Arise, for it is your task, and we are with you; Be strong and do it!
Ezra 10:4
When you are ready grab a mat, towel, some water and let’s do this!
1. ) Child Pose into Hero Pose
- Sit on your heels.
- Inhale deeply, folding forward from your waist, leading with your arms.
- Place your head comfortably on your mat.
- Breath deeply for 5-10 counts.
- If you are able, slowly spread your knees to your sides.
- Relax your torso onto the mat with your forehead touching.
- Press your palms together in a prayer position.
- Breathe deeply for up to 10 counts.
2.) Bowing Child Pose Stretch into Camel Stretch Pose
- Sit on your heels and clasp your hands behind your back.
- Rise up onto your knees with a big inhale.
- Lift your chest, press your hip bones forward, and gently let your head arch backwards.
- Hold this for a moment, then exhale, releasing the pose as you come down to sit on your heels.
- Keep lifting your arms up behind you for a terrific shoulder and neck stretch.
- Repeat this for 10 deep breaths.
3.) Upward/Downward Dog
- From a Child’s Pose, simply tuck your toes while pressing your wrists into your mat below your shoulders. Push up through your wrists and arms, lifting your sitting bones into a Down Dog Position.
- Looking at your knees, press your heels into the mat. You should feel equal weight on both your arms and your legs.
- Hold this position for a few breaths.
- Release the position by slowing lowering your sitting bones.
- Press through your wrists with your shoulders directly above them.
- Straighten your arms and arch your head back.
- Hold this position for a few breaths.
- Repeat this slowly a few more times.
- To modify this position simply be on your hands and knees.
- Inhale and lift your head up and arch your back. Exhale lower your head and round your back.
4.) Three Legged Dog
- During your Upward/Downward Dog, lift each leg up 5 times.
- Raise your right leg and step your foot through your hands.
5.) Warrior III
- Once you have stepped through your arms, raise your back left leg.
- Straighten your balancing leg if you can, and press your palms together.
- Hold for 10 deep breaths.
- You may keep your hands on your mat, a block, a chair or a wall for support.
- Even a slight lift is a great beginning. Everyone starts somewhere!
6.) Reverse Warrior Pose
- From a Warrior III position, simply step your back leg down.
- Let both heels remain on a straight line, with your forward leg bent.
- Follow your arms back with your head.
- Make fists with your wrists, keeping your right one lifted and your left one pulled under your arm.
- Hold this position, looking up and breathing deeply.
7.) Side Angle Pose
- The foot position remains the same here as in the last one.
- Your arms move forward over your bent forward leg.
- You can rest your right forward elbow on your thigh; stretch your left arm up and over your leg.
- Breathe in the position for 5-10 counts.
8.) Warrior II Pose
- From Side Angle Pose, stretch your arms our from your shoulders.
- Keep your hip bones facing forward.
- Keep your knee directly over your ankle.
- Lift your forward heel.
- Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
- Step in your back leg for more support.
9.) Star Pose
- From Warrior II position, pivot both feet to face forward.
- Spread your legs wider for a deeper stretch, or closer for more support.
- Breathe deeply for 10 counts while stretching your arms up.
- Lift your chest, pull your belly in, and gaze up to the heavens.
10.) Complete number 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, facing the other side of the room with your left leg forward!
11.) Hand To Toe Forward Stretch
- Standing tall bend and lift your left leg.
- Grasp your toes, and stay in this position.
- If you can, push your heel forward until your leg is straight.
- Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
- Use a sturdy chair or table for support.
- Switch legs!
12.) Hand To Toe Side Stretch
- Standing tall, bend and lift your leg.
- Grasp your right toes. I find grasping my foot works better. Stay in this position.
- If you can, push with your heel out to the side until your leg is straight.
- Hold for 10 deep breaths.
- Use a sturdy chair or table for support.
13.) Tree Pose
- Take your left foot and place it on your ankle, knee or your inner thigh.
- With a big inhale, lift your arms from your sides.
- When they meet, press your palms together in prayer pose and look up.
- Breathe deeply while offering up a prayer!
- Switch leg positions when you are ready!
Arise. Stand tall! Go forth and be all that God created you to be!
Thanks for sweating with me!