One important thing the Bible tells us to do is to think about God’s Word. Our thoughts determine our behavior and so what we think about is very important. Jim Downing in his book Meditation says, “God considers meditation a vital exercise of the minds of His children.”

Rick Warren in The Purpose Driven Life, describes meditation this way: “Meditation is focused thinking. It takes serious effort. You select a verses and reflect on it over and over in your mind…if you know how to worry  you already know how to meditate.” Pastor Warren goes on to say, “No other habit can do more to transform your life and make you more like Jesus than daily reflection on Scripture…if you look up all the times God speaks about meditation in the Bible, you will be amazed at the benefits He has promised to those who take the time to reflect on His Word throughout the day.”

In Satisfy Your Soul, Dr. Bruce Demarest writes, ” A quieted heart is our best preparation for all this work of God…Meditation refocuses us from ourselves and from the world so that we reflect on God’s Word, His nature, His abilities, and His works…So we prayerfully ponder, muse, and ‘chew’ the words of Scripture…The goal is simply to permit the Holy spirit to activate the life-giving Word of God.”

Meditation, according to Dr. Charles Stanley, Minister and Author of many books, is the quiet contemplation of spiritual truths. When we meditate on God and remember the promises He has given us in His Word, our faith grows and our fears dissolve. In the Book of Psalms chapter 119 and verses 97-110, lists some of the rewards of meditation, such as wisdom, discernment, keen insight, and obedience. Dr. Stanley says the essence of meditation is a period of time set aside to contemplate the Lord, listen to Him, and allow Him to permeate our spirits.

Joshua is one Biblical example of meditation. He was a military leader leading the children of Israel into Caanan. It is significant that his courage and even his hope of victory depended on obeying the Word of God. God promised him success, but there was a condition: meditation and obedience to His Word. Note the word “meditate” precedes the admonition to be obedient. Also note that meditation, God stated, was Joshua’s responsibility. But, there was a reward for doing so: prosperity!

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Joshua 1:8

God desires we have alone time with Him. What a compliment! A King wants to spend time with us! You mean we get to have an audience with royalty? And He listens to us? And although He is King, he allows us to address Him as Father? Who would want to miss that!?

Dr. Stanley also states that if we are really going to set aside time to meditate on God’s Word each day, stillness is key:

Be still and know that I am God.

Psalm 46:10

When we reflect upon God, we meditate on His greatness, grace and goodness. Focusing on difficulties intensifies and enlarges them. When we claim His promises, and look at His majesty, our problems are put into proper perspective.

As we first begin to meditate, our frustration levels are usually at full. As we focus on Him, the reservoirs of tension empty. When we are secluded, silent, and still before the Lord we find that He injects into our bodies energy, power, and strength. God’s spiritual dynamics are at work in our inner beings, refreshing and energizing our minds and spirits. There is nothing to match meditation in its impact on our lives and the lives of others.

A good Yoga practice is about doing your body good with postures and breathing and meditation for a fitter, calmer and healthier “you.” It purposes to connect you to yourself again. It offers lessons of being with yourself on the mat and seeing how you operate there. Then what you learn on the mat your suppose to take into your life. That is yoga at it’s best. Halleluyah Yoga offers you that and so much more! Connecting with the living God, and worshiping, praising and working out for true and lasting peace and wellness!

At Halleluyah Yoga, each Yoga Segment that we have created for you comes with a verse of Scripture to meditate upon with yoga poses and places relevant to each Bible verse. This offers you an opportunity to think upon God as you work out, empowering you with a mental picture and a body movement to remember through out your day. Focusing on God instead of your fears, cares, worries, and doubts makes God bigger than all the bad stuff in your life. This makes it easier to realize you can depend on God, and that He is there for you. Your workouts then become a worship experience that “builds the body” in more ways than one!

Science has been proving for years that prayer and meditation makes for healthier people. Meditation has been around since God created man. After all, God invented meditation for His children,  to be able to live successful,  healthy , purposeful lives. And if we set aside alone time with Him each day, He promises us”His” prosperity! So, what are we waiting for!

meditate and yoga on!

…let me know how it goes…


