The Secret of the Hind Deer

This day was a beautiful day on the summit of Mount Cardigan, NH

So thankful to experience God’s beauty all around me!

Think God wants you to walk sure-footed in this world?

Think he desires that you walk above where the air is pure and the view pristine?

You bet He does!

That’s why in His Word to us, His Bible, He refers to His children as having Hind’s feet.

A hind is a female red deer. Leaping from rock to rock in mountain terrain without ever lose their footing, the hind deer steps precisely in the same spot where its front feet have been. Amazingly, every motion of the Hind is followed through with razor-sharp consistency. This makes it the most sure footed animal of all mountain animals.

This also suggests that we too as God’s children already possess hind legs.

 We are already equipped for the rough terrain ahead in our lives.

We can overcome.

We are empowered.

We can have a better life.

We just have to put on our hind legs.

We simply need to let God be our front legs.

Then each step we take in our lives will be with precision and sure-footed-ness.

He makes my feet like the Hind’s feet, And sets me upon high places.

Psalm 18:33, Habbakkuk 3:19

Can’t you see that magnificent mountain top?

You know the secret.

It’s a “Halleluyah Moment” and You already have everything you need.

So, what are you waiting for!


ROCK! Your Yoga



Mats work pretty good. But doing yoga on the rock is definitely a “higher experience!”



Looking at this picture compels me to sing in my head,

“On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand!”

I was curious who wrote this song so I looked it up.

To my surprise,

these beautiful lyrics were penned over 150 years ago by Pastor Edward Mole.

My hope is built on nothing less

Than Jesus Blood and righteousness;

I dare not trust the sweetest frame,

But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

On Christ the solid Rock, I stand;

All other ground is sinking sand.

All other ground is sinking sand.

It’s based on Matthew 7:24

Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on a Rock.

I’m into higher experiences…how bout you?

Thanks for reading…

Love, blessings and higher experiences to you!


Respond-Don’t React

Life is chock full of challenges and sometimes we just don’t respond in the right way.

That’s because we are reactive rather than responsive and in part we are not fully to blame.

You see, we were never really taught that we even had a choice. I know I did not. Because of that many a times I reacted to situations when I should have taken a moment and responded in a different way. Thankfully, I discovered yoga. Before that I never even stopped to think there was a reactive or a responsive way of living.

Time on our mats encourages a connecting with ourselves. We discover how to accept who we are and through the yoga positions learn to be present. Living in the present moment helps us to let go more easily of past and future thoughts. Meditation automatically drops us into a state of calm and breathing deeply stimulates our parasympathetic nervous system, which puts us into a rest and relaxation state. But I believe the secret is in the yoga positions.

You see a good teacher will help you take what you learn off the mat and into your life. Teaching yoga positions that are challenging are the key. Helping a student learn difficult poses creates a dose of healthy stress. The student then has a moment to think about the pose and how to react to it. Will he or she approach it by reacting and getting mad and give up. Or will he or she respond in a better way? But isn’t that what life calls us to do?

Yoga really does help one in life by presenting choices and ways to react to those choices. Holding poses for long periods of time proposes a challenge. When the body is tired and challenged beyond our comfort zones we learn to focus and remain calm to accomplish holding the pose up with stamina and grace. We learn to be more that the sum of our reactions not reduced by our responses.

And when life sends us challenges beyond what are capable of responding or reacting to well,

we only need to look up!

For God tell us…

Do not be anxious about anything, but in prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. He will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7.

Thanks for joining me!

keep calm and yoga on

xxoo penny

Where Yoga Meets Faith

How can the practice of yoga complement and enhance our walk with God?


I have found there is a harmonious relationship between yoga and faith and this ancient practice can surely deepen our connection to our Heavenly Father while nurturing our soul, inspiring us to live out our faith with greater intention and grace.

In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, we are reminded that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and we are called to honor God with our bodies.

Yoga can surely be a tangible way to live out this calling, reminding us to care for our bodies with respect, and love.

One of the most profound aspects of yoga is the emphasis on breath, or pranayama.

In yoga, the breath is not just a physiological function, it is a bridge between the body and the spirit. What if we approached our breath as a prayer? Each inhale could be an invitation for God’s presence, and each exhale, a release of our worries, cares and doubts and fears while surrendering them all over to Him.

   This can surely turn a yoga session into a moving meditation, where every breath is a conversation with God.

Yoga also teaches us to be mindful, being actively present in each moment.

This resonates deeply with the biblical instruction to meditate on God’s Word.

Psalm 1:2 says, “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.” Yoga offers a unique opportunity to combine the physical act of mindfulness with the spiritual practice of meditation. As we hold each pose, we can meditate on scripture, allowing God’s Word to sink deep into our hearts.



The Bible also teaches us that there is power in letting go and trusting. In yoga, it is also important to let go of what no longer serves us, mirroring the spiritual act of surrendering our lives to God’s will. Matthew 11:28-30 invites us to come to Jesus with our burdens and find rest in Him. As we find stillness in some yoga poses, we can also reflect on this invitation, finding strength not in our own efforts but in His grace.



Surprisingly, there are many ways to integrate faith into our yoga practice.

One way is through Scripture-inspired flows. Starting our practice with a focus on Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” allows us to move through poses that build physical strength, letting the Scripture be our mantra, reminding us that our true strength comes from Christ.

Another beautiful way is taking a moment to sit in stillness, close our eyes, and offer a prayer of gratitude. Reflecting on the peace we’ve cultivated we can also offer it back to God, asking Him to guide us through. Whether we’re on the mat or in prayer, remembering that each breath, each movement, and each moment of stillness can be an opportunity to draw nearer to God!


Peace & Love, Penny!

The Journey of the Lotus Flower


In the stillness of a pond, where murky waters conceal the depths below, a miracle unfolds. The lotus flower, a symbol of purity and rebirth, emerges from the mud, pushing its way through the murkiness to bloom with stunning beauty on the water’s surface. This remarkable journey of the lotus is not just a spectacle of nature but a profound metaphor for our own lives.


The Lotus Flower’s Journey

The lotus flower begins its life in the depths of muddy waters, far from the light. Its roots anchor it firmly in the sludge, drawing nourishment from what others might see as undesirable or unclean. Day by day, it stretches upwards, driven by an innate desire to reach the light above. It doesn’t rush the process, nor does it falter, despite the resistance it meets along the way.

When it finally breaks through the water’s surface, the lotus is untouched by the mud from which it emerged. Its petals open in the sunlight, revealing a beauty that seems almost otherworldly. The dirt that once surrounded it now serves only to highlight the purity and grace of its bloom.

Our Own Journey Through Life

Like the lotus, we often find ourselves in the midst of life’s mud—challenges, setbacks, and hardships that can make our path seem unclear or overwhelming. It’s easy to feel stuck or weighed down by these circumstances, wondering if we’ll ever break free.

Yet, just as the lotus is nourished by the mud, so too are we shaped and strengthened by our struggles. The difficulties we face are not meant to bury us but to prepare us for the beauty that lies ahead. It is through these very challenges that we grow, reaching upwards, inch by inch, towards the light.

In our spiritual journey, the dirt represents the trials and tribulations we endure—loss, pain, disappointment. But as we root ourselves in faith and draw strength from God’s promises, we rise.

We are reminded in 2 Corinthians 4:16-17:

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.”

Our struggles, though difficult, are temporary. They are the very soil from which our spiritual growth springs forth. As we persevere, we emerge stronger, our faith refined, our purpose clearer.

Embracing Our Bloom

The lotus flower doesn’t bloom despite the mud; it blooms because of it. In the same way, we are called to embrace our journey, recognizing that every challenge we face is an opportunity for growth. As we rise above the difficulties, we reflect the beauty of a life rooted in Christ, a life that shines with the inner light of His grace and love.

Just as the lotus opens its petals to the sun, we too must open ourselves to God’s light, allowing it to transform us from within. It’s a reminder that no matter how deep the mud, there is always hope, always a way forward. And when we finally bloom, our lives become a testimony to the power of faith, resilience, and the enduring love of God.

Let us take heart in the story of the lotus flower, knowing that no matter where we start, we are all capable of blooming into the fullness of who we are meant to be. Our journey through the dirt is not in vain—it is the very path that leads us to our most beautiful, most radiant selves.

Peace and Love



Never Too Old To Shine Or Be New!

Living Shiny and New as We Age

Aging is a journey we all embark on, and as we travel this path, it’s easy to get caught up in the idea that youth equals vitality, and aging equals decline. But what if we flipped that narrative? What if we saw aging not as a fading away but as an opportunity to live even more brightly, to embrace life with a spirit that is renewed daily?

The Bible reminds us in 2 Corinthians 4:16 that, “Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” This verse offers profound wisdom and encouragement. It tells us that while our physical bodies may age, our spirits can remain vibrant, continually refreshed by God’s grace.

 Embracing the Shine in Our Souls

Living “shiny and new” as we age means focusing on the renewal that happens within. It’s about nurturing our souls with the promises of God, allowing His word to refresh us daily. Just as we care for our bodies through exercise and healthy living, we must also care for our spirits through prayer, meditation on Scripture, and living out our faith in tangible ways.

As we age, we can shine even brighter by cultivating gratitude for the life we’ve lived and the lessons we’ve learned. Each wrinkle and gray hair becomes a testament to the experiences that have shaped us, to the grace that has carried us through every trial and triumph. By embracing these marks of aging, we acknowledge the beauty in our journey and the renewal that happens within us every day.

Yoga: A Tool for Physical and Spiritual Renewal

One powerful way to embody this renewal is through the practice of yoga. Yoga is not just about flexibility or strength; it’s about connecting with your body and spirit in a way that honors God’s creation. By practicing yoga, we can maintain our physical health, which in turn supports our spiritual well-being. Each pose becomes an act of worship, a moment to breathe in God’s love and exhale His grace.

As we age, our bodies may change, but yoga teaches us to adapt with grace. It reminds us to be patient with ourselves, to listen to our bodies, and to move in ways that support longevity and vitality. By integrating prayer and meditation into our practice, we can deepen our connection with God, allowing His peace to fill us and renew us from the inside out.

Never too old to be new and never too old to sparkle!

Living shiny and new as we age is about more than just maintaining our physical appearance or health. It’s about reflecting God’s glory in every season of life. When we allow His light to shine through us, we become a beacon of hope and encouragement to others. Our lives become a testament to the truth that, with God, we can be renewed, no matter our age.

So let us embrace aging with joy and purpose. Let us live each day with the confidence that God is continually renewing us, making us shine even brighter as we walk in His love and grace. And as we do, we’ll find that aging isn’t about losing our shine—it’s about discovering a deeper, more radiant light that only grows with time.


This picture says it all. It’s funny because it is just that: a picture. In real life, it hurts to feel invisible to other people. The worst part is, people probably don’t realize they are doing it to us. And if they do it, says more about them then it does us. Lately, it’s been happening to me a lot. For example, the other day I had a a ten minute in-depth discussion with my postman in the Post Office about golfing. You know the moment when you both discover you have a love for something. You walk away feeling like you have connected. Well, we talked up a storm that day; a week later I started the golf conversation, and it was like we never discussed a word about it before. Hopefully, the postman didn’t see my chin hang down the whole time he did my postage!

How about the “one-sided conversation!” You ask about their  lives, then they talk on and on about themselves?  How about the spell-bound look they give you when you ask them a question while they have been staring at their phone for the past 5 minutes?

Well, don’t lose hope. You are not invisible to God! Not today and not any day!

… for God sees and hears you…The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are attentive to their cry. Psalm 34:15

… for God is listening intimately and intently to you… God is able to hear us even when we are silent. Romans 8:26

… for God is ready to help you… Don’t panic I’m with you there’s no need to fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength and I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady and keep a firm grip on you. Isaiah 41:10

… for God is thinking about you all the time… My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore. Psalm 139:17

… for God thinks the world of you...even the hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows. Matthew 10:31

… for God made you a “one of a kind person”…You are a blessing! The Lord made you in an amazing and wonderful way. Psalm 139:14

… for God thinks your gorgeous…The King is enthralled with your beauty. Psalm 45:11

… for you must hold your head high, God gave you dignity…You have dignity. Proverbs 31:25

… for you can ask and you will get real answers…Call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3

…for you simply cannot be invisible if God is always with you…I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:20

…for how can you be invisible if you are constantly loved?…You are love forever. Romans 8:38-39

You may feel invisible to the world at times but to God, you are being loved moment by moment beyond measure!
Gosh, I feel better now.  I hope you do too!




Present Moment Peter

Clouds like puffs of cotton and seas as smooth as glass, could there be a more perfect morning? Of course every morning is great when you wake up and your on vacation. Today we are docked in gorgeous St. Thomas. To think fear kept me from this Divine scenic creation for so many years and now after 34 cruises I am forever thirsty and longing to taste the beauty that God has created around this beautiful earth. Of course we’ve also been through some difficult storms in a ship too where it was so rough I threw up in a decorative plant. But that’s how life is too, one day it’s calm another day a storm is raging all around you!

Enter Peter. The apostle who walked on water. Peter being a fisherman I’m sure experienced a lot of terrible storms out in the sea in his boat. Yet in this Bible story another storm was raging all about him and all of Jesus’s disciples. Peter and the disciples were terribly afraid and clinging to the safety and comfort of their boat. Suddenly, out there on the raging waves they encountered a figure. Peter rushed up and asked, is it you Lord and if it is let me come to you! What was he thinking walking on water like that. I’m wondering, could his eyes of been so fixed on Jesus he couldn’t see anything but Jesus? I don’t know how long this moment was but Jesus commanded Peter to come to Him and with out hesitation, Peter lunged forward and up and out of the boat. By the grace and power of God, Peter walked on water!

However, the other eleven disciples seemed to do the thing they always did in a storm, be afraid for their lives and cling to what they could see, their man made boat. Although all of Jesus’s disciples did amazing things beyond human capabilities hanging out with their Savior, sadly, all missed the opportunity to walk on water. But not Peter, there caught up in the moment Peter was not concerned with the safety and security of himself or he would of never left the boat. Instead, I think Peter was right there, ever present, dwelling only in the moment at hand. Being absorbed in the present moment gifted him with no time to think victimizing thoughts of past times in the boat nor any time to be anxious and overwhelmed of what might have been or could of happened. He was instead ever present, faithfully riding the waves with his feet, lunging forward until… But that is another story!

Jesus looking at them said, with men it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God! (Mark 10:27)

I’m guilty of clinging to my man made boat in the storms of life, how bout you? Maybe if we just focused on Jesus like Peter did we too might walk on water in our own lives.

Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze on Him. (Proverbs 4:25)

When Yoga Meets Biblical Health and Wellness


Everybody knows by now that the practices of yoga are beneficial to our health and science continues to reveal it’s many healthy benefits. It’s wonderful that every year there is a significant rise in people hitting their mats. However, the world seems more stressed out than ever. I get it that all the world has been in a pandemic for a couple years now but isn’t time on our mats suppose to chill us out and lower our stress? Chronic stress was a growing health related problem before the pandemic and continues to get worse with each passing year. It sends more people to the doctor’s office every year and more people rely on prescriptions rather than yoga to deal with their stress related conditions. It’s also very scary that the six leading causes of death are all linked to stress.

My friends, do not fear! As healthy as yoga can prove to be for us there is a better solution. As a yoga teacher with a Biblical perspective on health and wellness I’ve come to realize that true and lasting health and wellness practices are deeply rooted in aligning ourselves with what Our Creator has to say about health and wellness. Trusting our Creator by putting into practice His ways written for us from His Holy Bible, rewards us with many healthy benefits. He cares for each of us individually and desires that we live healthy purposeful lives. And He has given us the ultimate prescription for a healthy life style! It begins by by reading and listening to His wisdom and then putting into practice His ways. It is the one true and only lasting path leading to a stress less, strong and balanced, peaceful and joyous lifestyle, complete with abundant energy, continual strength and deep unfailing love! now, who doesn’t want that?? Is it not the reason why any of hit our mats each day?

My prayer for you is that you would start your journey to true and lasting health and wellness this very moment! Begin by acknowledging that God sent His Son Jesus into this world to die for your every sin and invite Him to be your Savior and miraculously, all the above is freely given to you!

Training the body has some value but being Godly has value in every way! 1 timothy 4:8

Beloved I pray in all respects that you will prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers! 1 John 2-3


Love Penny


My parents may have named me Penny…

But, my Heavenly Father has given me a new name and that new name is “Shiny New Penny!” 

Fortunately for us, our Heavenly Father believes all of His children this very moment are are fresh, new and vibrant and He has promises ALL of His children, fresh new beginnings each and every new morning. (Lamentation 3:22-23) For we are His “new creations.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) and each of us are beautiful masterpieces no matter how we might feel at any given moment in His eyes! 

God tells us in His Word, the Bible that meditating upon and obeying His Word leads to blessing! That we can possess a peace beyond human knowledge, a balanced and purposed filled life, strength for daily living, perfect alignment and courage to trust the process! Best part? God promises us that everyday is a new beginning no matter how bad we screwed up the day before! He has also made each of us new people the moment we trusted Him with our lives and He is in the business of making us more like Him each day! So not only are we new and fresh, we are also empowered with His Spirit which happens to be the Creator of the Universe Power. In gaining wisdom from Him and His Word, after a while we may start feeling like Gordon Ramsay does when he describes good food… fresh, modern and vibrant!

Shiny New Penny is my reminder that I am somebody special and I am already enough…loved for just being me. I know that this name is important to Him because it’s my daily reminder that He is helping me to stop wearing myself out by trying to do life on my own, relying on my human capabilities. Instead, He’s got me remembering to live in His light, in His shine…where there is His mighty power, His abundant grace and His infinite love. And when I trust and let go of that never ending quest of trying to be more, that’s when I can brilliantly shine and not grow dim with weariness from the cares of this world. And it is my desire and my prayer to live each day reflecting the glory of Him who makes all things possible! (Matthew 19:26)

Of course every person who has given his or her life to Jesus for the forgiveness of sins has already  been equipped with His radiant light and it is already shining within us. But like me, sometimes in the chaos and business of daily living we simply forget to turn it on. Below, some shiny Words of Life!

You are the Light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14

Therefore, in the same way let your light shine so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven! Matthew 5:17

May we always remember that we are never alone because we are loved beyond measure. Our Heavenly Father is watching over us 24/7 and He always knows exactly what you and I need even before we know we need it!

This gold jacket called out to me in Walmart and being only $7.00 dollars I scoffed it up to match my gold Sperry Top Siders. On the way out the door I realized these rosy mirrored shades needed some eyes to shade and jumped in my bag to come on vacation. Yay, I had an outfit! Soon after three rainy days at this Florida hotel it was time to get on our way to the cruise terminal. Because the Uber was late in picking us up, I passed the time striking a few poses around the hotel. What amazes me is, I never knew I didn’t know I needed a gold shiny outfit to match my New Shiny Penny name I didn’t know I would have until weeks later…but that’s the power of God. He already knows precisely what we need before we even need it!

Praise God! Your Father knows the things you need before you even ask Him! ( Mathew 6:8 )