Today, if your looking for a challenge that will increase flexibility while strengthening every muscle, tendon, ligament and joint from the bottom of your feet to the tops of your hips then you have clicked on the right class. Moving into and out of these positions while being mindful of your breath will enhance the effects of each position.Your parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated by your deep breathing. This provides a relaxing and restful feeling to help calm you if your feeling anxious or stressed.
As always, included in each of our challenges is how the Bible can help us live healthy lives. For example while we’re building leg strength and flexibility in this yoga workout why not also gain the strength to walk away from every situation that comes our way calm and victoriously? For God desires that His children be victorious in all encounters. He says He will give us His power when we are weak and weary (Isaiah 40:29) and He gives it at the moment we are in trouble and as we cry out to Him ( Psalm 46:1) and He wants to take care of all our anxiety too. ( 1 Peter 5:7)
Before diving into this yoga workout let’s take a moment to clear our minds of the cares and worries of our daily lives. Inhale deeply and exhale deeply. These few moments are for you to focus in on what really matters…a stress-less, strong, flexible, calm and victorious you!
When your ready grab a mat, towel and some water and let’s get started!
1.) Forward Bend With Shoulder Stretch
- Stand with your feet hip width for better support or together for more of a challenge.
- Place your hands on your hips, behind your hips, or interlaced together and lifted up behind you.
- Inhale deeply while pushing your hips forward, shoulders back, chest up and your chin up. If possible, lift your hands as high as they will go behind you.
- Exhale and fold forward.
- If you are able keep your interlaced hands moving over the top of your head like the picture.
- Repeat the process 10 times.
2.) Forward Bend Twist
- Wherever you find yourself on your forward fold stay there. Meaning let your hands remain on your thighs, knees, calves or your toes.
- Inhale. Then exhale, raising your right arm up. If possible, twist your head up to look at your raised hand.
- Repeat the process raising alternating hands with breathing.
- Shoot for 10 times each side.
3.) Squat Pose
- Place your feet approximately hip width apart.
- Lower your torso into a squat position.
- Press your palms together with your elbows on the insides of your knees.
- Pressing your palms together will open up your hips making them more flexible.
- Stay here for 10 long and deep inhales and exhales.
- When you have completed the breathing part of this exercise, lower your left arm in front of you while lifting your right arm up.
- Inhale in the middle with both arms down and exhale as you stretch each arm up.
- Repeat with each arm for 5-10 long and deep inhales and exhales.
4.) Butterfly Pose
- Be seated with the soles of your feet pressed together.
- Bring them closer to your body for a deeper stretch and farther out for a lesser stretch.
- Inhale deeply, lifting your chin and arching your head back.
- Exhale deeply, rounding your shoulders and falling forward.
- Repeat the process 10 times and on the 10th time stay folded forward for another 10 counts of deep inhales and exhales.
5.) Extended Leg Butterfly Pose
- Take your left foot and inhale deeply and then as you straighten it, exhale while stretching it out to your side.
- Repeat each leg 5-10 times.
6.) Extended Leg and Hip Stretch
- Extend your legs to each side of you in a straddle position.
- Keep both sitting bones on your mat.
- Stay here for 1-3 minutes. As you relax and breathe you may find you can go a little deeper in this stretch.
- If you can try walking your hands forward and lowering your torso and head to your mat.
7.) Seated Forward Bend
- Stretch both legs out in front of you.
- Keep both sitting bones on your mat.
- Inhale lifting your arms up from your sides.
- Exhale releasing your arms and folding forward out over your legs.
- Repeat 10 times with deep breaths.
8.) Seated Forward Bending Knee Bind
- Bend your left knee into your torso.
- With a big inhale sit up tall.
- With a big exhale lean slightly forward wrapping your arm out and around your pulled in left knee.
- Clasp your hands together if possible behind you and breathe deeply here for 10 deep breaths or for 1 minute.
- Repeat with your right knee.
9.) Seated Extended Leg Stretch
- Extend both your legs out in front of you.
- Grasp your left leg anywhere, hold it while trying to straighten it.
- Breathe for 10 counts then practice with your right leg.
10.) Lying Extended Leg Stretch
- Lay down holding your left leg again and pull it close to your chest.
- Extend your right leg and let it lay upon your mat or hold it up for an additional ab workout.
- Point your toes for an added ankle stretch.
- Repeat holding each leg for 20 seconds.
- Continue alternating and holding each leg 10 times.
- Doing this every day will provide serious leg flexibility!
11.) Table Top Pose
- Sit down bringing your knees into your torso about hip width.
- Lower your hands to the floor behind you.
- Your fingers should point to your heels.
- Your feet should be directly below your knees and your hands directly below your shoulders.
- Inhale deeply, pushing your torso up through your feet and your hands.
- Exhale deeply as you release and lower your torso back to the floor.
- Repeat the process 10-20 times with deep breathing.
12.) Garland Pose With Eagle Arms
- Squat on tip toes with your heels touching and your knees extended to your sides.
- Lower your hands in front of you for support. Keep them here or…
- If you can bend your elbows in front of you. Slide your right hand under your left elbow and continue swirling it up your left arm. If your palms meet interlace them.
- Hold this position for 20-30 seconds with deep breathing.
- If you fall over try again.
- You may also practice being on tip toes til you gain more balance.
- You may also place your heels down and try only the Eagle Arm Position.
- Or do both!
- Repeat the position with sliding your left hand under your right elbow.
13.) Tree Pose Reverse Prayer
- Stand tall and hold your left foot placing it high upon your thigh.
- Or you can also do Tree Pose with your foot on your ankle, calf, or knee.
- Let your left knee extend to the side with each of the above positions.
- If possible place your hands on your hips or your lower back.
- Or let your fingertips meet behind your back, sliding your hands up as high on your back as possible.
- Press your palms together behind you, focus on an object in front of you and breathe deeply for 10 long inhales and exhales. Then switch legs.
- You may also press your palms together in front of you and breathe deeply.
14.) Hand /Toe Standing Leg Stretch
- Stand tall. Hold your left leg and pull it into your chest.
- Inhale and exhale for 10 counts.
- If possible hold your left foot and straighten it as you extend it to the side.
- Inhale and exhale for 10 counts.
- Repeat the process with your right leg.
15.) Humble Warrior Stretch
- Step forward with your right foot approximately 2-3 feet.
- For more support let your feet be hip width apart.
- If possible try to keep both heels on the same line.
- Your forward right knee should not extend beyond your foot as you bend it.
- Place your hands on your hips or interlace them behind your back.
- Inhale deeply looking up while lifting your interlaced hands behind you.
- Exhale deeply rounding forward as far as possible or into a bowing position over your forward leg.
- Repeat inhaling up and back and exhaling and bowing forward 5 times.
16.) Warrior III and Toppling Tree
- Use a chair or a wall for support as you begin practicing this position.
- Or lower your hands one on each side of your right foot.
- Raise your left leg up behind you. Try to keep those hips facing forward.
- Breathe deeply for 5-10 deep breaths.
- If possible focus on the floor while taking your hands of the floor.
- Raise your left leg again and breathe deeply here.
- If possible with your hands interlaced behind you lift them up while leaning forward.
- Try to keep your standing leg straight.
- Breathe deeply for 10 counts.
- Practice what ever way that works for you. As you progress and build strength start to make it a little more difficult each time.
You did great! Take a moment or two to relax on your back and let all that work you did for you, work for you now. I sure hope you enjoyed this yoga workout. Remember to keep calm and yoga on!