Halleluyah Yoga

Health & Wellness Lifestyle

Chill Out In The Happy Corpse Pose

Who knew something so simple as laying back in a Corpse Pose could make us healthier and more beautiful?

In the Yoga community Corpse Pose is known as a huge stress-reducer, a great method of meditation and the perfect  position to focus our gaze on higher thoughts.

Simply lay back, let your feet spread, place your arms by your sides with palms up and try to keep your shoulders away from your ears. Then give yourself ten or more big inhales and exhales. If your feeling it stay here longer and really give yourself a chance to unwind!

I personally have a hard time staying here. I wanna go go go! If I do relax for a moment though all the things I must do seem to flood my mind. Hopefully your not like me and will be able to reap all the healthy benefits of acting like your dead on the ground here. You can always pretend your sunbathing, too!

Corpse Pose is also a perfect position to…

Set your mind on things above and not things of the earth.

Colossians 3:2

And also a perfect position to focus upon goodness & positivity!

Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable and praiseworthy, think about such things.

Philippians 4:8

After reaping the healthy benefits of these applied Bible verses know that…

Those who look to Him are radiant, Their faces are never covered with shame!

Psalm 34:5

keep calm & yoga on







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