Let’s awaken our bodies to a soothing stretch, featuring yoga for the body and love for the soul in this devotion- in motion, mini yoga challenge.
Perhaps this verse from our Heavenly Father will help remind us that…
His mercies never come to an end: they are new every morning, Great is Thy Faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23
1.) Seated Cross-Legged Pose
- Let’s sit with our legs crossed letting our knees gently fall to our sides. ( We can extend our feet forward for more support and bring them closer to our body for a deeper stretch. The point is we should sit comfortably!)
- This present moment is your time to wake up calm, grateful and rejoice in the Lord for He has given you another day to breathe in all His goodness, another moment to show you His mercies are new every morning and another moment to show you the unfathomable love He has just for you! With every inhale let that comfort your soul. Absorb His love with every breath by letting your shoulders relax and your hands, elbows, hips, feet-even your chin and mouth, including all the muscles in your face. With every exhale release your grip on your cares, worries, doubts and fears. Let negative thoughts be absorbed in the release of your exhale.
- Stay positioned here for at least 10 deep inhales and exhales. To ensure your rest and relaxation, “parasympathetic nervous system” kicks in make your exhales a few seconds longer than your inhales.
2.) Seated Cross-Legged Twist
- With a big inhale facing forward exhale deeply as you gently twist to the left.
- Hold your knee for a deeper twist.
- Repeat the process 5 times each side.
3.) Seated Cross-Legged Side Stretch
- Inhale deeply facing forward.
- Exhale deeply with left arm up leaning to your right side.
- The arm movement is up first then over to the side with your bicep following your ear.
- Repeat on each side depending on your time for 5-10 times or more!
4.) Seated Forward Fold
- Sit with your legs forward.
- Place a rolled up towel under your knees for support if you like.
- You may do this posture with your knees bent too.
- Inhale and sit up tall.
- Exhale and fold forward over your legs.
- Repeat 5-10 times and on your last forward fold stay there, breathing deeply for 30 seconds to a minute.
- ( You may actually see your legs release tension which will allow you to stretch deeper the longer you remain in this posture.)
5.) Seated Spinal Twist
- From your forward fold place your right foot over your left leg.
- Bend and pull your left leg closer to your body.
- Hug your top right leg while pressing your palms together in a prayer position.
- Breathe deeply for 20 seconds.
- Repeat with your left foot over your right leg.
6.) The Butterfly Pose
- Sit down and bring the bottom of your feet together.
- Move them away from your body to decrease the intensity of the stretch if you need to.
- Hold your feet. Inhale deeply while lifting your chest and stretching your head back gently.
- Exhale slowly while rounding your shoulders and tucking your chin lowering your head to your mat.
- Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.
7.) Cat/Cow Pose
- Gently lower yourself to your hands and knees.
- Line your palms directly below your shoulders.
- Line your knees directly below your hips.
- Inhale deeply while slowly tucking your chin and rounding your shoulders. Feel as though a force is slowly pulling you upward as your inhaling. Then pause there.
- Exhale slowly lifting your chin and letting your stomach sink as low as it can go. Then pause here.
- Repeat the Cat/Cow breathing exercise for at least 10 deep breaths.
8.) Camel Pose Preparation
Perhaps a few tips may help you before you get started!
- Don’t worry if you cannot fully do this exercise or these postures. Simply do the best you can for your body. There are always easier ways to do any yoga pose which you can build upon.
- You can hold a chair or wall for support.
- You can roll up a towel for under your knees.
- You can place your hands on your hips or lower back.
- You can roll up towel between your bottom and your heels.
- You can stay seated in whatever position that suits your body and place your hands behind you!
This is a posture you don’t want to miss as it will open up your heart, lung and chest area, stimulate circulation, boost your brain power as you bend over, and with deep breathing will energize your entire being by sending fresh oxygen to your whole body!
- Your knees are below your hips.
- Your hands are clasped behind your back.
- Inhale slowly while lifting your hands up behind your back.
- Exhale slowly, lowering down while bending forward and continue to lift your hands up.
- Repeat as many times as you can.
9.) Low Lunge
- Step your left foot forward and bend your right knee.
- Your left foot is directly below your right knee.
- Stay here.
- With your hands clasped or resting on your hips or lower back if you are able gently push your hips forward into Lunge Pose.
- Look up and breathe deeply for 3 counts.
- Now we will transition into Warrior II position by tucking our back toes and lifting our knee off the mat.
10.) Warrior II
- Sweep your arms up to Heaven or place them on your hips or press your palms together in a prayer position-the choice is yours! Then take 10 slow deep breaths.
- Now start step through into Low Lunge with your right leg forward.
- Then into Warrior II with the arm position of your choice.
I’m hoping these stretches will help you to feel stretched and blessed.
Go forth and have a blessed day!
peace and love