Everybody can always use a good laugh!

Science is now proving that laughter is actually good for your health! So, get your giggles on, because laughter has many beneficial effects on the human body!

For starters, laughing may help you live longer, according to recent research published in the Archives of General Psychiatry. Optimistic elderly people who expect good things to happen were less likely too die sooner than most pessimistic people. In the study, the 65-85 year old participants who were the most optimistic were 55% less likely to die from all causes than pessimistic people.

Researchers also found that laughter actually boosts the immune system, increasing the number of antibody-producing T cells. When you laugh, you activate them. They are special immune systems cells that fight sickness and disease. After a good laugh, you should be far less tense and anxious as well because the level of at least four stress related hormones decreases.

Regular laughing is like getting a gym membership for your heart. Laughter has been found to benefit the way blood flows around the body, reducing the likelihood of heart disease and stroke. People who laugh regularly have lower blood pressure than the average person. 15 minutes of laughter a day is important for your heart as 30 minutes of exercise, 3 times a week. Laughing burns as much calories per hour as walking a slow to moderate pace!

A British study shows how just 15 minutes of laughter can increase pain tolerance by around 10% as a result of endorphins being released in the brain. Endorphins are the feel good chemicals. The effect is similar to morphine, only more powerful and there are no side effects.

You might not believe it, but laughing can torch calories. Laughing actually raises the heart rate and speeds up metabolism. A good belly laugh exercises the diaphragm, contracts the abs and even works out your shoulders, leaving muscles more relaxed. Laughing 100 times is the equivalent to 10 minutes on the rowing machine or 15 minutes on an exercise bike!

Laughter is contagious. Laugh more and make yourself and everyone around you happier and healthier!

After all, God did tell us in His Word that, “A merry heart is good medicine!” It’s found in the book of Proverbs, chapter 17, verse 22.

Laugh more and yoga on!

Lotsa Love, Penny xxoo


Just me, my grand nephew Cole and my little sister Kel at McDonald’s! Don’t you wear wax lips and do a selfie, evah?!