Hello Friends!

Welcome to “Yoga with Penny!”

This Christmas, give yourself an amazing gift. The gift of Deep Breathing!

Christmas will soon be here and with the hustle and bustle of the season our stress levels tend to rise. I thought a deep breathing exercise may help as it is the fastest way to effectively combat stress. What is  ideal is that we can practice deep breathing any time we may feel a little stress or anxiety coming on right where we are. Not just on our yoga mats!

Deep Breathing is considered a Super Stress Buster because it triggers our parasympathetic nervous system. Our parasympathetic nervous system is the physical state of rest and relaxation. It is responsible for changing our physical and emotional responses to stress. When this state is active our breathing is steady and our body has a chance to relax and heal. Our heart rate also decreases, our blood pressure drops, muscle tensions release and fresh oxygen circulates throughout our body. Dr Herbert Benson, a cardiovascular specialist discovered and coined it, “The Relaxation Response.”

Deep breathing also improves the functioning of our lungs and our lung capacity. Practicing Deep Breathing regularly, can expand our diaphragm muscle and the air pockets within our lungs. Our lungs can then clear away toxins and deliver fresh oxygen to our blood at a greater rate. With this oxygen boost, our body gets the oxygen it needs for proper cell function, energy, and boosts a whole array of other bodily processes.

Let’s begin by sitting comfortably wherever we may find ourselves. Closing our eyes, let’s focus on our breath.

Imagine that from the bottom of our seat we are inhaling into our body, all the precious air that is around us. Let fresh oxygen fill and rise our stomach like a balloon filling with air. It may feel funny at first but continue inhaling, up from your stomach, lower lungs, upper lungs, into your neck and mouth. Feel as though you are inhaling peace, calm and healing. When you are full of air, slowly and quietly release your breath. Starting at your mouth down through your lungs and from your stomach let tensions, stress and negativity release out of your body in your exhale. Repeat the process at least five times and longer for better results.

Incorporating deep breathing a few times a day into your schedule will keep stress and anxiety away and you will soon discover, is the gift that keeps on giving!

Thanks for joining me and we’ll see you next month!


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