Halleluyah Yoga

Health & Wellness Lifestyle


God is love. 1 John 4:8

Less of me ~ more of Love. John 3:30.
He must become greater and I must become less, higher style of living. Approaching every word and deed we do, fashioned by God’s guidance and dressed in His Love!

However, getting naked and becoming vulnerable before God takes great courage! I know I find it rather easy to layer up and dress how I want the world to see me. And it’s easy to grow accustomed to our style, our way. Coming from a fashion background I know I fall into my style all the time. I know when I wake up and immediately put my feet down on the ground, rather than thanking God for giving me a new day that I’m on the road for doing things my way. And so easily do I fall right into it somedays.

On most days, I try not to forget God who wakes me up everyday. When I wake up rushed, I’m then reacting rather than responding to the moments before me. That usually results in gripping the steering wheel from God in whom I gave it too and moving into the drivers seat of my life. That can happen quite easily when a situation occurs during the day and my mind takes off and I let anxious thoughts fill me up which makes me run to the next fix to ease my tensions. However, that is our human flesh response.  A higher style perhaps would be to pause a moment, take a deep breathe and look to Jesus and for help! This would help us immediately and give us hope for the next time to respond in a calmer, less stressed mode. Better would be diving into in HIS Word before we respond and with that, we will be on our way to a higher style of living, everyday!

Do not be anxious about anything! Instead, pray! Philippians 4:6

pray more worry less



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