3f1054058df6b49e08a77deefef4d015LAUGHING YES!!!!


I can’t help it. Yoga makes me laugh!

Sometimes I laugh while trying to smoothly, but awkwardly, move my body into pretzel-like positions. During yoga, I also try to move my body into positions that animals naturally ease into. You know the poses; cat, cow, eagle, crow, cobra, butterfly and downward dog to name a few. There are also every day ordinary things that yoga wants my body to resemble like trees, chairs, triangles, children and even corpses! Unfortunately, most human bodies are physically challenged when it comes to contorting like that – and mine is no exception!

Did you know that in yoga there is even a lion’s breathing technique? I wonder how ancient yogis know how a lion breathes? You can’t help but laugh seeing a human performing it or try it for yourself. You cannot help but laugh. Funny thing is, more and more people are getting into yoga everyday. But, do I really need to be so animal-like and twisted at my age?

Let’s face it, fifty seven is kind of old for an upward and downward dog daily workout. Ask me if fifty seven was old when I was young, and I would have called it ancient. Yet, after years of dance, ballet, gymnastics, skiing, karate, and even winning gold medals and national championships, my daily workouts presently consist of rolling around the floor with my eyes closed while being up side down most of the time. It’s a change!

The goals of my workouts have dramatically changed as well. At fifty seven, standing on my head and splitting my body in half is what I aim for daily. Pushing up easily into a wheel pose or bridge would be nice too! I also wish I could look halfway human during breathing exercises. I’ve sadly given up striving for a sixteen year old body that rocks all the cool yoga wear too. Yes, it’s always good to have workout goals in mind. Unfortunately, unless I get a newer version of my body all of my workout goals are pretty much unattainable. But, I do have hope and I will always try. I am a very happy fifty-seven year old. I am healthy and have little strands of silver glitter in my hair. I also get up every day and look forward to doing yoga. I guess because yoga makes me laugh!

I can only hope that yoga makes you laugh too!