Feeling good after a yoga workout? Well, turns out you should feel pretty amazing! You see, there is actual scientific evidence that yoga has a direct effect on your brain. Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine and McLean Hospital discovered that even after one session of yoga, levels of a much needed chemical that is important for well being was raised in the brain by 27%. That chemical is called GABA, short for “gamma-aminobutyric acid”. It is a key neurotransmitter for stress release, and is often referred to as “nature’s Valium” because it is essential for feeling happy and relaxed.
All kinds of exercise can increase your “feel good” neurotransmitters – serotonin, endorphins, and GABA. But yoga in particular stands out as a proven GABA booster, according to Be Brain Fit, a consumer resource for information about maintaining and improving cognitive and mental health based on scientific research. Yoga is quickly becoming a popular remedy for stress reduction, and now we are understanding at least in one way how yoga does help in making us feel good.
Next time your feeling overstimulated, overwhelmed and your finding it hard to relax and stay asleep -do something about it! First, ask the Maker of your amazing brain for help- then grab your mat and do yoga! It’s never too late to get the GABA BRAIN BUZZ and feel great!