Start off with a chair or wall in front of you to grab if in need of support for all four positions below!
Top Left Picture:
- Stand with your feet directly below your hips.
- Feet firmly planted on the ground.
- With a big inhale extend both arms out to your sides.
- Stretch & reach arms over head.
- Then exhale & come down.
- Repeat 10 times.
- Really try to stretch upward from your hips pulling in your stomach too.
- Lean back with your head & arms if your feeling stable.
Top Right Picture:
- Stand with your feet directly below your hips.
- Continue like the Top Left Picture.
- Once your arms are stretched up, release your right arm and stretch to your right side.
- Remember to pull up and then over your hips.
- Keep both legs straight if possible.
- Bend your knees slightly if you need stability.
- Repeat stretching alternately to each side for 10 times.
- Inhale deeply when both arms are over head.
- Exhale slowly as you lean and stretch to each side.
Squat Pose or Lower Left Bottom:
- From standing hip width on your feet start to bend both legs to the sides.
- Press both palms together and lower your torso.
- Continue to hold onto your chair or wall and breathe deeply for 10 counts.
- If possible, position both elbows inside of your knees and also breathe deeply here.
- For an added leg strengthener slowly rise and lower your torso a few times, inhaling as you rise and exhaling as you lower.
Tree Pose:
- Stand hip width holding onto your chair or wall.
- Ensure both your hips are evenly facing forward.
- Pick up your left foot and position it on your right ankle.
- Let your left leg naturally extend out to the side.
- If possible, slide you foot up your leg with your inner thigh as the goal.
- Wherever you find your foot is your perfect place.
- Hold your Tree Pose and breathe deeply for 10 counts.
For an added shoulder, arm, wrist, elbow and upper back stretch meet the tips of your fingers behind your back and slide them up your back as far up as possible. Stay and breathe deeply!
Practicing this Mini Leg Strengthening Challenge a few times a week will improve results!
keep calm and build those legs up!