Halleluyah Yoga

Health & Wellness Lifestyle


Surely it is a “Halleluyah Moment” to know that Science is just catching up to what God said in His Word thousands of years ago, that positive thinking can and does have an effect one’s health. What’s more important is that it is everyone’s choice to decide what thoughts we wish or don’t wish to think about. Of course we don’t have to think the way God wants us to think, but then again why would we reject the ultimate best prescription for a life’s mindset that is promised by God to keep us happy, healthy and wise!


You see, according to Psychology Today, every thought that we possess releases certain brain chemicals called hormones. Being focused on negative thoughts produces cortisol the stress hormone, hard wired to keep our body on high alert for stress encounters which is a good thing. Yet too much cortisol for too long saps our brainpower of its positive forcefulness. Too much negative thinking is shown to slow the brain down and can ultimately dim our brain’s ability to function and eventually it can lead to depression. On the flip side, thinking positive – happy, hopeful, optimistic, joyful thoughts – decreases cortisol and produces seratonin instead, the happy hormone.  The one that likes to make us happy and give us a wonderful  sense of well-being!

In fact feeling pleasure can be so stimulating for our brain that it is primed to respond to pleasure in a way that reinforces pleasure. This helps our brains function at peak capacity, as happy people are more creative, solve problems faster, and tend to be more mentally alert.

Scientific research is also proving that thinking positive thoughts is also heart healthy and can increase our life expectantly even up to fifty-five percent longer. Positivity can be essential to our health if we come from a family with a history of heart disease.

Positive thinking also helps in reducing anxiety and helps us to cope better in stressful situations and circumstances. It actually counters the effects of thinking negative thoughts. It is shown to help our digestive system and entire immune system run more effectively as well. It can even help with fertility too!

It’s no wonder why The Lord Our God proclaimed thousands of years ago these happy thoughts on happy living!

And now, dear brothers and sisters fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

Philippians 4:8-9

If you like, take a few moments. Hand over that unhealthy mindset and start new because you don’t need negativity anymore!

Sit comfortably wherever you might find yourself.
Let your hands rest upon your legs.
Now focus in on the words above.
When your ready please inhale deeply, slowly and intentionally and keep your focus on welcoming only these positive thoughts.
Then exhale the same way, deeply, slowly and intentionally all of your doubts, fears, cares, and worries because you don’t need them anymore!
Repeat as long as you like because YOU are never too old and it is NOT too late to start again.

God doesn’t think so and neither do I!!


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