My parents may have named me Penny…
But, my Heavenly Father has given me a new name and that new name is “Shiny New Penny!”
Fortunately for us, our Heavenly Father believes all of His children this very moment are are fresh, new and vibrant and He has promises ALL of His children, fresh new beginnings each and every new morning. (Lamentation 3:22-23) For we are His “new creations.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) and each of us are beautiful masterpieces no matter how we might feel at any given moment in His eyes!
God tells us in His Word, the Bible that meditating upon and obeying His Word leads to blessing! That we can possess a peace beyond human knowledge, a balanced and purposed filled life, strength for daily living, perfect alignment and courage to trust the process! Best part? God promises us that everyday is a new beginning no matter how bad we screwed up the day before! He has also made each of us new people the moment we trusted Him with our lives and He is in the business of making us more like Him each day! So not only are we new and fresh, we are also empowered with His Spirit which happens to be the Creator of the Universe Power. In gaining wisdom from Him and His Word, after a while we may start feeling like Gordon Ramsay does when he describes good food… fresh, modern and vibrant!
Shiny New Penny is my reminder that I am somebody special and I am already enough…loved for just being me. I know that this name is important to Him because it’s my daily reminder that He is helping me to stop wearing myself out by trying to do life on my own, relying on my human capabilities. Instead, He’s got me remembering to live in His light, in His shine…where there is His mighty power, His abundant grace and His infinite love. And when I trust and let go of that never ending quest of trying to be more, that’s when I can brilliantly shine and not grow dim with weariness from the cares of this world. And it is my desire and my prayer to live each day reflecting the glory of Him who makes all things possible! (Matthew 19:26)
Of course every person who has given his or her life to Jesus for the forgiveness of sins has already been equipped with His radiant light and it is already shining within us. But like me, sometimes in the chaos and business of daily living we simply forget to turn it on. Below, some shiny Words of Life!
You are the Light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14
Therefore, in the same way let your light shine so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven! Matthew 5:17
May we always remember that we are never alone because we are loved beyond measure. Our Heavenly Father is watching over us 24/7 and He always knows exactly what you and I need even before we know we need it!
This gold jacket called out to me in Walmart and being only $7.00 dollars I scoffed it up to match my gold Sperry Top Siders. On the way out the door I realized these rosy mirrored shades needed some eyes to shade and jumped in my bag to come on vacation. Yay, I had an outfit! Soon after three rainy days at this Florida hotel it was time to get on our way to the cruise terminal. Because the Uber was late in picking us up, I passed the time striking a few poses around the hotel. What amazes me is, I never knew I didn’t know I needed a gold shiny outfit to match my New Shiny Penny name I didn’t know I would have until weeks later…but that’s the power of God. He already knows precisely what we need before we even need it!
Praise God! Your Father knows the things you need before you even ask Him! ( Mathew 6:8 )