Hi Friends welcome to “Yoga with Penny!”

With flu season upon us it’s important to take steps to stay healthy. Yoga poses that present a twisting action actually can help. That’s why today we will ease our way into a Seated Spinal Twist. Don’t worry, where ever you may find yourself in Seated Spinal Twist Pose is the perfect place that your body is telling you to start from.

The six top leading diseases all are linked to stress. Why yoga works so well at enhancing our health is that it possesses the capacity to release built up stress and tension in the body. Deep breathing definitely helps but also certain positions can actually enhance the stimulation and functioning of not only our muscles but organs and bodily systems as well. What I like about twists is that the twisting action actually compresses our insides and then upon release, sends fresh oxygen and blood through out our body thus enhancing and promoting better health inside and out.


Seated Spinal Twist

Take a few moments to sit quietly while breathing deeply before you begin.

To make it easier place a rolled up blanket or use a pillow to support your leg on the mat.

Also, where ever you may find your leg can cross over with no discomfort is where you should start your Seated Spinal Twist.

Please go slow and be gentle with yourself!

To begin:

1.) Sit upright

2.) Bend your right knee then cross your right leg over your left thigh.

3.) Place your right foot firmly on your mat as close to your body as possible and as comfortable.

4.) Bend your left knee and gently position your left ankle next to your right glute as best you can.

5.) Inhale deeply. Then, as you exhale begin to twist your left shoulder to your right knee.

6.) Wrap your left arm around your right knee, let your palms meet and press them together in a prayer position. Your arms will help with keeping your knee close to your body so that you can twist more deeply.

7.) Keep your hips squared, meaning both hips should face forward evenly.

8.) Hold the position while breathing deeply for 10 seconds and work up to 30 seconds or longer if you can.

Thanks for joining me! I hope that you will maintain good health this winter. Take care and we will be seeing you next month for more “Yoga with Penny!”