Fortunately for us God is Love and the Creator of love. He loves with a pure and holy love that surpasses all human comprehension. Not only has He always loved each of us unconditionally, He also extends His love for each of us for all of eternity!
Give yourself a daily dose of Fierce Pose and based on nothing you can do or not do, be loved today, tomorrow and for all eternity!
God says,
I have loved you with an everlasting love.
Jeremiah 31:3
Don’t be afraid of it’s name. Fierce Pose is an approachable full body pose that builds leg strength, stabilizes your core, improves lung capacity, stretches your shoulders and opens your heart and back. Breathing deeply while holding this pose will help you enjoy its invigorating qualities. Below are four variations of a Fierce Pose. Enjoy the health benefits and know you are loved, as you practice this short but powerful yoga sequence!
1.) Fierce Pose
Stand tall with your feet together, back straight, shoulders pressed down, neck long, and face relaxed. With a deep inhale, slowly sit back like you are sitting on a chair. Lead with your sitting bones and raise your arms. Do not let your knees extend beyond your toes. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds while breathing deeply. Repeat this 5 times.
For an easier version, sit back just a little. Spread your feet apart for even more support.
2.) Praying Fierce Pose
Come back to a standing position. Sit back into Fierce Pose with a deep breath. This time, pressing your palms together in prayer position. Hold for another 10-30 seconds while breathing deeply. Extend your prayer pose to the floor by lowering your head and straightening your legs. Go to a standing position, then repeat the process 3 times more.
Go to standing position – then, inhale and exhale, twisting to the right. The inhale lifts you up and provides room to twist, and the exhale lets you twist deeper. Your left elbow should extend beyond your right thigh. Press your palms together while trying to look up! Hold the position and breathe deeply for a few seconds, then repeat on your other side.
4.) One Legged Flying Fierce Pose
Stand tall. Place your left leg over your right thigh, inhaling deeply. Exhale, lean back, and lift your arms back behind you. A longer exhale allows for a deeper stretch. Hold the position for 10-30 breaths. Repeat with your left leg on the ground.
…always remember that somebody loves you at this moment and every moment in the future. No conditions necessary!