Give this a try and you might be surprised at how much!
Next time your at the beach or the lake, a pond or a creek, a river or any body of water, take a big look around at all the sand or dirt you can see. Then try to imagine the mountains of sand under all the water that you see. Then think about each individual grain of sand and pick up a handful and start counting! Then think of all the shores of all the bodies of water across the globe! Include the thought of the shores that you and no one has yet seen. Think of all the seas and all the oceans and how deep they are and how they cover the earth more than dry land does. Then try and grasp God’s thoughts about you. But Oh, You can’t! That’s because they out number all the grains of sand in the entire world!
How precious are your thoughts about me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You. Psalm 139:17-18
Dear Heavenly Father…
We bow down and thank you for loving us beyond what we can imagine and giving us Your Word so that we can enjoy health and whole body fitness the way that you intended! May you guide us and direct our paths that we may walk in our identity set by YOU and live each of our purposes joyfully, peacefully, thankfully and vibrantly healthy – that we may be all that YOU created us to be! HALLELUYAH!