Where Yoga Meets Faith

How can the practice of yoga complement and enhance our walk with God?


I have found there is a harmonious relationship between yoga and faith and this ancient practice can surely deepen our connection to our Heavenly Father while nurturing our soul, inspiring us to live out our faith with greater intention and grace.

In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, we are reminded that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and we are called to honor God with our bodies.

Yoga can surely be a tangible way to live out this calling, reminding us to care for our bodies with respect, and love.

One of the most profound aspects of yoga is the emphasis on breath, or pranayama.

In yoga, the breath is not just a physiological function, it is a bridge between the body and the spirit. What if we approached our breath as a prayer? Each inhale could be an invitation for God’s presence, and each exhale, a release of our worries, cares and doubts and fears while surrendering them all over to Him.

   This can surely turn a yoga session into a moving meditation, where every breath is a conversation with God.

Yoga also teaches us to be mindful, being actively present in each moment.

This resonates deeply with the biblical instruction to meditate on God’s Word.

Psalm 1:2 says, “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.” Yoga offers a unique opportunity to combine the physical act of mindfulness with the spiritual practice of meditation. As we hold each pose, we can meditate on scripture, allowing God’s Word to sink deep into our hearts.



The Bible also teaches us that there is power in letting go and trusting. In yoga, it is also important to let go of what no longer serves us, mirroring the spiritual act of surrendering our lives to God’s will. Matthew 11:28-30 invites us to come to Jesus with our burdens and find rest in Him. As we find stillness in some yoga poses, we can also reflect on this invitation, finding strength not in our own efforts but in His grace.



Surprisingly, there are many ways to integrate faith into our yoga practice.

One way is through Scripture-inspired flows. Starting our practice with a focus on Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” allows us to move through poses that build physical strength, letting the Scripture be our mantra, reminding us that our true strength comes from Christ.

Another beautiful way is taking a moment to sit in stillness, close our eyes, and offer a prayer of gratitude. Reflecting on the peace we’ve cultivated we can also offer it back to God, asking Him to guide us through. Whether we’re on the mat or in prayer, remembering that each breath, each movement, and each moment of stillness can be an opportunity to draw nearer to God!


Peace & Love, Penny!