Considered a back bending pose in the world of yoga our Camel Poses will stretch our entire bodies even in places we have not stretched in a few or more years. Our Camels will also open up our chest area, especially our hearts. With consistent practice it will also expand our rib cages thus improve our lung capacity as well. As we breathe deeply into our Camel stretches we are sending a fresh supply of oxygen to all parts of our bodies. More oxygen intake releases pent up stress and tension which helps our nervous system slide into a state of calm and our mood instantly improves.We may even experience a drop in blood pressure as our Camels get our blood pumping which of course provides energy and vitality!
I’m pretty much addicted to Camel Pose for all these really terrific health benefits but also as an added beauty benefit I love that it helps tone our chins. I know that I desperately need it. How about you?
So that you can have a chance to warm up, I started the Camel pose below with a few quick yoga stretches to warm up our backs and our spine. Please remember to take it slow and be gentle with yourself. That way you can come back and practice your Camel love everyday, whenever you need some energy and and at the same time whenever you need to unwind and calm down!
Enjoy and know that you are doing your body a world of good!
Child’s Pose
Start by resting on your heels and bend forward as best you can and inhale and exhale deeply for 10 counts. You can always rest your hands on the seat of a chair or use a pillow and also put a rolled up blanket under your butt if needed.
Puppy Pose
From a Child’s Pose you can slowly and gently walk your hands forward (even an inch will help) for an added stretch and neck toning and feel how Puppy Pose opens your shoulders. Include deep breathing and help your neck and shoulder tension take a hike!
Remember, use a chair or a pillow if you need to get into this position and try to let your chest drop for deep stretching of your neck, chin, shoulders, upper back and glutes, knees, hamstring and thighs.
Child’s Pose Stretch
From your Child’s Pose, if possible, place hands on your lower back. Even one hand to start is great. If possible interlock them behind while letting them fall forward as much as possible.
Come up to your knees and try it too. Remember to use a pillow or a towel or blanket under your knees for support.
In both positions breathe deeply for 10 counts.
Stretch back continuing to lift your hands up behind you.
Or have your hands on your hips during this stretch.
Do this sitting too. Whatever way works for you.
For the complete exercise, rise up on your knees with hands interlocked with a deep inhale. Then lower your body and try to touch your head to your mat as you exhale deeply or let your head come down to a pillow and rest it there.
Continue rising up with a deep inhale and lowering down with a deep exhale for 3-5 times or longer if it suits you.
Supported Camel Pose
Once your knees are in a comfortable position slowly arch your body back. Your hands can be on your hips at first. When you feel comfortable try lowering a hand to your heel. Breathe deeply here as long as you can.
Don’t forget to try the other hand. And don’t forget to breathe, that part is essential.
Full Camel Pose
Once you can place each hand on a heel go for placing both at the same time!
Breathe deeply and infuse you body with healthy yoga goodness!
keep calm and thanks for joining me!