According to an article published in Relevant Magazine, scientists have been looking for a spot in our brains that corresponds with God. They know there are places in our brains responsible for vision, language, memory and anger. Why not a “God Spot”?

Brain research in the last decade is much more sophisticated, with a corresponding increase in new tools to image living brains. Machines now let scientists watch living brains in 3D, without surgery or autopsy. Brain scientists are able also to study believers as they pray, meditate, worship and experience God. Unfortunately, the research shows that there is no “God Spot”. God does not simply move into a spot in our brains. But they have discovered something more incredible -God redecorates! Yep, believers have a complex, rich network in their brains for God. They say that for the devout, God is not just an idea, but a tapestry of feeling and experiences. This network affects how our brains work at fundamental levels.

Their findings? People who regularly focus on God’s love through prayer and meditation change. They also experience less stress and even experience a reduction in blood pressure. Their prefrontal cortex, the part of their brain associated with focus and attention, becomes more active over time, helping them avoid distraction and be more intentional.

Believers also have more activity in their anterior cingulate cotex. That’s the part of our brains associated with love, compassion and empathy. Focusing on God’s love makes us more loving and less angry. Some people don’t see God as loving though – more like angry and vindictive. When we focus on God’s anger at us or others, different things happen in our brains. Our limbic system becomes more active. Ultimately, dwelling on God’s anger increases our stress levels and makes us fearful of others. We have trouble forgiving ourselves and others. Thank God for new technology because neuroscience shows us that God’s love is better for us than God’s wrath.

As Relevant Magazine states: “Teach us, Lord, to maximize the neurological benefits of belief!”

