Our lower half holds us up all day. Every now and then, shouldn’t we show it some love? Ta- dah! Below, a healthy dose of yoga goodness to the rescue!

Research published in the journal “Evidence Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine” has found that regular yoga poses and stretches can help ease restless legs, help you sleep better, feel less stressed and even lower blood pressure.

Think about it: God is never exhausted. Instead, He offers us His strength and His rest!

The Lord will not grow weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Isaiah 40:28-29

Breathing deeply and lingering in each stretch will allow for a deeper stretch and release. Let our inhales lift and refresh our tired cells with new energy. Let our exhales release tension and built up stress. With a tireless God to help us, we can’t help but revive and come alive!

1.) Star Stretch Twist

Spread your feet apart to where you feel comfortable. With a big inhale, lift your arms over your head, interlocking your fingers at the top.

Exhale, slowly extending forward while stretching your arms out.

Try to touch your mat, but if you can’t, hold your knees or your hips with one hand while stretching the other arm up.

Alternate arms for 10 times each and remember to go slow and breathe

2.) Intense Stretch Pose

From Star Pose, turn your left toes in while extending your right toes to face the right side.

Please keep your hips squared to the side as you extend over your forward leg.

Go slow, be gentle and breathe.

Hold for 5-10 deep breaths to feel the stretch and the release.

3.) Lunge Pose With Twist

Bend your right leg into a Lunge Pose. Hold for 10 deep breaths.

Lift your right arm up and twist. Hold for 10 deep breaths again, then come back to Lunge Pose.

Lift your left arm up. Hold for 10 deep breaths again.

Do not repeat on your other leg yet. Move on to the next exercise.

A less challenging way to do this exercise would be to bend your back leg.

4.) Deep Lunge Pose with Simple Twist

From Lunge Pos,e simply bend your back leg to your mat. Stretch your arms up and arch back for 5-10 deep breaths.

Place your left elbow over your forward right leg. Place your right arm behind you. Hold this for 5-10 deep breaths.

Do not repeat on your other leg. Move on to the next exercise.

5.) Lizard Pose

From Lunge Pose, with your right leg forward, place your hands on the inside of your right leg.

If that feels comfortable, bend both elbows and slide your right foot forward while release your knee to the side.

You can always lower your back knee to your mat and keep your arms straight if this is too difficult.

6.) Forward Bending Twist

Stand tall. Extend up and over your legs.

Place your hands on your mat. Place your hands on your hips, thighs, knees, or ankles to make it easier.

Inhale in the middle and exhale as you lift each arm. Repeat this 5-10 times with each arm.

7.) Tip Toe Squat into Side Stretch

Lift your heels, bending your knees out to the sides.

Place your hands on your mat in front of you or place them into Prayer position.

Hold this for 5-10 deep breaths.

Extend your right foot to the side. Place your hands on the mat in front of you for support.

Lift your left arm and stretch over to the right side. Hold this for 5-10 deep breaths.

Repeat with your extended left leg.

You can alternate stretching over your right, then left, extended legs for 5-10 deep breaths, inhaling in the center and exhaling out to the sides.

8.) Star Pose Forward Bending Twist

Widen your legs sideways to a place that is comfortable for you.

Inhale, stretching your arms up over your head.

Exhale, extending over each leg with opposite hands to their opposite ankles. Extend the same arm up to twist.

Come into the center with a deep inhale.

Repeat this 10 times on each side.

9.) Seated Leg Stretch

Sit with bent knees in front of you.

Hold your right leg, gently lifting it up.

Massage the back of your leg if you like.

Point and flex your ankle. Linger and stretch.

Bring your leg to your torso.

Hold for 10 deep breaths.

Repeat the process with your left leg.

10.) Cross-legged Side Stretch

Sit cross-legged.

With a huge inhalem stretch your arms up from your sides.

Look up. Arch back and hold for a moment.

Exhale, releasing the hold and stretch up and over to your left side.

Repeat on your left side. Come to middle and stretch to each side for 10 deep breaths on each side.



I’m feeling better now. I sure hope you are too! Let me know how it goes…

Thanks for joining me and we’ll see you soon…

stay strong and yoga on!

