I enjoy practicing Bow Pose for the heart and chest stretch. When we stretch our chests we aid our lungs in expanding and thus working more efficiently as they circulate oxygen throughout our bodies more efficiently. More oxygen into our bodies promotes better blood circulation which effects all areas of our bodies, including our Lymphatic System. The Lymphatic System is responsible for gathering and circulating toxins out of our body. It has no pump and relies on muscle movement and breathing to help it work.
According to http://breastcancer.org there are clusters of lymph nodes under our arms, in our necks, as well as more nodes located across our chest, stomach and pelvis. Bow Pose is one little pose that will stretch it all!
Begin Bow Pose by lying on your stomach and then see if you can grab a foot. Start with one hand and then try both.
Now continue the stretch holding your other foot with one or two hands. In each position grab a few deep breaths. If your feeling it, try holding both feet. Give yourself as many deep breaths as possible here!
Remember that everyone starts somewhere. Even the slightest stretch in a Bow Pose will do your body good. With regular practice you will get stronger and begin to see results. You may not even be able to go a day with out a “Bow Pose” like me!
Thanks for joining me!
keep calm and yoga on
xxoo penny