PEACE AND FLEXIBILITY YOGA STRETCHING CHALLENGE ( A calm peaceful yoga class of deep stretching for flexibility)

The benefits of stretching our wonderfully made bodies can be pretty incredible. Muscles loosen, blood flows, circulation improves, and our range of motion gets better. Joints, ligaments and tendons become well lubricated, while chronic pain and arthritis can actually improve over time. Stretching offers a sense of well being too. Stretching deeply and breathing deeply while you stretch helps your body release pent up stress and tension. Less stress is more peace. Peace is more calm.

Yoga is definitely a great de-stresser. But for true heart and soul peace… God tells us that it is possible to have a peace that surpasses human understanding! (Philippians 4:7) And, if we keep our minds on Him, He says He will give us “perfect peace.”(Isaiah 26:3) Even in a raging storm we can still have peace. (Psalm 107:29) Belief in what God is saying to us enables us to have what He is saying. May peace be with you, as you stretch and flex!

The ten yoga stretches below, target big muscle groups for a deep release. Simply start your stretch at the place that is right for you and take it from there. Complete this yoga workout on a regular basis and your flexibility will greatly improve. Remember that detailed instruction is always provided for every Halleluyah yoga workout, whether you are a beginner or seasoned yogi master!

1.) Cross Legged Stretch 

Sit cross legged. Then inhale deeply, stretch your arms up, and press your palms together in a prayer pose. Slowly release your arms with a deep exhale, lowering them to your mat. Repeat 10 times. If you like, on your inhales breathe in God’s peace. On your exhales, release your care worries fears and doubts to God. Don’t rush; just breathe.

2.) Side Stretch

With a big inhale, stretch your arms up once again. This time, with a deep exhale, stretch your arm to the side. Try to let your elbow drop to your mat. Stay stretching and breathing for 5-10 deep breaths.

Continue stretching to the side and extend your leg to the side. Bending your extended leg is perfectly fine. Do what is best for you! Continue stretching to the side for another 10 deep breaths.

Come back to a cross legged position. Then repeat the process on your other side.

3.) Butterfly Stretch

Press the bottom of each foot together. Pull your feet as close to your body as possible. Stretch and breathe for a few counts. If the stretch is too intense, simply move your feet forward until it feels good.

Now inhale deeply, arch your back, lift your chest, and stretch your neck and head.

Now exhale deeply, round your shoulders and back forward while stretching over your feet. Try stretching your head to your feet. Repeat the process at least 10 times with deep breathing.




4.) Wide Legged Stretch

Extend your legs to each side. Lower your torso. If possible, stretch your arms out to the sides. Breath deeply and linger in this position, which will allow you to stretch deeper. You can always keep your knees bent and and legs out to the front more than the sides if you cannot extend your legs out all the way

Try walking your hands out or lean on your elbows. 1-3 minutes in this position will seriously improve your flexibility and bring a sweet calmness to your body. You may even realize after a few minutes in this position that you can stretch a little deeper!

After you linger, stretch to each side. Try to get your face to your knee and your hands behind the bottom of each foot. Now linger here with deep breaths and then switch sides. Continue switching sides and breathe for 10-20 stretches each side.

When you are finished, release your legs and shake them out.


5.) Seated Forward Fold

Sit with your legs extended forward, with palms together and index fingers sticking straight up. Inhale deeply, stretching over your extended legs. Try to lead with your chin. Exhale, grasping your feet if you can. Bend your legs if you can’t hold them straight. Repeat the process at least 10 times. After this, fold forward one more time and stay there for a few deep breaths.

6.) Body Hug

Lie back, pulling your knees to your chest. Wrap your arms around your legs and give your entire body a big hug.

You can release your body hug and stretch out on the floor with a deep inhale. Then exhale and pull your body in again, giving it a big hug! Repeat a few more times. Lift your head if you can. Roll around in this ball if it feels good, massaging your spine and back.

If you cannot hug your knees in, bend them into your chest as far as you can.

7.) Bridge Lifts

Lie flat and bend your knees. Pull them toward your back if you can. Grasp your ankles. Inhale deeply while lifting your sitting bones as high as possible. Even one inch is a great starting place! Exhale deeply and slowly lower your sitting bones. Repeat this 10-15 times. Go slow.

When you are finished, try one more time to lift your sitting bones up. Stay here for 10 deep breaths if possible.

8.) Happy Baby Pose

Lie flat and raise your feet. Try to grasp each one or grab your ankle or calf. Then pull them down from your heels as far as possible. Breathe deeply for 10 counts. Now have some fun by rolling around while holding your feet. It will also massage your spine and back.


9.) Reclining Split Stretches

Hug your knee into your chest as best you can. Breathe deeply for a few counts.

Grasp your leg where you can and pull your knee down.

If you can, pull your foot down. Lift your head to meet your knee. Breathe deeply for a few counts.

Do the whole process with your other leg.

Remember that your current ability to stretch is perfect for you. Just keep practicing, and with consistent stretching you will see your flexibility increase!

10.) Reclining Spinal Twist

Lie back and bend your knees. With a big inhale, let your knees fall to the side. Keep your shoulders on your mat with arms extended to the sides. Breathe deeply here about 5-10 times. Come back to the middle with knees up. Repeat on your other side.

I hope you enjoyed this stretch!

Peace be with you always!