Jesus and trust Him by maintaining a slow steady breath during all that is happening in your body and mind. This helps you gain a sense of calm and and trust. Then when a real life storm hits you out of your comfort zone, you will be able to simply breathe, trust and remain calm. Most importantly you will be able to soar!


Directions for Eagle Pose:

Legs: Bend your knees slightly, like sitting in a chair. Lift your left leg up and have all your weight on your right leg. Place your left leg across right leg. You should look like you are sitting cross-legged in a chair. If possible, place your left thigh above your right knee. Hook your left ankle behind your lower calf. Squeeze your inner thighs together and keep your hips squared and forward.

Arms: Put your arms straight out in front of you. Bend your elbows with palms facing you. Pull in your navel. Lengthen your spine. Keep your shoulders squared like your hips but keep them down and relaxed. Slowly place your left arm under your right arm. Keep your left palm running up your right arm until both palms meet. Hold your elbows up and lower your shoulders. Breath long and deep while holding this pose for 10-30 seconds or longer if you can. Repeat on your opposite leg and arm if you would like!






What happens to our body when we are stressed? It defends itself, of course!

Amazingly, God has created us with an entire defense system that turns on as soon as we become stressed. Dr. Herbert Benson, a cardiovascular specialist at Harvard Medical School coined it “The Relaxation Response.”  Esther Sternberg, physician and author of several books on stress and healing, explains how it works.


Immediately, our heart rate speeds up and diverts blood away from our guts and to our muscles so we can run away. The pupils of our eyes constrict, so we can keenly focus on our attacker. The bronchii of our lungs increase blood oxygenation and convert energy stored in the liver into fuel for strength and stamina.  She also states that if we are stressed for too long, our body starts to release stress hormones and nerve chemicals that we do not want floating around in our body. That is why it’s important to our health to chill out as soon as possible. Perhaps God designed our breathing system with that in mind: that we might trust in Him for help.

Next time you feel stress coming on, drop and give yourself 10 long and deep breaths. Chill and meditate on this verse of Scripture and just breathe… let God take care of it all!

More ” Halleluyah Moments ” please!


When it comes to releasing stress, more giggles and LOL-ing are just what the doctor ordered! Laughter is a great form of stress release and that’s no joke!

According to the Mayo Clinic Staff, data is mounting about the positive things that laughter can do. They say a good laugh has great short-term effects. Laughing doesn’t just lighten our loads, it actually induces physical changes in our bodies. Laughing stimulates many of our organs by enhancing our intake of oxygen-rich air. It stimulates our heart, lungs, and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released in our brains, the “feel good” ones. Laughter also activates and relieves our stress response, which increases our heart rate and blood pressure – it gives us a good, relaxed feeling. We all know that laughter soothes tension but it also stimulates circulation and aids in muscle relaxation, which helps reduce some of the physical forms of stress that we hold. With less stress from laughing, some studies have shown that humor may raise the level of infection-fighting antibodies in the body and boost the levels of immune cells, as well.

Chuckle often and consistently. It turns out that laughter is not just a quick pick me up. It also proves to be good for you over the long term. Laughter improves your immune system. Positive thoughts actually release neuropeptides that help fight stress and potentially more serious illnesses. Negative thoughts do the opposite, as they manifest into chemical reactions that can affect your body by bringing more stress into your system and decreasing your immunity. Laughter also relieves pain and makes it easier to cope with difficult situations. It’s a people connector and mood enhancer; it lessens depression, anxiety, and makes you overall happier as the Mayo Clinic states.

According to Psychology Today, pleasure can be so stimulating to your brain that it is primed to respond to pleasure in a way that reinforces pleasure. Your brain actually offers rewards to steer you on a pathway to happiness, and you can offer your brain rewards that will encourage it to become even more finely tuned and to grow well into your old age. Go ahead and laugh and laugh a lot, because happy people are more creative, solve problems faster, and tend to be more mentally alert. Now that is something to smile about!

Perhaps that is precisely why God tells us in the Bible to think on good things, as in Philippians 4:8. In Proverbs 15:13, the Bible says that a joyful heart makes a cheerful face and, my favorite, that a cheerful heart is good medicine (Proverbs 17:21). He created us after all, and we are His children – why wouldn’t He tell us what’s best for us to live a long happy life?

Go ahead. Turn up the corners of your mouth up into a smile and then give a laugh. Better, give up a belly laugh, a howl, a chortle or cackle or titter or a tee-hee and a guffaw. Laughter is good medicine. Laugh for your health because it’s no joke!



2befddda7ed2eaca65af5cab8459c853happy brain

Feeling good after a yoga workout? Well, turns out you should feel pretty amazing! You see, there is actual scientific evidence that yoga has a direct effect on your brain. Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine and McLean Hospital discovered that even after one session of yoga, levels of a much needed chemical that is important for well being was raised in the brain by 27%. That chemical is called GABA, short for “gamma-aminobutyric acid”. It is a key neurotransmitter for stress release, and is often referred to as “nature’s Valium” because it is essential for feeling happy and relaxed.

All kinds of exercise can increase your “feel good” neurotransmitters – serotonin, endorphins, and GABA. But yoga in particular stands out as a proven GABA booster, according to Be Brain Fit, a consumer resource for information about maintaining and improving cognitive and mental health based on scientific research. Yoga is quickly becoming a popular remedy for stress reduction, and now we are understanding at least in one way how yoga does help in making us feel good.

Next time your feeling overstimulated, overwhelmed and your finding it hard to relax and stay asleep -do something about it! First, ask the Maker of your amazing brain for help- then grab your mat and do yoga! It’s never too late to get the GABA BRAIN BUZZ  and feel great!



0d4003e90ca330278c4ab0ccdfae06ddTHEIR HEARTS FOREVERYES!!!

Today, I must take a moment and thank God for my Mother!

It was a few months after my Dad died that my Mother began yoga practice at the ripe old age of 77! Never really one for exercise and never really into eating good or fitness, she took her mat and boldly entered a class of senior citizen yogis. I give her credit for just getting there. Lying on the floor and breathing weird with strangers has to be pretty intimidating in old age. Yet she never complained. She was happy, content, and thrilled at the prospect of meeting new people and making new friends. Unfortunately, 6 months later she became ill and suddenly died. However, a few of those new friends came to her wake. I remember her teacher especially. She was a tiny, able lady, bursting with gratitude from even knowing my Mom and reeking of the fresh smell of garlic. She was 86 years old. It was precisely at that moment, with out my consent, my mind took a snap shot. Little did I know I would visit that picture over and over again until I too would begin a yoga practice for myself.

Today, I am fifty six years young and a certified yoga instructor. I see why my Mom really enjoyed yoga. Because yoga is fun! Yoga is not just a form of exercise, it’s an experience! Where else can one roll around on a mat with your eyes closed and call it a workout? How about looking at the world from up side down in a headstand? What form of exercise encourages making funny faces while breathing or twisting yourself like a pretzel? Only yoga my dear friend!

It is hard to explain yoga to people. It is like going back to a place you used to know but somehow forgot. It’s a innocent place, like when you were a child in the outdoors, dancing in the gentle wind as the sunshine warmed your shoulders. Free of boundaries, free of control. and just flowing in the ever present, spontaneous surrender of your body, to movement. That is the yoga experience in words only. You must experience it for yourself.

Lately, I have come to realize that for me, yoga is also a portal back to my childhood. It is a place I loved with all my heart and I called home once. It is a place I could never forget but sometimes it is painful and yet wonderful to remember, and always worth the visit. My Mom is alive and well there. It is my childhood and I am my mother’s daughter again. That is the feeling I get when I work my body in yoga. That same feeling of security and purity, comfort and warmth, family and home.

We all begin yoga for different reasons. For me it was my Mother. I believe that in God’s immense wisdom He is able to use many different things in our lives to keep us going in the direction that He wants us to follow. Sometimes, I even think He makes us a portal back in time in order that we can move forward in life.

Today, six years ago, I woke up and I no longer owned the title of daughter. Although it was devastating, I thank God for the wonderful Mother that He gave me to experience for 50 years here on this earth. I feel intensely thankful and joyous for her. Today I celebrate her life and all the wonderful things that she did and all that she taught me. I celebrate knowing her and for her love, for being 77 and not giving up on life but trying something new. That was my Mom. That was my childhood and I visit it sometimes when I do yoga, with joy!

Happy Mother’s Day 2016






3f1054058df6b49e08a77deefef4d015LAUGHING YES!!!!


I can’t help it. Yoga makes me laugh!

Sometimes I laugh while trying to smoothly, but awkwardly, move my body into pretzel-like positions. During yoga, I also try to move my body into positions that animals naturally ease into. You know the poses; cat, cow, eagle, crow, cobra, butterfly and downward dog to name a few. There are also every day ordinary things that yoga wants my body to resemble like trees, chairs, triangles, children and even corpses! Unfortunately, most human bodies are physically challenged when it comes to contorting like that – and mine is no exception!

Did you know that in yoga there is even a lion’s breathing technique? I wonder how ancient yogis know how a lion breathes? You can’t help but laugh seeing a human performing it or try it for yourself. You cannot help but laugh. Funny thing is, more and more people are getting into yoga everyday. But, do I really need to be so animal-like and twisted at my age?

Let’s face it, fifty seven is kind of old for an upward and downward dog daily workout. Ask me if fifty seven was old when I was young, and I would have called it ancient. Yet, after years of dance, ballet, gymnastics, skiing, karate, and even winning gold medals and national championships, my daily workouts presently consist of rolling around the floor with my eyes closed while being up side down most of the time. It’s a change!

The goals of my workouts have dramatically changed as well. At fifty seven, standing on my head and splitting my body in half is what I aim for daily. Pushing up easily into a wheel pose or bridge would be nice too! I also wish I could look halfway human during breathing exercises. I’ve sadly given up striving for a sixteen year old body that rocks all the cool yoga wear too. Yes, it’s always good to have workout goals in mind. Unfortunately, unless I get a newer version of my body all of my workout goals are pretty much unattainable. But, I do have hope and I will always try. I am a very happy fifty-seven year old. I am healthy and have little strands of silver glitter in my hair. I also get up every day and look forward to doing yoga. I guess because yoga makes me laugh!

I can only hope that yoga makes you laugh too!


72e0d1160f729c5ea9b3cbb3df1bc7a6A BAT STRETCHING TODAY

Stretch yourself, do yoga!

Physical stretching, much like hydrating and proper breathing, can have enormous health benefits if done regularly. A regular stretching routine can help lengthen muscles, increase our flexibility and joint range of motion. Stretching loosens stiff muscles, improving our balance and posture. Blood flow increases from stretching for improved circulation, nourishing muscle tissues and flushing out any waste byproducts in the muscle tissue. An increase in our energy levels is felt and pain is eased by stretching. We may even develop a greater sense of well being. Now, who doesn’t need that?





Can’t sleep? Your not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention an estimated 50-70 million U.S. adults have a sleep disorder. Less sleep equals more stress, and at the physical level your body doesn’t get enough time to repair. A Harvard University study on yoga and sleep found that those participants who consistently practiced yoga for just 8 weeks enjoyed significantly better sleep in length and slumber. Combine yoga with a calming Bible verse before bed and you got a winning elixir for a sweet sleep!


Below you will find the yoga restorative pose, Legs Up a Wall. This pose will ease stress and calm your mind before bed. Stay in the pose for at least 10 minutes and inhale long and deeply and exhale long and deeply while you meditate on the Bible verse above. To begin, clear your mind by giving every care and worry to God. Then do not let those negative thoughts enter your brain. Instead, be still…



Inhale and focus on God. Exhale and feel your body releasing stress and tensions in the flow of your breath. Continue and don’t worry about a thing. Gently release and relax. Feel loved and have a sweet sleep!