President John F. Kennedy wrote to Charles Callison of the National Audubon Society on July 18, 1961: “The founding Fathers made an appropriate choice when they selected the bald eagle as the emblem of the nation. The fierce beauty and proud independence of this great bird aptly symbolizes the strength and freedom of America.”
Since Roman times, the bald eagle has been associated with authority and statehood, commonly used as a symbol of governmental power. It’s no wonder then that the eagle is mentioned 33 times in the Bible! In Proverbs 30:18-19 we find the eagle as an amazing creature that God created. In Isaiah 40:31, God’s people who follow His ways will mount up and soar like eagles in their lives. God Himself spreads His wings over His people, in Deuteronomy 32:11-13.
Physically, the eagle is a being of grace and beauty. Its eyes possess the keenest eyesight and detects prey from high above. The eagle is also wise, making use of its resources by using the wind current to gain height. Sitting on rock ledge, it reads the wind; when the time is perfect, it simply spreads its great wings and soars upward. It’s kind of like faith. To have faith you just gotta let go of things and fully rely on God. Amazingly, it is the very storms that beat down upon the earth that give the eagle fuel to soar. Perhaps that is why God made eagles. To show us that we can exist, and even soar high above our circumstances just like the mighty eagle. We just gotta get to the edge of our rock and simply lift our wings.
In yoga, we have the Eagle Pose, which is a balancing pose. The challenge of this pose is twisting while balancing on one leg. If you like you can try this pose. Imagine yourself to be like the eagle, balancing in the wind while the strong and twisting storms of life are trying to make you fall. Settling into the pose, try and fix your eyes on Jesus and trust Him by maintaining a slow steady breath during all that is happening in your body and mind. This helps you gain a sense of calm and and trust. Then when a real life storm hits you out of your comfort zone, you will be able to simply breathe, trust and remain calm. Most importantly you will be able to soar!
Directions for Eagle Pose:
Legs: Bend your knees slightly, like sitting in a chair. Lift your left leg up and have all your weight on your right leg. Place your left leg across right leg. You should look like you are sitting cross-legged in a chair. If possible, place your left thigh above your right knee. Hook your left ankle behind your lower calf. Squeeze your inner thighs together and keep your hips squared and forward.
Arms: Put your arms straight out in front of you. Bend your elbows with palms facing you. Pull in your navel. Lengthen your spine. Keep your shoulders squared like your hips but keep them down and relaxed. Slowly place your left arm under your right arm. Keep your left palm running up your right arm until both palms meet. Hold your elbows up and lower your shoulders. Breath long and deep while holding this pose for 10-30 seconds or longer if you can. Repeat on your opposite leg and arm if you would like!